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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation by American Museum of Natural History

3,172 ratings

About the Course

This course is an introduction to ecology and ecosystem dynamics using a systems thinking lens. Through a case study on Mozambique's Gorongosa National Park, learners will explore how scientists study ecosystems, and investigate the complex array of factors that inform management efforts. At the end of the course, learners will be able to grapple with real-world conservation questions, such as whether an ecosystem can recover from anthropogenic disruption and what role humans can, and should, play in that recovery....

Top reviews


Jun 1, 2019

This was particularly in-depth on the sciences of ecology, and having it based around a particular conservation project made it easier to follow each progressive lecture and concept that was explored.


Jan 3, 2021

One of the best course, I have ever taken. The materials is not hard to follow and the in-depth explanation gives you a proper new perspective which is still open to debate due to conservation topic

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76 - 100 of 854 Reviews for Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation



Feb 4, 2023

-I Enjoyed Doing This Very Interesting & Well-Presented Course On Ecology!

~It Has Made Me More Aware As To Why It Is Important For Us Humans To Respect/Coexist Responsibly/Caringly With Nature And The World Around Us .

=> I Thank Coursera For The Encouragment And Motivation Received To Complete This Module Inspite Of The Interruptions I Suffered Due To Cyclone Tauktae That Affected My Area(Goa) In May,2021. I Am Deeply Grateful-Much Appreciated!

By Tejas K G


Jul 16, 2020

Was a nice course and I get to learn much more new new points on biodiversity conservation and the changes which are occurring in our surrounding. Random methods and experiments which we can do to to study what Are changes occurring is biodiversity due to our activities. And thank you To ecology : system dynamics and conservation team. Also thank you to coursera to provide such a great cause to us.

Thank you 😊.

By Pedro P D G


Mar 28, 2023

Probably the best course i've done. The way the theme was approched, using Gorongosa Nacional Park as case to study, made very clear to undestand the effects and consequences of each action taken. The amazing amount of data presented by incredible speakers guaranteed the full undestanding of the content. Defenitelly was worth every second and effort, hope to the see this environment with my own eyes someday.

By Shah M A R


Sep 15, 2020

This was not the first time I have attended a class in this format .I really enjoy the whole time and wondered how effective it would be. It was very effective and therefore I would definitely be interested in attending other classes in Ecology. The instructor was very knowlegeable and provided a wealth of information about the ecology topics . Also the readings,quiz material and others are very good enough.

By Irving G S


Aug 2, 2023

Un curso completísimo. Abarca un gran contenido en ecología que permite darse una idea profunda de como funcionan los ecosistemas y como es que todo esta relacionado. Las lecturas son largas, con muchos recursos para lograr un conocimiento profundo, un curso muy bien estructurado. Abarca lo biológico, ecológico, matemático y social. Imprescindible para quien se dedica a la conservación de la biodiversidad.

By Erick C S


Dec 20, 2020

Amazing course, I especially liked the lectures included from 2015, and the video about keystone species was on another level, so interesting and so crystal clear. If you're thinking about giving this course a shot, go for it!

I joined this course expecting it to be good, but at the end I was so engaged that I'll gladly continue learning more about the subject, and I have a different vision about this world.

By Pablo P R


Apr 10, 2022

This course has given me the opportunity to explore a field that I have always interested on and was very curious about. It has given me a broad view of several points of view in terms of ecology, as well as given me a good base on the fundamental concepts.

Very interesting concepts are explored all along the course which will feed your hunger for knowledge constantly. I cannot recommend it enough.



Jul 1, 2020

I realy like the course. I love Ecology and I think this course is very simple and easy for everyone to understand the foundations of ecology and conservation. I liked that they structured the course in the form of a case study. I didn't know Gorongosa National Park, such a beautiful park, and I found the project developed on the site very interesting. Then I recommend the course to other people.

By Lucia S


Oct 4, 2019

I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to learn from such knowledgeable and commited researchers and educators about ecosystems since I believe it is the most necessary knowledge to aquire right now in order to understand and save ourselves from ourselves. This course is extraordinary and if I could of course I would buy the certificate. I hope I can get it later if it is possible for you.

By Aukse H


Jun 11, 2020

I really enjoyed the course and learnt a lot! I found that the reading times for me were not quite accurate, I don't consider myself a slow reader, but each paper took around 20-30mins to get through, therefore each lesson took much longer than the suggested time. It's just something to keep in mind, either way I highly recommend it if you want to find out more about Ecology and ecosystems.

By Bruna P d S


Mar 10, 2023

This was a really interesting course. I may be biased because I am really passionate about Ecology and Conservation, but I really learned a lot. The only downside of this course was that I was so immersed and learning so much, really enjoying all the knowledge to the point I started wishing I could go and work with conservation already. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn!

By Sarha K


Sep 10, 2021

I come from a completely irrelevant background in the sense that I had essentially 0 insight and knowledge on ecology, ecosystems, and conservation efforts; I wasn't sure whether I would be able to follow along or if I would gain anything, but I feel I have learned so much. This course has really opened up an area of interest for me and was presented in a very palatable way.

By Matej B


Apr 2, 2020

Very well structured course, the main distinctive features - heavy use of real world scenario of conservation in Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique which showcases many of the theoretical concepts explained; lectures by established experts from best universities; systems thinking lens; first-seat look into how conservation science works in practice. Strongly recommended!

By Macarena


Apr 3, 2020

Este curso brinda una visión integral de cómo afrontar las problemáticas ambientales y da a entender la importancia de un enfoque claro para iniciar una investigación y cómo el mismo proceso puede modificar las necesidades y los retos.

Muy motivador ver el trabajo en la reserva de Gorongoza y todo el camino que han recorrido. Esto mismo lo hace un curso con aplicación.

By Ianina O


Mar 24, 2021

I'm amazed by the clarity and depth of these lectures. It's mind blowing how the vision about what we need to change, clears out. Our approach and decision making is key to achieve a more sustainable way of life for this planet.

But then again the saying: "it's in its nature" becomes self-explanatory when we wonder why we struggle so hard to get there, right?

By Заплитный И Д


May 26, 2019

Thank you very much for your hard but so fruitful work. For me, as a political scientist, it was extremely interesting to learn about various aspects of the formation, management and preservation of the environment, to get acquainted with the various theories and views of scientists-practitioners on such urgent and disturbing problems. From Russia with love.

By Dr. S K


May 16, 2020

I am a post graduate in zoology especially on the field of biodiversity conservation and management, so I am very interested in ecology and conservation of biodiversity. So, for that this course is an excellent one for people to get ideas about ecology and their conservation strategies. We can earn from the organisms level or species level to the biosphere.

By José


Jun 7, 2020

i would like to state how much i enjoyed this course, and how motivating i found it. I believe it's very well organized and complete, meeting many key ecological concepts and taking into account the human roll in conservation, which is becoming more and more important. Many thanks and congratulations to the team behind this course, you did a great job!


By Micaela R


Aug 6, 2019

As an environmental manager, there weren't many new topics for me, but I did learn more details and acquired richness to knowledge I already had. I did, though, learn a lot about conservation efforts and system thinking. This is an amazing course, clear enough for beginners and rich enough for experienced environmentalists/ecologists to enjoy both alike.



May 27, 2020

Ecology can no longer be termed as field of study for environmentalists and nature enthusiasts. As termed in the course, we are in the era called Anthropocene and we are the major players of the entire world. This also comes with the novel and pristine responsibility. We humans have to protect what is ours- the amazing biodiversity of the planet Earth.

By Ella M


Apr 20, 2020

I am a Scottish high school student currently studying biology and I wanted to learn more about ecology and conservation practices. I completed this course whilst at home because of the current covid-19 situation and it has kept me occupied and interested and left with the desire to learn more about ecology and human impacts on biodiversity, thank you!

By Faria H


Oct 19, 2022

This course was so fascinating and enriched with loads of information. I enjoyed the whole learning process and and have gathered valuable knowledge about our ecosystem, its process and interaction with the species. This course has also helped me in many ways that I hardly can explain. Too grateful to be a part of this course.


Fantasha Faria

By Nikhil D


Nov 13, 2020

Great overview of ecosystems, with captivating examples and fascinating lectures to keep the learner's attention. Not too technical in nature and broad enough to engage anyone, while it is contextualized for today's current challenges faced. The only assignments are multiple choice tests that are simple enough with a review of material. Great course!

By Theresa W


Jul 28, 2020

I really enjoyed this course and learned a lot! As a current college student studying biology, I found this course very valuable for looking at ecology from a broader perspective and especially appreciated the numerous examples included. It would be hard to come away from this course without looking at at least some aspects of ecology in a new light.

By Aditya S


Aug 8, 2022

Splendid course! Systems thinking and thinking about the different stakeholder perspectives that goes into ecosystem and biodiversity preservation was something that was definitely new to me. This course proved to me how interconnected different abiotic and biotic factors of each ecosystem actually are. Would 100% recommend to everyone out there!