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Data analysis FAQs

What is data analysis?

What is data analysis?

Data analysis is the practice of working with data to glean useful information, which can then be used to make informed decisions. The data analysis process is a formal approach to working with data, which typically moves through several phases including identifying the question you’d like to answer, collecting raw data sets, cleaning your data, analyzing the data, and interpreting the results.

Is data analytics hard?

Is data analytics hard?

You are most likely already familiar with some aspects of data analysis, however formalizing that knowledge can involve building some technical skills, such as learning SQL or Python. Some aspects of data analysis can be more challenging to master, but don’t worry: we have plenty of tips for rising to the challenge.

Python or R: Which should I learn?

Python or R: Which should I learn?

Both Python and R are programming languages used to clean, manipulate, analyze, and visualize data, and both are considered relatively easy languages to learn. There’s no wrong choice when it comes to choosing which language to learn (or which to learn first). When in doubt, return to your goals. R tends to be better for statistical analysis and data visualizations, whereas Python tends to be better for working with artificial intelligence, deep learning, and big data.