Choose the plan that’s right for your students, faculty, and institution
From content and credentials and job-based learning to academic integrity and program management tools, you can find the right plan for you on Coursera.
Features Comparison
Content and Credentials
Access to Guided Projects, assessments, and quizzes
Verified Certificates upon course completion
Industry Micro-credentials
Access to courses from top universities
Private authoring tools
Job-based Learning
Access to job-based learning programs
Ability to set and configure skill goals
Ability to deliver automated course recs based on goals
Academic Integrity
Disable URL sharing and copy of peer reviews
Plagiarism tracking in Gradebook
Online proctoring & question variants in quizzes
Plagiarism detection through Turnitin
Peer review plagiarism flagging
Student Experience
Mobile apps (iOS & Android) & offline access
Online support centers for admins and students
Role based career exploration
Priority technical support for learners
Measurement & Tracking
Track learning hours and course completions
Track actual skills learned, proficiency, and time to mastery
Industry skill insights and benchmarking
Program Management
Manage and send invitations
Send custom communications
University-branded learning homepage
Customer success management
Institutional program reviews
Dedicated student onboarding services
Dedicated admin onboarding adoption services
Integrations (at additional cost)
Single sign-on (SSO)
API integrations
LMS integrations (Degreed, Cornerstone, CrossKnowledge, SuccessFactors)
Billing by Paypal or credit card
Billing by invoice (ACH for US customers only invoicing >25 licenses)

Coursera helps our students impress future employers and find the right path, the right career. It’s a big win for us and our students.