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2,840 results for "HTML"

  • University of Michigan

    Skills you'll gain: Computer Programming, Front-End Web Development, HTML and CSS, Semantic Web, Web Design, Web Development, Web Development Tools, Programming Principles, Strategy, User Experience Design

  • Skills you'll gain: HTML and CSS, Javascript, Front-End Web Development, React (web framework), Web Development, User Experience, Algorithms, Computer Science, Web Design, Application Development, Computer Programming, Software Engineering, Web Development Tools, Collaboration, Communication, Data Structures, Human Computer Interaction, Interactive Design, Linux, Problem Solving, Product Design, Software Engineering Tools, Software Testing

  • Skills you'll gain: Front-End Web Development, HTML and CSS, Javascript, Web Development

  • University of Michigan

    From the course: Introduction to HTML5·Lesson: Lesson 0: Welcome

  • University of Michigan

    From the course: Introduction to HTML5·Lesson: Lesson 1: History and Evolution

  • From the course: Introduction to HTML5·Lesson: Lesson 2: HTML5 Elements - Tags, Syntax, Semantics, and Templates

  • Placeholder

    University of Michigan

    From the course: Introduction to HTML5·Lesson: Lesson 5: Useful Tags

  • Placeholder

    Coursera Project Network

    Skills you'll gain: Web Development

  • Placeholder

    Skills you'll gain: Front-End Web Development, HTML and CSS, Javascript, React (web framework), Web Design, Web Development

  • Placeholder

    Skills you'll gain: HTML and CSS, Web Design

  • Placeholder

    From the course: Introduction to HTML, CSS, & JavaScript·Lesson: HTML Overview

  • Placeholder

    From the course: HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers·Lesson: Essential HTML5 Tags