
The Fastest-Growing Job Skills of 2024: A Discussion with Learning Leaders

Explore the fastest-growing skills shaping organizations today

The fast-paced adoption of skills like machine learning, customer experience, and network engineering are revolutionizing the ways we work and reshaping the global talent landscape.

Watch this exclusive webinar to hear from a panel of learning leaders about the fastest-growing skills for empowering employees, students, and citizens with the skills needed for thriving careers.

Moderated by Coursera’s Principal, Skills Transformation, Nicole Amaral, this session will help both public- and private-sector leaders discover which in-demand skills to prioritize when creating training programs at scale.


Amanda Brophy

Director, Grow with Google, Google

Leon Katsnelson

Director & CTO, IBM Skills Network, IBM

Karina Montilla Edmonds

SVP, Global Head of Academies and University Alliances, SAP
