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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Data Scientist’s Toolbox by Johns Hopkins University

33,854 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will get an introduction to the main tools and ideas in the data scientist's toolbox. The course gives an overview of the data, questions, and tools that data analysts and data scientists work with. There are two components to this course. The first is a conceptual introduction to the ideas behind turning data into actionable knowledge. The second is a practical introduction to the tools that will be used in the program like version control, markdown, git, GitHub, R, and RStudio....
Foundational tools

(243 Reviews)

Introductory course

(1056 Reviews)

Top reviews


Apr 14, 2020

As a business student from Bangladesh who is aspiring to be a data analyst in near future, I love this course very much. The quizzes and assessments were the places to check how much I exactly learnt.


Sep 7, 2017

It was really insightful, coming from knowing almost nothing about statistics or experimental design, it was easy to understand while not feeling shallow. Just the right amount of information density.

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151 - 175 of 7,130 Reviews for The Data Scientist’s Toolbox

By Arijit D

Dec 27, 2017

Beautifully set series of lectures that gave an in depth view of what Data Scientists are thinking of in this modern era of human excellence. The slide font to be slightly increased and the sound quality too.

My teacher of the course has given his best and their could be no comparison of his efforts.

Thanks to team Coursera for setting up such a beautiful set of learning material.

By José A R N

Oct 16, 2017

My name is Jose Antonio. I am looking for a new Data Scientist career (

I did this course to get new knowledge about Data Science and better understand the technology and your practical applications.

The course was excellent and the classes well taught by the teacher.

Congratulations to Coursera team and Instructors.


Jose Antonio.

By Sai C

Apr 9, 2020

It was a great Toolbox..!

It seemed to be simple but yet it was challenging as it was the first time I was exposed to Data Science, R, R studio and even GitHub.

It effortlessly made me focus on simple tasks.

Which made me more curious about how effective other courses might be.

Looking forward to learning and growing my skills with this wonderful platform.

Thank you, Coursera...!

By Nino P

May 24, 2019

Not really interesting course, but good for start. You won't learn much beyond setting up github account and downloading R, but it fits well in the overall specialization. The feel is that this course is like the first day of school, you don't do much of work, but you still need to come. I do not recommend taking this course alone, but I do recommend taking the specialization.

By Mohammad K A

Sep 17, 2018

The Data Scientist’s Toolbox Training helped me learn the elementary and essentials of data science concepts as well as it is interesting project submission and reviewing others’ submitted projects. It is an incredible learning experience from Coursera’s Data Science Course from Johns Hopkins University industry experts. I would like to rate my Data Science instructors a 5/5.

By Vinay R K

Feb 13, 2016

The Data Scientist's Toolbox the second course that i have taken in the Coursera. I have completed this course in a short time but the course is awesome and providing info from basic and videos are helping a lot. I think to become a data scientist this is the best place to start pleased to complete rest of the course also. Thank you Coursera for providing such awesome course.

By sp c

Dec 19, 2020

Awesome! To know how to deal with technical difficulties and get familiar with R and R Studio before even programming it's a good first step and certifies that i will be a reliable Data Scientist because i will be able to deal with installation issues and compatibility situations without depending on others for thriving in my own work. Highly professional, thanks very much.

By Sourabh M

Jul 12, 2023

This is a great course for beginners who're looking to get into data science. However, setup of RStudio, linking with github, etc., especially on an iMac may require a little bit of online research that goes beyond the course (and that's a good thing!). For instance, I had no idea what Terminal even was - had to look it up.

But this is a great introduction to data science.

By Preity Y

Apr 11, 2020

In this course, you will get great insights about tools that comes handy in your journey towards being a Data Scientist. The curriculum is very well designed to cover all the relevant and helpful tools. Whether you are new in the data science domain or an expert, it's always helpful to brush up your knowledge about frequently used tools to ease off the main analysis work.

By Dimitris T

Apr 6, 2016

The course has been designed in an optimum way so that no strong backround in programming or statistics is required. By the end of the course you will be familiar with the necessary tools (Rstudio, GitHub) for data analysis. Moreover you will have a sound knowledge of the basic concepts in data analysis. It is an excellent way to introduce the student to data analysis.

By Filip B

Mar 11, 2016

This course is (as stated) suitable for beginners on the subject. It gives a very good introduction to it, and helps people learn more about what the data science is all about, how it works and which tools are usedby data scientists.

This course helped me to determine if the path I was thinking of taking as a career options is really interesting for me at this point.

By Primadina H

May 30, 2020

Firstly, this course was challanging for me, especially to understand linking github in R. I have known R, however I never use git or github before. I have stucked for little moment to understand about it and missed my deadline. It was because I'd need some times to understand and elaborate it. And now, I can passed the course, and I'am happy. Thank you Coursera.

By Rayne K

Jan 27, 2016

So far this course is given at a pace that is just perfect. The instructors explain concepts in ways that make the subject matter easy to learn, particularly for someone who loves data, but is terrified of heavy mathematical concepts. I've taken similar courses at local community colleges where class size is much smaller, and have been very disappointed. So f

By brittany f

Feb 5, 2023

This course was very challenging, but as long as you follow along with the activities and course readings thoroughly then you'll do great. If you're somewhat familiar with coding or at least web design then you should do fine. I like how the course has a video and then another section afterwards is the video in text. Thanks for offering this course!


Aug 10, 2020

Muy clara la explicación de las herramientas. Lo mejor es la introducción que se le da a herramientas como github para poder crear tus propios proyectos. Defitivamente es muy útil para los que no tenían ni idea de como ingresar a estas plataformas. El curso se puede terminar en 3 o 4 dias facilmente usando un par de horas por día. Gracias al equipo.

By Edmund J L O

May 11, 2016

This course gives a wonderful introduction to the world of data science. You'l probably finish it with plenty of time to spare which makes jumping in the middle of the next course very tempting. I did that and i had a hard time. It would be best to familiarize yourself with the other commands in github and explore the many helpful sites instead.

By Indrajeet M

Jul 25, 2021

Data science has emerged as one of the most important pillars in today's competitive environment. It is vital to educate yourself on the subject. Coursera is a fantastic resource for anyone who wants to learn something new, quick and easi manner. Coursera offers a variety of courses that everyone should take advantage of. Thank you, Coursera team.

By Atul

Oct 20, 2020

As I want to become a Data scientist and I enrolled in this course this course is amazing teaches allot of thing. As when I enrolled in this course they taught me from the basics. In my past 2-3 years I was not knowing about Rstudio, R-programming etc. But coursera taught everything from basic. Now I fell that I have enrolled in the right course

By Igors K

Mar 12, 2019

good tool tips but with some hard to make SSH and pull not working downloaded github desktop and take projects from RStudio and pull, using github desktop maybe add some tips for this program because to some person it will help like me, every have diferent PC and language.(Searched google every writing about some space not about solving problem)

By chitradeep g

May 16, 2017

I would like to thank Coursera team for providing such a good opportunity specifically the mentors of JHU, for sharing excellent video lectures. I would recommend my friends, colleagues, and juniors about this course, who is having keen interest to grow into the field of data science. Looking forward to complete the upcoming series of sessions.

By Vanessa K

Sep 9, 2020

This was a great beginner course given that I had no previous experience with coding or R Programming. It went at a good pace, I could work on my own time, and I appreciated the option for both video and script. While it only taught basics, it provided websites and connections needed to continue my understanding of the data science community.

By Rolands Š

Apr 18, 2020

Course is not as time-intensive, however it contains a lot of important information and helps lay out solid foundation in data science. Information is presented in an easily digestible and engaging manner, including some fun references/easter eggs that help lighten the mood. Tutorials for software are also easy to follow. Highly recommended.

By Theresa B

Aug 11, 2018

I really loved the presentation style. It cratered to all learning styles which I find to be essential for online coursework. The information was basic, but it never hurts to have a solid foundation before going to the next level. Since the next course really throws learners into the deep-end, this course is necessary to be ready to go.

By Robin W

Jan 24, 2022

Excellent. Easy to follow. Great practice quizzes after each section. Notes available as text or video option. Definitely feel prepared for the next courses in the specialization. Great overview of R in relation to version control and other systems. I learned at least 3 software platforms in this course including RStudio and GitHub.

By Dr S D S

Apr 23, 2021

Its a good Course. The Questions and Assignment were framed well to make us think. Although I do feel much more questions should be added to properly assess the level of expertise achieved from the course. Then you would also be able to grade the level of expertise achieved and this would help in stratifying students as per their needs.