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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

88,965 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


Apr 28, 2016

Great course. Took it since it was the most popular MOOC on coursera,. Have started using a few of the techniques and they are very effective. Highly recommended no matter who you are and what you do.


Aug 1, 2020

This course accumulates a clear and valuable set of thoughts that structure knowledge about learning principles and tactics. Also, it was interesting to know some new things about how the brain works.

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251 - 275 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By Deleted A

Dec 4, 2019

Since the original book "A Mind for Numbers" written by Dr. Barbara Oakley came out some years ago alongside the other books and studies, if you have been highly interested in learning method you might see the ideas in this course whether via books or online like I did. In spite of the fact that there rarely was a totally new method I got to know, it was great to see all the brilliant ideas in one place with supportive references so I don't need to worry about false myths and unreasonable remedies.

The lecture is about learning, and the best point of this lecture is that it is about not only 'study' itself but also things for a better study such as preventing procrastination and test-taking tips. Dr. Barbara also gives you some mindful advice for learning to help you not to be afraid of taking a new step and not to judge your own ability and give up too early and too easily. Personally, I do not like most of the self-help books which point out all the problem could be changed if you think differently. However, her lecture was a bit different since she actually helps you find a better perspective on your problem and let you know it is not only you who have the same problem and it is able to be solved.

You could finish this course without paying option and there are honour contents that will give you further understanding and extra recognition for the course. There is no doubt that by having this course I would be better prepared for my further study.

By Njavig

Dec 1, 2017

Since the original book "A Mind for Numbers" written by Dr. Barbara Oakley came out some years ago alongside the other books and studies, if you have been highly interested in learning method you might see the ideas in this course whether via books or online like I did. In spite of the fact that there rarely was a totally new method I got to know, it was great to see all the brilliant ideas in one place with supportive references so I don't need to worry about false myths and unreasonable remedies.

The lecture is about learning, and the best point of this lecture is that it is about not only 'study' itself but also things for a better study such as preventing procrastination and test-taking tips. Dr. Barbara also gives you some mindful advice for learning to help you not to be afraid of taking a new step and not to judge your own ability and give up too early and too easily. Personally, I do not like most of the self-help books which point out all the problem could be changed if you think differently. However, her lecture was a bit different since she actually helps you find a better perspective on your problem and let you know it is not only you who have the same problem and it is able to be solved.

You could finish this course without paying option and there are honor contents that will give you further understanding and extra recognition for the course. There is no doubt that by having this course I would be better prepared for my further study.

By Darious N

Jan 19, 2019

GREAT COURSE: Are you a passionate learner but sometimes feel that you could do better with your learning? Well, this course could do magic for you. I have loved every bit of the course from the moment I signed up. It has given me an opportunity on reflect on my learning and the effectiveness of the methods I use. The course takes a deep look into how the brain works and how we can make our brains better because brains are the part of the body responsible for our learning. The facilitators especially Terry made me feel like I have studied the brain for loving. Barbara keeps on provide valuable techniques for learning which i surely wouldn't have known if I didn't take this course. Thanks for those tips. As a result of this course, I am sure that my learning and study time is going to be more enjoyable and I hope to improve my grades in my masters study because the techniques and tips from here can not leave you the same. Same of bad habits like procrastination and last minute study we tackled and ideas to overcome them provided. Who am I to remain the same? I am truly grateful to God that I found this course. A big thank you to the facilitators once again and Coursera for this Knowledge. I highly recommend anyone looking to improve their learning methods to start with this course if he/she has not done it. If you are indeed passionate about learning, this course could do all the Magics for you. Thank you

By Steve S

Dec 9, 2018

I can't even begin to describe how helpful this course was for me. In school, I thought I had a learning disability. My reading comprehension was poor, my memory was not that great. I had terrible study habits.

I didn't do that great at tests...

What this course has helped me conclude is that, I just didn't know how to learn very well. In fact, I don't think schools teach this enough to students when they are learning to form their "very first chunks".

Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terry Sejnowski have broken down the learning process and have explained it in a very simple way, using a ton of visual examples, (which by the way is a great way to retain information) and have given me a deeper understanding of using creative learning techniques to simply learning better.

They are also very passionate and excited about teaching and that makes a huge difference. They are wonderful instructors and enjoy what they do. It shows in their lectures and course material. Their videos are funny and it just made everything so much more enjoyable.

My biggest take away from this course is that you can use science to explain how something works, but learning - that's where it becomes personal. It is a journey that is special to you, that is unique to you and only you. And if you know how to do it better, you're rewarding yourself, and you will enjoy everything you do and learn much better moving forward in your life.

Take this class. I loved it!

By Miguel

May 9, 2020

5 stars and kudos to Dr Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski for a job well done. I've enjoyed the course and completed the 4 weeks in 1 week. Also enjoyed reading and watching the optional videos and articles. The stories and concepts are inspiring. It goes to show anyone can learn if given the right techniques to learn and if the person is motivated and commited. We are home during this covid-19 pandemic so it's been tough juggling computer time to do things but I managed to do so and if I can do it, so can you. I did at night and early morning to give everyone a chance and when the family was taking a break for lunch, I grabbed the laptop to do optional readings and videos. The quizzes were fine and the final test was good. I enjoyed doing the week 3 project. I haven't received a grade on the project but I did grade and provided feedback to my peers who completed the projects. I took the oneline course at coursera for free so I did not pay for it nor have a certification for it. I did get 100's and 89's on the quizzes and tests and on the final got a 92%. My point is if you plan to further yourself, it's a good idea to take this course with the expectation that you are paying for it and the professors expect only your best performance. It's your future and your life, learning how to learn will change some things in you. Best wishes and thank you to my two professors - it was a pleasure! -Miguel

By Samah A J

Jan 7, 2021

Let me whisper that I joined the course out of boredom and curiosity but completing it healed my trauma. At least, passing “Learning How to Learn” on 31 December 2020 made my year, not only my day.

Recently, since May 2020, shame, feelings of inadequacy, and panic attacks invade my life. They started with Corona Occupation. You will forgive my metaphor when you know that I am a Syrian who tries to make life in Germany & I am a refugee who was raised up by refugees and works with refugees.

It is not easy to keep positive when your social circle drags you down. It is not easy to keep the faith when your team questions whatever you do. I could survive fleeing my country and the camp daily routine and many other issues but not the chaotic uncertain environment which created the inadequacy feeling that suffocated me till Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski opened my eyes to see all the doors. Just learning about Imposter Syndrome opened those doors.

In my journal, the first entry is “Learning is not enough to put the information into practice. I have been teaching those ideas and bringing those tools to my students for years but, personally speaking, a tomato is not enough to reduce the tension or to create a shelter during the lockdown. I will stop this course!”

“a tomato to stay focused and an apple to keep the doctor away and deep sleeping to live healthy, I need no more”, I doted these words in Arabic.

By thomas f

Jan 7, 2023

This course is a must-have if you plan on being/becoming/remaining a life-long learner! This is course is what is needed in at higher level education; it must be a major part of a student's toolkit! There are so many tips and techniques. But not only that. These strategies are all backed by research, so our lecturers at this course isn't giving you trial and error strategies, but those that have been researched, tried and true! I enjoyed this course very much and I plan on using them in my next level of education. Finally, if you're an elementary teacher like myself, these techniques can be particularly useful (with some tweaking of course, for their specific level) to help your students learn more effectively and as a teacher, there is no greater reward than seeing your students grasp concepts and recall what they know to help them in their studies. Overall, I enjoyed how seemingly complex material can be so simply broken down to the layman's level to be understood by anyone. Thus in my studies and my teaching, I am to use analogies and metaphors to help students grasp abstract ideas more readily. Barb and Dr. Sejnowski, hats off to you both. This was a very well-thought out and well-executed course and indeed, this is not farewell, but hello as I'm off to explore what other courses I can find in which you both have collaborated. Thank you and take care from Trinidad and Tobago.

By Kristoffer H

Apr 17, 2017

This is an excellent course on learning how to learn. The videos are engaging and lively, and the instructors have an interest in the subject that rubs off on you. Dr. Oakley in particular manages to teach the material in a vibrant and lively way, although such things are a bit subjective so you may or may not appreciate her style as much as I did. Dr. Sejnowski, while clearly engaged and inspiring, seemed uncomfortable and at times a bit stuttering in front of the camera. On the other hand, I am in the second week of the companion course “Mindshift” now, and he is much more comfortable there.

One of the important points in this course is active learning. The team behind the course have eaten their own dogfood by providing a lot of quizzes, polls, and pauses for freestyle reflection (text-boxes) for the student to test their knowledge of the material, as well as reflect on it. The “honors” assignments provide even more opportunities for learners to reflect and consolidate their knowledge.

All videos are well-cited, and each module has a healthy dose of optional readings, as well as optional videos. On the whole I feel that this optional material has given me good pointers for further self-study, as well as helping me to relate what I've learned in this course with other resources that are unaffiliated with this course.

Disclaimer: This is only the first course I've finished on Coursera.

By Taylor B

Oct 4, 2021

This course feels like just what I've been missing in my personal endeavors to learn to learn better. I've been exposed to many of the concepts introduced in the course before such as memory palaces in Moonwalking with Einstein, neurogenesis and the benefits of physical exercise and other neuroscience facts in Mozart's Brain and the Fighter Pilot and other publications, Deliberate Practice in Peak, Pomodoro technique via agile methodologies adoption of it, the Power of Habit, etc. However, despite having these exposure, I wasn't able to put them into practice well in my own life, so they ended up feeling like techniques that were interesting and must be supported by data, but maybe beyond my reach or at least requiring too much overhead and being overwhelming to consider all together.

With this course, professors Oakley and Sejnowski offer support and encouragement, and they tied all of these concepts together with unified model of the brain, describing how these techniques and developments in science really could transform my life and encouraging me to believe in and trust the process and do it in a way that wasn't overwhelming and prevents automatic processes and inertia from taking over. I'm excited to put these ideas into practice and see how it transforms my life and helps me achieve my learning objectives, and I believe that if you give it a shot you can be similarly encouraged.

By Robert R

Jun 3, 2022

I would encourage anyone open to learning to first do this course!

Over the last few years, I have found learning to be very difficult for me. Recent circumstances saw me looking for a career change but my inability to properly learn new content proved to be my downfall.  I considered myself to be teachable so I did not understand why I suddenly was not successful at learning. After all, I was a successful learner in high school many years ago.  Nevertheless, completing this 'Learning How to Learn' course came to me as a requirement to get accepted into a job training program I applied to. I can truly say that the value this course brought to me has been remarkable. Not long after starting this course, I realized the obstacle all along was that I did not properly know how to learn. Now that I have completed this course of study, with high school long gone behind me, I was not then so well equipped. Today, however,  I find myself equipped and empowered to successfully pursue a career change, even if it means going to college as an adult. I have learned how to learn! Thank goodness! I feel like the sky is the limit and I can go out into the world and attain my dreams.

I do not doubt that this course will benefit anyone interested in successfully learning how to learn and who does not know how to go about it. So let me invite you, be encouraged, and come on while I salute you!

By Digvijay S Y (

Apr 15, 2023

The online course titled "Learning How to Learn" by Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski is an exceptional resource for anyone looking to improve their learning abilities. I was able to learn new mental tools and wish to use them to learn difficult concepts more efficiently. The instructors employ a range of teaching techniques, including video lectures, assignments, and quizzes at the end of each video, which was a very engaging and effective learning experience.One of the standout features of this course is the clear and concise way the instructors explain the concepts. They break down complex ideas into easy-to-understand components, making it easy for learners to follow along and absorb the material. Moreover, the course is designed to be accessible to all learners, regardless of their background or prior knowledge, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their learning skills.Another great aspect of the course is its practicality. The mental tools taught in this course can be applied to a variety of subjects and situations, making them applicable in both personal and professional contexts. The course also provides learners with valuable tips and strategies for improving memory, managing procrastination, and developing good study habits.I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to enhance their learning skills and master difficult subjects.

By Andrzej K

Nov 13, 2016

I am not sure if the course will help me in any degree but that is solely due to my laziness, low self-esteem and year long struggle with depression. However, with regards to the course itself, I think it can be very usefull. A lot of the learing tips seem common sense but for me it was very important that all of them were supported by science , not only the kind of advice that any person could give you. I can only regeret that I did not take a similar course when at school or at the universtiy. I am sure I will use, or at least try to use, some of the techniques and do more reading on the subject (using both the Web and the publications mentioned throughout the course of the lectures). In my opinion, the fact that the lectures are divided into rather short segments is beneficial as it helps to go through the course even without having much time and incresaes motivation to continue, as one is not faced with having to listen for a lecture for an hour or so. I often found myself only plannig to view one short videos and ending up in wieving a couple one after another, not noticing how much time passed. Finally, I think that both of the lecturers are a great benefit of the course as they bring a lot of enthusiasm and good will and seemed people I would like to know in person (or at least that was my impression).

Greetings and thanks from Poland to both of them!

By Jen M

Jan 10, 2021

I found Barbara Oakley by watching her great Tedtalk on YouTube, so I remembered her name when I got an email recommending her course, Learning How to Learn. Having completed a Masters degree in Educational Leadership in the UK in 2005 it was great to have this course suddenly present itself when I had time over the Christmas break, and especially because Barbara was one of the two main presenters. She is my perfect tutor, knowledgeable, professional, but a real people person. I can understand everything she says and her enthusiasm for learning is inspiring. I enjoyed every minute of the course. I particularly like the way she, Terry and others contributing read the transcript aloud as the student can follow it by reading the text at the same time. I felt I learnt a huge amount that will definitely help me in any future studies. It has reinforced my love of lifelong learning, restored my confidence, guided my decisions in my life, and added new purpose and enjoyment in life after a bad year for me involving a separation, the uncertainty from Covid19 and other difficulties. Completing this MOOC has been better than therapy for me, and builds on the knowledge from the Preventing Dementia MOOC. I have now experienced the benefits of learning,, and socialising to an extent in the Discussion boards and peer reviews, and cannot recommend this MOOC highly enough.

By Kate A

Dec 21, 2017

I took this class before beginning completion of a formal bachelors degree at an online university. It’s been 13 years since I went to college and quit, and since it’s so much more expensive now than it was, I wanted to make sure my more mature and rusty brain would get the most out of it.

I’m really, really glad I did! I feel more confident that I’ll be able to handle the workload when spring semester starts. Not only that, but I’ve learned quite a few good techniques to handle issues in daily life as well. I also recently received an ADD diagnosis, and these techniques are already helping me learn how to use my brain better.

The most impactful is her discussion on process vs product with procrastination, and the pomodoro technique. A lot of advice that I’ve previously read said to focus on a task until it is done, no matter how long it takes; which never really worked for me, and now I know it’s because my brain is not wired for long focus on something I’m not deeply interested in. Using the pomodoro and process focus techniques, I can muster up 25 minutes of solid focus, while not letting the anxiety of getting it completed distract me for that time.

I would recommend this course to everyone. Let’s face it, most of us probably aren’t using our brains that well, and this course gives some great insights on how brains work, and how to use them better.

By Gizelle L

Oct 1, 2017

I graduated from college 5 years ago and have been looking to get back into the swing of taking courses and studying to further my education, both for my career and leisure. But it's been a daunting prospect because it's been so long and I'm not in a regimented program (I work full time, so school is no longer the only thing in my life). My brother introduced me to Professor Barbara Oakley's work and suggested I take this MOOC as a "warm up", if you will, to not only help get me back into "student mode", but also gain a better understanding of how the process of learning works. I have to say, this course was well worth it! I learned a lot of valuable information, and the course has helped with some of my habits - I find myself recalling concepts like "chunking" and "Einstulling" in everyday life - and I plan on reading the optional material now that I've finished the course. The optional videos are also worth watching and help reinforce the ideas being taught in the primary lessons. I have to say that it wasn't easy taking this course - by Week 3 and 4 real life started creeping in and I found it difficult to keep to the schedule I had set for myself to "focus" on the material. But I dealt with it head on. The entire experience online and offline was worthwhile because this is how things are going to be for future courses I take.

By verna k

Jul 13, 2017

This was a fantastic course.

The course was in small chunks, therefore, I found it easy to complete the weekly modules without it taking up much of my day or week.

I appreciated the mini-tests after the majority of the videos as this would help me gauge my understanding of that particular video.

Having tests at the end of the week also was helpful to my learning.

The interweaving of information also helped me recall information from previous weeks.

Great tips, techniques, advice on how to be a better learner - practical tips. So just doing the course and NOT enacting the advice won't be of much use to you, however, practice the techniques over a period of time IS.

It's stuff even as someone who has completed her bachelor degree believes anyone can find this useful. I actually also was able to relate some of the things I've learned on this course to how I would answer interview questions.

The pace was consistent.

The content was manageable.

The structure was well put together.

It's free. With options to pay, so if you don't feel like you benefited from this course (I doubt it) you haven't wasted your money.

I can not say enough positive things about this course.


Taking so long to find this course. Wish I was able to find this course BEFORE I started my undergraduate degree. But I can not in all honesty fault this course.

By Maximiliano B

Apr 17, 2022

This course is excellent and I really had a great time over the past four weeks. I was looking for new ways to study smarter and at the same time learn about the latest scientific discoveries on this field of study.

Both professors presented the course in a very organized way proposing a good mixture between theory and practical examples that you can apply on your daily routine as a learner. I really liked the animations used on this course like the zombies to better explain how the brain works, how our habits are developed, memory techniques, and how to deal with procrastination.

Dr. Barbara is an excellent teacher and it can be seen throughout the course that she has a natural talent to teach and to explain the concepts very well. Her tone of voice is very pleasant and she presented the content very clearly. I really enjoyed watching the bonus interviews on different fields of study.

I was already familiar with some of the techniques presented such as the Pomodoro technique, however, I have learned several new ones and I have been already using them on a daily basis. Moreover, I have purchased the book A Mind for Numbers to continue my learning studies.

Finally, I would definitely recommend this course for anyone looking for innovative and creative ways to study smarter and overcome procrastination.

By Itay B

Apr 20, 2020

I have learned a lot during the course. The process led me into a better understanding of what I have already known, besides strengthening other aspects of learning which I had not focused much. For me, the key ideas were crucial and I can now say that I learned how to learn! The course was a very beneficial one due to the importance of the material, the great lecturers and the practical methods that can be used frequently.

Here are some of the key methods:

-To-do list

-Distinguish between the focus mode and the diffuse mode, when to use them and what their advantages

-Learn effectively different subjects using a focused small period of time and taking sportives breaks so you can enter the diffuse mode and fresh your thinking

-get a better understanding of the memory, learning how to chunk an idea or method and learning material with a positive feeling and fun using metaphors.

-recall, memory palace, deliberate learning, outline ideas

I want to thanks Dr. Barbara Oakley for the great teaching and also to Dr. Terrence Sejnowski for the deep information and meaningful stories.

Last but not least.

I think you should try it! You can not know when you will need to use this material,

and more correct after taking this course you can not know when not to use it!


Author: Itay Barok.

By Daniel

Feb 22, 2017

Fantastique :)

on a des enseignants extrêmement compétents, pédagogues et humains. On est invité à ouvrir sa curiosité d'apprendre, tel un enfant qui découvre le monde. Mais ce sont bien des cours très sérieux, pour adolescents et adultes, et qui nous apprennent les meilleures techniques pour mieux apprendre, bien apprendre, appuyées sur des faits et des études scientifiques. De l'essentiel en toute simplicité. Une richesse énorme avec les témoignages de vie et des conseils de personnes extraordinaires, en toute humilité. Ne négligez pas les interviews, ils sont l'image, le concret, la métaphore vivante de ce que les cours nous expliquent. Un très grand merci.

we have very highly competent teachers, pedagogues and humans. We're invited to open our curiosity to learn, like a child who discovers the world. But these courses are very serious, made for teenagers and adults, because they teach us the best techniques to learn better, to learn efficiently. Lessons are based on facts and scientific studies. Only the Essential. A tremendous quality and quantity of information given with testimonies of life and advices from extraordinary and humble people. Do have a look at the interviews, they are the image, the concrete, the living metaphor of what the courses explain. A very big thank you.

By David P

Aug 7, 2020

For anyone of almost any age (there is an associated book on Learning How to Learn for Kids and Teens) I would and could not recommend this course strongly enough.It takes a basic level of effort to go through each week and complete watching the videos and doing the accompanying quizzes.The advice Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski give is concise, interesting and practical and simple to apply for anyone.I think this is the sort of material that should be taught at schools and emphasised.Since a lot of the focus at school is concentrating on WHAT you learn but it seems the all important HOW is barely addressed though I hope with courses and information like this that will change in time for a better balance.When you think about it seems so logical and obvious that this should be taught in schools.I think if I had been taught these key concepts when I was in school things would have turned out much different but also now with this knowledge it still can turn out different.Again I highly recommend taking this course to enlighten yourself and better prepare for your next test or course of study be it personal or professional. You will without a doubt get much more out of your future studies.All the very best of success to you.Remember " Fortune Favours the Bold! "

By Andreia D

Aug 14, 2017

This is an empowering course that helps you to think you too can get better at learning and mastering complex topics. Think that schools should have this course at the beginning of their curriculum at different stages - kindergarden, primary school, high school, college and other studies. In each new stage you should revise these concepts, to make sure you are always on the right track to effective learning.

The quality of some videos and interviews could be improved (some interviews end with an abrupt cut and subjects seem to be rambling in some parts). Gave it the highest rate because of the novelty and usefulness of content but think it can be improved in those aspects.

The course helps to overcome the insecurity that arises when going to uncharted territory and to motivate you to learn things that you don't feel naturally talented to learn (favoring a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset) and so I think it is a fundamental tool in times where continuous learning is key.

Keep up the good work!

PS: really liked the interviews with the computer science and language learning hackers (so motivating to see that people can have that sort of motivation and discipline to learn on their own, and bring to light resources that are in most part available to everyone)

By Vipin K

Sep 27, 2020

First thing first, Dr. Barbara Oakley is a good teacher, and trust me when I say you won't regret taking this course. Her poise, pace and voice is unique and very effective. My sincerest thanks to her and the team who has put together is course after extensive research and CHUNKING it for us. I wish I could access to this in my high school days. But, its never late!I have been trying to learn a lot of things that interests me; but never have continuity and able to finish them (if not mastering). This insightful course has taught me why and will help me see learning in a different perspective by debunking. Concepts of Chunking, Illusion of Competence, Recall & reward, diffused and focussed modes, zombies, metaphors & analogy etc., not only helps you learn but practicing them often with yourself and teaching them to others will be rewarding. The best outcome however I want to take from this course is stopping my procastination while multitasking is required.For learners - watch out for the additional interviews after every week's main content. A request, don't practice your randomness on this course, it is structured to give best results. If possible, let your kids take this course.Thank you Dr. Oakley and the team; and happy teaching more.Vipin Krishnan

By Hashem E

May 8, 2020

I had a discussion with a friend on how I chose the course as she's confused between the variety of courses out there. Here's what I said.

Reasons that I like the course:

: 1- It is quite practical and useful, very applicable in all sorts of areas. 2- Ir presents new information (and I'm not a stranger to the field) and evidence/sources. 3- It gives examples and demonstrations (esp. visual) to help clarify the concepts 4- Mixes between the personal aspect of having an instructor and the value/engagement of displaying images and such from the web.

Reasons that I chose the course to begin with:

The topic itself is very important, especially because it can optimize all your work (make it exponential, ya3ni if you learn faster by 2X for example, you'd have a very positive impact in your professional development and such). I was searching for the topic "learning how to learn" and this was one of the few courses with this title. Plus, the credibility of the instructors (e.g. Mcamaster university) and the fact that it has discussion forums


I have to say that their visual/audio effects are quite lame and it's a bit crude مشرتح but I don't care much for the aesthetic sides of things so it suits me well. The content is great.

By Ich J

Jul 8, 2023

The course is well-structured and easy to follow, with each week focusing on a specific topic related to learning. The videos are engaging and informative, and the quizzes and exercises help reinforce the concepts learned. The discussion forums also provide an opportunity to interact with other learners and share ideas.

One of the most valuable takeaways from the course was learning about the concept of focused and diffuse thinking. I had never really thought about the different modes of thinking and how they can impact learning and problem-solving. Learning about chunking and practicing/testing knowledge were also very useful techniques that I have applied in my studies and work.

The course also helped me understand the role of procrastination in learning and provided some useful strategies to overcome it. I found the course to be very practical and applicable to my daily life, as I continue to use the techniques and strategies learned to improve my learning outcomes.

Overall, I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to improve their learning abilities and achieve their full potential. It is an excellent investment in oneself and the knowledge gained from the course will serve you well in your personal and professional life.

By Tuvshinzaya A

Jul 13, 2017

Its ranking as the best course on MOOC is highly deserved! They really delivered on bringing visual aids and metaphors to the concept they were teaching - walking the walk, as well as talking the talk. As a perpetual student and an aspiring professor one-day, I really appreciated this amazing course that Barbara and Terrence have put together. I am taking away many practical lessons from this class: how to engage my diffuse mode thinking (Dali!), importance of flushing out metabolic brain toxin by sleeping, and how to keep away memory vampires by practice! Not to mention, I actually went and learned how to make animated video for the final assignment - something that I have been thinking for a while and kept putting away. This course finally provided the push and the confidence to start that project, and not only that, but I am now re-evaluating all the areas of learning that I pushed away thinking that I was simply better at other things - learning foreign languages or material science. Now I am off to find MOOCs in those areas with the knowledge that it will be worth my time and effort to learn them - even if I am not "naturally gifted" in them. All the love and best wishes for Dr. Barbara Oakley & Dr. Terrence from Mongolia!