
Miguel Antón is Professor in the Department of Financial Management at IESE Business School. He received his undergraduate and master's degrees in economics from the University of Navarra. He holds an MSc in finance and economics from CEMFI, a research institution created by the Bank of Spain. He received his Ph.D. in finance from The London School of Economics (LSE) and is currently a research affiliate of the Financial Markets Group. Prof. Antón received the Best Student Award during his undergraduate studies at the Universidad de Navarra and the Department of Finance Graduate Teaching Assistant Prize at LSE. He was invited to attend the Yale Summer School Behavioral Finance Program with a full scholarship. He is a former Fundación Ramón Areces and Asociación de Amigos de la Universidad de Navarra scholar. Prof. Antón's principal areas of academic and research activity include empirical asset pricing, the impact of institutional trading in asset prices, mutual fund performance, contagion in credit markets, and determinants of systemic risk. Prof. Antón has been a visiting fellow at Harvard University, and has presented at international conferences such as the Western Finance Association meetings, the Whitebox Student Conference at Yale University, the Finance Forum in Spain, and the Royal Economic Society Ph.D. Conference in London. He has also given seminars in more than a dozen institutions, including Harvard Business School, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Rotman School of Management in Toronto, HEC Paris, Instituto de Empresa in Madrid, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and others. He is also a research consultant to private institutions. Prior to his academic career, Prof. Antón worked for the Bank of New York and BBVA research departments.

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