Mapúa University Partners with Coursera and Rises to Top 6% of Universities in the World

  • Industry:

    Higher Education

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  • Size:

    12,000+ students

  • Topics:

    Faculty development, Student employability, Curriculum integration

Mapua University Rises to Top 6% of Universities in the World
in university rankings in the Philippines


Mapúa University, founded in 1925 and located in Manila, Philippines, is the premier engineering and technological school of the Philippines. The university is committed to graduating students who can compete in the global arena by offering a curriculum that prepares students through industry-specific learning for in-demand jobs. Mapúa also wanted to provide faculty with ongoing opportunities to advance their skills and pursue more challenging research and innovation.

In pre-pandemic 2019, Mapúa partnered with Coursera to prepare students for what they perceived to be a seismic shift in education and employer demands, giving their students the skills and knowledge to make them more competitive in a global economy. Post-pandemic, Coursera is now deeply embedded across the curriculum and offered to students as for-credit learning. The content enables students to gain valuable skills and earn school credits through coursework created by other world-class universities and industry leaders, improving student employability outcomes. As Coursera supports curriculum development, faculty can now focus more on research and publishing while also upskilling within their disciplines.


Mapúa leadership outlined a primary goal to become a top global university, improving its ranking on the world stage. As part of this mission, they wanted to offer life-long learning, faculty upskilling and research opportunities, and improve graduate employability. They saw the need for a digital transformation supported by a proven partner that could enable hybrid and online learning, alongside traditional, in-person learning.

Mapúa sought a partner to support the high standards of its curriculum, which aligns with the standards of the Washington Accord – an international agreement providing mutual recognition among accredited engineering degree programs.

At the same time, the breadth of courses had to support cutting-edge, industry-specific skills development. “We were looking to attain world-class university status,” says Dr. Reynaldo B. Vea, iPeople Chairman and CEO and President of Mapúa University. “This means we needed a learning partner that brought global expertise to many areas, including faculty development, industry-specific preparation, research, and more.”

Dr. Reynaldo B. Vea

iPeople Chairman and CEO and President of Mapúa University

Through our teams’ outcomes-based approach, commitment, and support by our partnership with Coursera, Mapúa University has broken into the Times Higher Education (THE), World University Rankings for 2023.


Coursera for Campus

In pre-pandemic 2019, Mapúa partnered with Coursera to prepare students for what they perceived to be a seismic shift in education and employer demands, giving students the skills and knowledge to make them more competitive in a global economy.

Post-pandemic, Coursera is now deeply embedded across the curriculum - more than 80% of the Mapúa curriculum incorporates Coursera content - and is available to students as part of for-credit learning. In close collaboration with Coursera, Mapúa provides students with more outcomes-based education - from foundational learning to skill-based pathways, specializations, and highly regarded industry certifications - that improves employability after graduation.

Mapúa students enjoy access to Coursera’s leading university and industry partners, including Duke, Yale, and Johns Hopkins, among others, with classes in high-demand areas like data analytics, cloud computing, and machine learning.

According to Dr. Vea, “We mapped the outstanding Coursera content to our outcomes-based curriculum to address gaps and help improve graduate employability. As students’ knowledge grows, more opportunities open up to them worldwide.”

Mapúa also supports its faculty with access to Coursera for professional development. Through upskilling with Coursera, educators can incorporate the latest data and industry trends to support their teaching and academic research – which are key elements of Mapúa’s strategic plan and drivers of success as a global university. An additional advantage of offering Coursera for faculty development has been the positive impact on faculty retention and recruitment.

According to Professor R. Tosoc, “As a college professor, I appreciate Coursera’s Introduction to Psychology course, which provides not only a deeper understanding of the subject matter but has also helped with my instruction and delivery of the information to my own students. The different concepts and topics I learned support me and my students taking Psychiatric Nursing.”


Business impact

Supported by its partnership with Coursera, Mapúa University is a high performer in teaching, research, and industry-specific coursework with a global perspective. Mapúa’s estimates now show that it ranks among the global top six percent of universities in the world and it has broken into the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings for 2023. Notably, Mapúa is only one of four universities in the Philippines to achieve World University Rankings from THE.

As a result of these accolades, Mapúa enrollments are up, graduate employability rates are on the rise, and the university commands a space on the international stage for higher education.

With 80 percent of the Mapúa curriculum supported by Coursera content, faculty has more time to dedicate to research. According to THE World University Rankings, Mapúa ranks second among Philippine universities in the area of research.

Moving forward

Mapúa wants to deepen student skills within the Philippines by expanding online academic options while broadening Coursera access to all students, faculty, and alumni. There are also plans to implement Coursera SkillSets and role-based learning.

With its digital transformation, Mapúa aims to become the first university in the Philippines to author projects and assessments on Coursera.

“Through our teams’ outcomes-based approach, commitment, and support by our partnership with Coursera, Mapúa University has broken into the Times Higher Education (THE), World University Rankings for 2023,” says Dr. Vea. “As we achieve these critical milestones, we’re eager to further explore the full potential of our partnership with Coursera.”



of the Mapúa curriculum incorporates Coursera content

+ Increase in student enrollment and employability

+ Improved faculty retention and recruitment

Dr. Reynaldo B. Vea

The learning outcomes we achieve with Coursera lead to better licensure exam results and improved employability, which drive increases in enrollment. Our graduates receive excellent feedback from industry leaders as they make positive contributions to their fields and society.

Map-3Fa University
Dr. Reynaldo B. Vea
iPeople Chairman and CEO and President of Mapúa University

Accelerate your campus transformation

With Coursera for Campus, you’ll build on top of your curriculum with innovative, career-aligned courses and microcredentials to strengthen employment outcomes that attract students and increase enrollments.