Insights by industry and function
We analyzed data from 40 million learners and 2,000 companies to provide detailed skill maps and insights so you can:
- Identify essential skills for 7 common job functions
- Understand global skill trends and deep dive into 5 industries
- Gain new tips to drive learner adoption
See why data skills including SQL and Python dominate across multiple finance sectors and functions.
Explore how the rollout of 5G is emphasizing the need for modern marketing, customer value proposition, and analytics among other skills.
Discover how companies are combating tech skill decay by emphasizing Platform as a Service (PaaS) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and cloud computing learning development.
Get insights into how leading professional services firms are reskilling and transforming in order to be relevant in a data- and tech-centric world.
See how companies are adapting by learning predictive analytics, data visualization, and forecasting to maximize efficiency.

Take a sneak peak at top skills by job function
Below is a glimpse of an essential skills map. Download the Playbook to view all the skills and industry-specific maps.
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With over 118 million learners, 3,000 business customers, and 300+ academic and industry partners—highly diverse in geography, industry, and DX readiness—Coursera is in a unique position to identify the essential skills needed to remain competitive and help businesses bridge gaps in their workforce. Download the Playbook to view all the skills and industry-specific maps.
The world is changing at the speed of light. Skills become obsolete....With the innovative solution from Coursera, we now give the power to the learners, to be able to think about their future, and be able to develop what they need in terms of skills.