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Learner Reviews & Feedback for R Programming by Johns Hopkins University

22,200 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for effective data analysis. You will learn how to install and configure software necessary for a statistical programming environment and describe generic programming language concepts as they are implemented in a high-level statistical language. The course covers practical issues in statistical computing which includes programming in R, reading data into R, accessing R packages, writing R functions, debugging, profiling R code, and organizing and commenting R code. Topics in statistical data analysis will provide working examples....

Top reviews


Feb 2, 2016

"R Programming" forces you to dive in deep.

These skills serve as a strong basis for the rest of the data science specialization.

Material is in depth, but presented clearly. Highly recommended!


Jul 11, 2016

Excellent course! I already knew a lot about R - but this class helped me solidify what I already knew, taught me lots of new tricks, and now I have a certificate that says I know `something' about R!

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126 - 150 of 4,728 Reviews for R Programming

By Kaylyn G

Dec 17, 2021

This course was very poorly taught. It has important information, but the course itself doesn't prepare students for the assignments. Not only is the only presentation of information through videos of text, but the professor stumbles over his words so badly not even the subtitles are correct half the time. I honestly feel like I taught myself most of the material. Even if you grasp the presented information, it's not helpful for the assignments. It was like teaching a child their ABCs and then asking for a paper – they technically have the tools, but zero experience and don't even know where to start. This class would be heavily improved if, 1) Information was presented in a textbook-like way for reference and clarity, and 2) There were any sort of guided/practice problems or examples similar to what is expected in the assignments. I love taking classes, but this one was painful for me.


May 8, 2020

I believe many of the students taking this course might not have any prior coding experience. Personally, I found the assignments quite challenging (rather than intellectually stimulating or providing learning) as many of the issues and syntax used in the assignments were never elaborated in depth in the videos. There may be a few people with really good statistical and coding background, who may not find this review much helpful, But, being new to coding, I can understand this and I believe the people who really need this course to equip themselves with these lessons may not be adept at solving some of the problems asked in the assignments. Please take this constructive feedback into consideration while modifying this course (if you do so). Otherwise, it was a wonderful course and gave same basics to build a foundation in R. Thank you.

By Glauco d O G F

Aug 19, 2020

Swirl is an amazing learning tool and it was the best of the course. However, unfortunately the course videos and supporting material does not help too much in order to complete the Programming Assignments, specially the videos. There is a huge distance from what has been teached or maybe how it has been teached to what was asked to do during assignments. Nothing against to a good task, but would be fair to provide a proper knoledge (e. g. including examples at same level of the assignments, maybe something step-by-step) so we could complete them without spending so many hours looking for other sources which provide what maybe some of us were expecting to find right here.

The course was somehow frustrating and disapointing on this matter and I don't feel confortable in recommending it.

By Juergen K

May 21, 2020

Not very well organized overall. The assignments were fun, but I had to do extensive research online to find out how to answer the questions being asked, which made me wonder why I had sat through the videos. Sometimes I didn't even use what I learned in the videos to complete that week's assignments. The videos are far too theoretical, they probably would have been useful for someone familiar with R or S, but for a new user they required a lot of rewinding and without practical examples it was hard to actually remember what was being taught. In the rare instance practical examples were given the material stuck much better!

By Gabriela Á L

Nov 7, 2020

The assignments are not gradual, I mean the content of the classes is not enough for the completion of the assignments. I think I would have appreciated more content in the classes, more explained exercises so that the making of the assignments wouldn't have been so miserable! It's a very hard course.

But I've learned a lot on my own, thanks!

By Diego V

Aug 24, 2020

Huge disconnect between the canned lectures (almost all not by Peng) and the exercises. Moreover, other than generating random number distributions, there are no examples of the lecture material worth anything. Given the subjects covered, the course could be great

By Javier C

Jan 29, 2021

The contents of the lectures are quite hard to follow, and exercises do not have much relationship with them. Difficult to follow the course, even with other programming languages skills.

By Biel G P

Jan 8, 2021

The assignments are too difficult compared with the knowlegde taught in the videos and swirl

By Guillermo M C

Jul 8, 2021

Assignments too difficult, compared to the amount of explanation and swirl exercises...

By Anna H

Nov 13, 2023

This is, by far the worst course I've taken. It's disjointed, and consists mostly of reading the textbook word for word. It's impossible to decipher what level it was created for, as it jumps from explaining basic loops to talking about things like scoping or minimization without any context of what it is or why it's required, it simply spends 10 minutes going over code. It takes time to find practice problems as instead of having them built into each section, they're lumped together at the end of each week (after the quizzes) and are marked optional, so it takes at least the first "week" to figure this out. This course has been up on Coursera for years, and no one has bothered to try and improve it to make it usable. If at all possible, avoid it, or learn elsewhere and do the quizzes for credit.

By Li C W

Oct 31, 2020

I am extremely disappointed with the quality of this course. I am a professional analyst and have some years of programming, I intended to "formalize" my knowledge in R and data science by taking this course. This course is organized in a very poor manner, lectures and assignments are completely disconnected, the instruction in the assignment is also extremely poor, it is very hard to understand what the learner is expected to do, it is very frustrating and I cannot imagine this course is intended for "beginner". I managed to finish that just because it is sponsored by my company. 0 out of 5 stars

By Ravi L

Jun 13, 2021

This is really frustrating as the assignment seems like completely out of course. Given that we are paying for the course, it becomes challenging to complete it on time. I am paying the fees second time as I was not able to complete the course on time.

Advise you to bring down the course charges or charge once only. If you guys really take reviews seriously then please read all the review and you will find the same issue of gap between huge gap between assignment and lectures.

By Sarah O

Jul 22, 2021

Course is very poorly laid out. Programming assignments and quizzes have completely new, much more advanced material compared to what was taught in the lecture. I have some R background from taking other courses and wanted to further my education but this course really turned me off from learning the language. I was expecting the course to be challenging in a manageable way, but I feel let down by how prohibitively difficult and incongruous the programming assignments are.

By Eduardo H M

Feb 20, 2023

This is a bad course. Not only because it is 10 years old and has received no update on the videos or materials, but because the course provides little support for the tests and quizzes. I thought this was exactly what I needed and I have been repeatedly frustrated by the course and its structure. The lecturer does not help much. His lectures are not clear or presented in a well-articulated manner. 100% disappointed and frustrated!

By Tom W

Aug 30, 2020

The worse Coursera course I've ever taken. The videos feel like someone reading the technical documentation to you, the "interactive" tutorials are like an 1980s text-only game, and the assignments require massive leaps in ability over what you learned in the lessons. I would call this course "Advanced-level assignments sure to both bore and frustrate people new to R"

By Douglas B

Nov 19, 2021

Is this course only the fundamentals? I was lost from the beginning and I've already completed the Google Data Analytics specialization. The videos suck; too much info, no examples, and really; you can't work along with the videos. The swirl thing works but is really not helpful. This course is for people who have a very strong base in R.

By Nicolas P

Jul 17, 2022

There is no a good examples on how to work the labs. I bought the book and the files, useless. The book only gives basic deifinition and examples in R but when you read the lab required for week 2 there is no help, it is frustating. Tehy should label this course as Intermmediate and not Begennir, is very deceptive. Dropping this course.

By Dmitrijs R

Dec 6, 2021

such poor course. No real-world examples, not a single figure in the videos. homeworks are out of the topics of the videos and to compete them you have to read explanations on forum (that does not always help). It is strange that you learn in videos one thing, and then have to complete unrelated tasks.

By Aliasgher J

Sep 23, 2021

I would not take this course if I were starting out with R. It really is not a course for a beginner. There is huge disparity between the course content and the quizzes. The coursework does not prepare you at all to do anything. I learnt more from Google searches and YouTube than this course.

By able m

Aug 7, 2022

the lecturer doesnt seem like he is teaching beginners. The videos are from 2015 and we are now in 2022. The lecture and swirl content are far from what the quizzes ask making it unbearable for begineers. Most basic stuff i had to use youtube to grasp them rather than lectures.

By Ashton V

Nov 2, 2021

All of the walkthroughs are so out of date that they are effectively useless. The versions of GITHUB have been completely redesigned. Absolute trash. Hope you didn't pay for this.

By Hamza

Sep 30, 2022

I am sorry to say this but I found it impossible to follow the information presented by the course instructor. He speaks too much, too fast and the tasks are not easy.

By Madhubalini V

Oct 3, 2020

the instructor is like this is ABCD.., and the assignment is like write a report on a topic. the course is too hard for a beginner, then the instructions are confusing.

By Amie L

Jul 27, 2021

If I'm going to pay for a class, I'd like to actually learn something. This class was a complete waste of my time. I learned how to use swirl and that's it.

By Bernardo C

Jun 2, 2022

It is a course for professionals who are looking for a certification. Begginers who want to learn R at any level, should go somewhere else.