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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Embedded Software and Hardware Architecture by University of Colorado Boulder

476 ratings

About the Course

Embedded Software and Hardware Architecture is a first dive into understanding embedded architectures and writing software to manipulate this hardware. You will gain experience writing low-level firmware to directly interface hardware with highly efficient, readable and portable design practices. We will now transition from the Host Linux Machine where we built and ran code in a simulated environment to an Integrated Development Environment where you will build and install code directly on your ARM Cortex-M4 Microcontroller. Course assignments include writing firmware to interact and configure both the underlying ARM architecture and the MSP432 microcontroller platform. The course concludes with a project where you will develop a circular buffer data structure. In this course you will need the Texas Instruments LaunchPad with the MSP432 microcontroller in order to complete the assignments. Later courses of the Specialization will continue to use this hardware tool to develop even more exciting firmware....

Top reviews


Sep 9, 2019

Very Good course intermediate or even advance level for embedded systems programming. I highly recommend this course for who wants to learn writing good quality, maintainable and portable code


Dec 5, 2021

It was a very efficient course to refresh my knowledge on embedded systems. The lecturer's voice and the visuals that he has used were pretty supporting to concentrate on the videos.

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76 - 100 of 109 Reviews for Embedded Software and Hardware Architecture

By karthik r

Sep 22, 2021


Jul 9, 2021


By Michal S

Apr 16, 2020

It was a good course, with a coherent content and extension of the topics covered in the previous course in the series, "Introduction to Embedded Systems Software and Development Environments". I highly recommend to do the introductory course before starting this one. From what I know, before it was a whole specialization consisted of more courses (maybe 4) but they are not available anymore. I guess there were some significant mistakes in the following courses, this is why they took them down. Unfortunately, there were no programming assignments as in the previous course. Moreover, there was no real need to have the MSP432 hardware to complete the course so I don't understand why it was put in the course requirements. Nevertheless, the course provides you with a lot of knowledge and it's a natural continuation of the introductory course.

By Hakhan O

Aug 25, 2021

Very high level course. Too fast explanation with slides, lots of information included. It should give students to get chance to write and detail review the examples..

By Ajibade S

Apr 20, 2020

Excellent course for the introduction of ARM Cortex Architecture. It gave me insight on Micro-controller inter routines.

By Jensen, S "

Nov 24, 2020

This was excellent. The instructor is very clear and easy to understand. The hardware was never needed though?

By Prasanna V S

Feb 7, 2024

I had a great learnings from this course, could have be more elaborative but still this is a very good course

By Ashish L

May 22, 2023

course is superb but provide some hands on through microcontroller simulation tool.

By Mauricio B B

Oct 12, 2020

I like, very interesting to aboard a good firmware development in microcontrollers

By David R

Apr 25, 2020

Great Content. Not alot done with the micocontroller though.

By Deleted A

Jan 6, 2022

Excellent presentation. Concepts are very clear.

By Angelos S

Dec 11, 2018

Very good, could do with more than three weeks.

By gc j

Mar 23, 2019

It was a good learning experience

By Jerry X

Nov 14, 2021

No practical assignments !!!

By Sandeep D

Dec 10, 2020

Excellent course.

By Rakshitha D

Jul 27, 2020

awsome sessions

By Piyush K

Oct 12, 2020

Just do it.

By Mwanga O

Aug 9, 2023


By it's m c

Sep 2, 2022


By Tharinda U D

Jun 17, 2020


By Mohammad. F S

Jun 3, 2020


By Sunkugalla R

Apr 13, 2020


By Pablo C

Feb 13, 2021

The course presents several interesting concepts, but the lack of practical tasks makes the course loose a lot of its potential. I did the first module of the specialization as well, and the difference between the depth among the 2 is huge. While the first had a coding task for each week of the course, this one consisted of just presenting some concepts and a multiple selection quiz for each week.

Finally, there is no need to buy the hardware for this course as it is not used in this module. Overall, very interesting material but the lack of practical tasks makes it loose some points.

By Eser G

Dec 15, 2020

The provided information is very useful and the delivery is also great. However, it is extremely brief and feels like a trailer rather than a course. There are no assignments where you have to write code, and the development board that's supposed to be required is barely used. Most of the concepts are touched but left for later. Considering that there are no more courses (even though Coursera says this is 2 of 4), this is a big disappointment.

By Aleksandr B

Mar 1, 2021

Это полностью теоретический курс, ни одной сторочки реального кода вы в нем не напишите.

В начале курса просять купить dev board, но никакой практики с ней тоже не будет.

Отсутвует ссылки на исходный код примеров или презентации.

Реальный объем куса - намного меньше заявленного.

Спокойно можено пройти курс за 3 вечера. Часик на видео и пол часа на тесты каждой недели.