
New Ideas to Maximize Skills Development for Business Students

Given that career preparation is the second most important factor to students choosing a university (per a recent Coursera/Dynata survey), it’s imperative that business schools prepare students with career-ready skills.

Tune in to discover how two leading business schools are driving employment results for graduates using Coursera’s flexible online learning platform. In “New Ideas to Maximize Skills Development for Business Students,” leaders from Hult International Business School and Alberta School of Business share their experiences and insights.

In this on-demand session, you can:

  • Learn how these leaders are equipping a wider array of business students with today’s most in-demand skills through online MBAs, industry certificates, and more.
  • Gain insights into innovative learning programs and get new strategies for supporting incoming students.
  • Discover how to facilitate stronger pathways to business careers and realize similar outcomes for your program.


Mona Dhillon

Executive Vice President and Provost at Hult International Business School

Kyle Murray

Dean – School of Business at University of Alberta