Understand your learners’ progress

Leverage the Skills Dashboard to make informed decisions that maximize training effectiveness and advance workforce development goals

  • Understand your skill gaps
  • Uncover the ROI of learning
  • Benchmark skills
Design goal-based learning programs that matter to your organization today
ROI per Coursera learner gained via increased productivity, efficiency, and revenue
Source: IDC x Coursera for Business Impact Study 

Understand Skill Gaps

Track workforce skill development

Access the most comprehensive skill reporting on the market— with over 117 trackable skills across business, technology, and data. Understand Skill Development and Distribution, Skill Mastery, Learner Effort, Industry Benchmarking and more.

Track employee’s progress in developing new skills

Uncover ROI

Report on the positive impact of upskilling

Drive progress toward your workforce development goals with access to custom skill breakdowns.

Introduce new content to your workforce using insights into the top skills learners are developing.

Uncover ROI

Benchmark Skills

Compare your organization’s skill proficiency

Identify growth opportunities and understand the competitiveness of your workforce relative to regional peers. Guide resourcing decisions for future workforce investment.

Benchmark skills

Track and measure skills development

Benchmark learning progress to better understand the training and insights you need to develop your workforce