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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Linear Circuits 1: DC Analysis by Georgia Institute of Technology

1,472 ratings

About the Course

This course explains how to analyze circuits that have direct current (DC) current or voltage sources. A DC source is one that is constant. Circuits with resistors, capacitors, and inductors are covered, both analytically and experimentally. Some practical applications in sensors are demonstrated....

Top reviews


Jul 7, 2023

I used this to prepare for my circuit analysis class next semester in college and found that this gave a lot of base knowledge to apply in my class and put me ahead of other students.


Apr 26, 2020

The course is very good for beginners and lab experiments related to sensors are good .Explanation of concepts with real time applications is a good asset of this course

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251 - 275 of 346 Reviews for Linear Circuits 1: DC Analysis

By Jaime A C S

Jan 31, 2021

Some questions are wrong, but excellent course

By Nimmaraju V S R V K

Mar 18, 2020

Explanation to every Lesson is Excellent.

By Deleted A

Jul 15, 2018

Great course but it needs forum support.

By Nayan B

Apr 20, 2019

Contains Errors but Excellent Otherwise

By wesley v m

Feb 14, 2018

very good course. It really helps me!

By Ankur A D

Feb 12, 2021

course was quite tough......


May 14, 2018

We can learn basics

By Naazim A K

Mar 24, 2019

Very Useful Course

By Dimitrios K

Sep 5, 2021

Has many mistakes

By Karn T

Jul 4, 2020

Good course...

By Sarthak A

Apr 7, 2019

pretty hard

By shiroli

Dec 30, 2020

thank you

By Emmanuel C

Jul 3, 2020



Apr 11, 2020



Mar 18, 2020


By M S M

Mar 11, 2020


By Premchander S

Apr 9, 2019


By David R

Jan 4, 2021

This course closely mirrors what I've seen in the first chapters of circuit analysis textbooks. There are a good amount of examples and practice problems with worked solutions and the lectures are clear and concise. But, there are some quizzes that only accept answers rounded in a certain way (without telling you), or answers that the auto-grader marks as wrong incorrectly. This leads to many hours spent scouring the forums for people who have had similar issues, or trying different solutions until something works. There are also quizzes that are either significantly more difficult than the example problems in the week's lesson, and quizzes that are much easier than the content covered. The community is active for the first couple of weeks of lessons, but then tapers off. Also, it doesn't seem like the faculty support the course actively. This would definitely be a five-star course if the auto-grading issues were fixed and it was a bit better supported.

By Deleted A

Jun 9, 2020

There was good content in the course. It definitely gave me the background information that I needed to make a career change into electrical engineer. The course instructors themselves were also excellent. However, there were several issues with the course that prevent me from rating it more highly. In no particular order, practice and quiz problems often cover material not presented in lectures (e.g. Op Amps--in fact, whole different sections of the course are alluded to in some lectures that don't seem to appear anywhere), many times correct answers are rejected by the grader (or there is no correct answer at all, as happened in the Module 6 Quiz), and sometimes entire problem sets are repeated in different lessons (half of the questions for the Module 7 Quiz come directly from the Module 5 and Module 6 Quizzes).

By Craig J

May 5, 2020

The lectures are very good, but the practice problems and quiz grading keys have a large number of errors that were never corrected. There don't appear to be any moderators.

If something's marked wrong, go to the discussion board and see what the other students who appear to be understanding the material say. Sometimes other students have discovered the quiz asked for voltage, but accepts current as right, sometimes it asks for answers rounded to three decimals but only accepts the answer rounded to 2, other times the answer is clear, but nobody's managed to figure out what the grader wanted (particularity on the quizzes for the final two weeks. Overall, good course to audit, but Coursera shouldn't be charging for quizzes until they are fixed.

By Andreas A

Jan 30, 2022

Just finished this course, I was hoping to get from this course a nice revision on DC circuits. Over all the course was ok, it has a couple annoying errors on the practice quizzes that are known for some time now but still there are not fixed. At week 2 there are some sample problems with Amps that are not taught in this course. Finally, the last week is pretty bad, there are not enough examples and the practice quizzes are in random order (for example you have to watch all the 5 theory videos of the week in order to answer lessons 7.3 practice quizzes). I really enjoy the lab demos and defiantly I wasn’t expecting them.

By Geert R

Feb 18, 2021

You can learn a lot from this course, but it isn't worth paying for the circuit. This course isn't maintained and there are a lot and I really mean A LOT of mistakes in the quizes, practice exercises and slides. Also sometimes the material quized doesn't correspond with the material discussed in the lecture. The last two modules aren't really DC Analysis anymore. They are better put in their AC analysis course as they cover Transient responses. In conclusion, you can learn a lot from this course, but be prepared to dive into the discussion form to find out that this course has a lot of annoying mistakes.

By David H

Jun 2, 2021

Of the dozen or so courses I have taken through Coursera, this is without doubt the worst.

The content is uneven across the different professors teaching the weeks of the course. There are many continuity issues as terms are used before they are introduced, if ever, and explanations are sometimes unclear. It seems that the quizzes have enough errors that they cannot be trusted. Finally, I'm not clear after going through the first 4 weeks what are the assumptions and applicability conditions of the material. I'm quite disappointed, but at least I was only auditing it.

By Jake A

Sep 22, 2021

You learn plenty in this course. The problem is that when you get something wrong, you don't know if you actually got it wrong, or if the auto grader is wrong. You will spend a lot of times in the discussion forums, part of the time because you don't understand how to attack the problem, but usually because you cannot see how you got it wrong (usually you didn't). Prepare for frustration, but you will be fairly confident in your skills by the time you're done, because you had to check it again and again, to be sure it was, in fact, the auto grader that is wrong.

By Mayank G

Aug 2, 2020

The course is a great way to review the basic circuit analysis. The content is good enough to solve for the dc parameters for any circuit irrespective of how complex it is. My main issue has been with number of errors in the course materials which can be really frustrating at times, including ones at the week end quizzes. Also instructors are not at all responsive, there is no reply whatsoever for any raised issue and looking at forums, i know this has been going for a long time now.