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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT by Vanderbilt University

2,813 ratings

About the Course

ChatGPT and other large language models are going to be more important in your life and business than your smartphone, if you use them right. ChatGPT can tutor your child in math, generate a meal plan and recipes, write software applications for your business, help you improve your personal cybersecurity, and that is just in the first hour that you use it. This course will teach you how to be an expert user of these generative AI tools. The course will show amazing examples of how you can tap into these generative AI tools' emergent intelligence and reasoning, how you can use them to be more productive day to day, and give you insight into how they work. Large language models respond to instructions and questions posed by users in natural language statements, known as “prompts”. Although large language models will disrupt many fields, most users lack the skills to write effective prompts. Expert users, who understand how to write good prompts, are orders of magnitude more productive and can unlock significantly more creative uses for these tools. This course introduces students to the patterns and approaches for writing effective prompts for large language models. Anyone can take the course and the only required knowledge is basic computer usage skills, such as using a browser and accessing ChatGPT. Students will start with basic prompts and build towards writing sophisticated prompts to solve problems in any domain. By the end of the course, students will have strong prompt engineering skills and be capable of using large language models for a wide range of tasks in their job, business, personal life, and education, such as writing, summarization, game play, planning, simulation, and programming....

Top reviews


Feb 20, 2024

Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT has been a great introduction course. I look forward to diving into additional AI courses. I've even joined a Meetup group to continue learning outside of the classroom!


Apr 17, 2024

I really loved it, I used chatgpt to understand the videos and I'm glad coursera offers context under the videos, this helped me finish the certificate in not a long time, all it takes is dedication.

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101 - 125 of 1,116 Reviews for Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT

By Angela M

Aug 27, 2023

I highly recommend enrolling in the Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT Course at Vanderbilt University offered through Coursera. The course was taught by Associate Dean of Strategic Learning Programs and Associate Professor of Computer Science Jules White. This course went above and beyond my expectations, offering a comprehensive and enlightening learning experience. Professor White's adept teaching and the well-structured curriculum perfectly blend theory with practical application, empowering students to effectively utilize GPT-based models for crafting precise and meaningful prompts.

By Shameer

Sep 24, 2023

I was very impressed. The course was well-structured and informative, and the trainer was knowledgeable and engaging. the course is very helpful, and I learned a lot about how to write effective prompts for ChatGPT and other LLM. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn and pursue career in prompt engineering or who wants to improve their skills at using ChatGPT. I would like to thank the Professor for doing an excellent job. He is very knowledgeable and passionate about the subject matter, and they made the course very enjoyable and engaging.

By Krista G

Aug 15, 2023

I totally enjoyed this course and it was the first time I completed the course on Coursera. I had taken an earlier course but found that quite boring. Dr Jules White is a great teacher and I am grateful I took this course. He explained the prompts in ways that were easy to understand and the assignments were fun to complete. It helped that I had prior basic knowledge of ChatGPT so it was definitely eye-opening to discover how much more I could accomplish with ChatGPT now that I am armed with advanced ideas and more importantly, the rationale behind the prompts.


Jun 7, 2023

This is an excellent course and well-deserving of a 5-star rating. The instructor's expertise and exceptional presentation skills truly made this course stand out. The material was relevant and comprehensive and encompassed a wide range of valuable and practical prompting techniques. The assessments along the way provided hands-on opportunities to apply the knowledge gained, further solidifying my understanding. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to enhance their skills in prompt engineering skills. There is great reference material provided.

By Nicky L

Jun 2, 2023

I absolutely adored the Chat GPT Prompt Engineering course with the amazing Dr. Jules White. Let me tell you, if you haven't explored Coursera yet, you're in for a real treat. It's an exciting platform that offers a fun and engaging way to learn and grow. Dr. Jules White's teaching style was captivating, and his passion for the subject shone through every lesson. I truly had a fantastic time during the course, and I highly recommend it if you're looking for a rewarding learning experience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills!

By Agustin S

Jul 24, 2023

Taking this online course has been an incredibly enriching experience. The content was well-structured and easy to follow, allowing me to grasp complex concepts with ease, thanks to the instructor's exceptional teaching skills. As I progressed through the material, I couldn't help but notice the direct relevance of the knowledge gained, which has significantly impacted both my personal growth and professional development. I wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone seeking to broaden their horizons and acquire practical skills for real-world application.

By Christian M

Sep 7, 2023

Gostei muito desse curso e da forma como foi apresentado. Sua didática é excelente e as aulas foram muito agradáveis e ao mesmo tempo muito ricas de informação. Proporciona uma visão bem ampla do uso de uma IA Generativa como o ChatGPT (LLM) que é muito mais poderoso do que se divulga normalmente e vai muito além de gerar textos e pesquisas. Quem tiver uma curiosidade de entender até onde isso pode ir e o quanto podemos usá-lo nas nossas áreas de trabalho, vale a pena dar uma conferida nesse curso do Coursera que é feito pela Vanderbilt University


Sep 2, 2023

The Engineering course on Coursera exceeded my expectations. The well-structured content, expert instructors, and practical examples made learning engaging. The flexibility to study at my own pace and the challenging assignments helped me develop crucial engineering skills. Additionally, the supportive online community was a valuable resource. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to enhance their prompt engineering knowledge. It's a top-notch educational experience that has enriched my understanding of the field. Thank you, Coursera!

By Uzair K

Dec 21, 2023

The "Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT" course by Vanderbilt University on Coursera is exceptional. Dr. Jules White's expertise shines through the clear and engaging lectures. The content is well-structured, making complex concepts easily understandable. Practical exercises provide valuable hands-on experience, and the certificate is a great addition to anyone looking to deepen their knowledge in natural language processing and AI. I highly recommend this course for its quality content, practical approach, and expert guidance. Solid 5 stars.

By Gassan Y

Jun 17, 2023

As a student who is taking this course "Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT," I can say that it is an excellent learning experience. The instructor is knowledgeable and provides a clear explanations of how to create effective prompts for ChatGPT. The course covered a range of topics, from understanding ChatGPT's capabilities to writing prompts that are specific, concise, and engaging. Overall, I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in improving their skills in prompt engineering for ChatGPT or other conversational AI platforms.

By Rayya H

Sep 6, 2023

I really enjoyed the Prompt Engineering course. Mr. Jules White did an excellent job of explaining the concepts clearly and thoroughly, using inspiring examples to illustrate the material. The course covered a wide range of topics, from the basics of how prompts work to more advanced techniques for improving the performance of language models. I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in learning more about prompt engineering. It is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve the performance of language models.

By Marco A

Jul 23, 2023

As a medical reserscher and medical writer with >30 years of experince, I was really stunned to see what the capabilities of LLMs are.

Jules made a great work of explaining and giving examples.

About halfway through the course I was able to put ChatGPT to work on a real work-related issue.

With its help, I was able in fact to complete in 7 hours a job that would have required at least 20. Now, after completing the course, I belive that - by applying some more complex formatting - I could have shaved another couple of hours...

By Anteneh K

Jul 9, 2023

I recently completed the Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT course on Coursera, and I must say it exceeded my expectations. The course provided a comprehensive understanding of prompt engineering techniques and how to optimize interactions with AI language models. The instructors were knowledgeable, the content was well-structured, and the hands-on exercises were invaluable in reinforcing the concepts learned. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to enhance their skills in working with large language models.

By Avinash J A

Sep 8, 2023

Hello Everyone, Today, I completed a New Course "Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT" on Coursera.

Special thanks to Coursera and the Team for providing me with this course. Such a great course and learned a lot from this course like --

👉 How LLMs Work.

👉 How to train an LLM Model on our own data.

👉 Different types of prompts.

👉 How to make an AI-based application. That works in real time.

👉 I built two applications -

👉👉( i ) Ordering Bot.

👉👉( ii ) AI-based Coding Questions Solver and Explainer Application.

By Kunal K

Nov 16, 2023

The study materials and concepts by the trainer Dr Jules White are very clear and helpful. The learning journey throughout this course has been very enlightening, diving deep into the knowledge to craft effective prompts to harness the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) for AI-driven solutions. As a developer who is developing AI-based plugins/extensions for different IDEs, this course has really helped to tweak some of my prompts and provide better solutions to my end users (the developers)

By Ravindra F

Sep 18, 2023

Exceptional Learning Experience

I recently completed the "Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT" course by Vanderbilt University, led by Dr. Jules White. It was nothing short of exceptional. Dr. White's expertise, well-structured content, hands-on approach, and a supportive community made this course stand out. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in AI and prompt engineering.

Thank you, Vanderbilt University, and Dr. White, for this outstanding learning opportunity.


Ravindra Prakash Fase

By Salwa N

Nov 30, 2023

Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT is an essential course for people who want to equip themselves with the necessary tools to work with large-language models like ChatGPT. The instructor describes various techniques to train ChatGPT to produce your desired output. After taking this course, I know how I can use ChatGPT to perform tasks other than answering questions or helping me complete my homework. All you need is this course and a bit of creativity to bring out the best results using ChatGPT.

By Michelle L

Jul 15, 2023

This course is very useful for beginners who may wish to go into more depth – or simply understand what LLMs are capable of when a user understands the basics of writing prompts. The videos are clear and the assignments are pretty straightforward but helped me think about uses that I'd never have considered. I'm glad I didn't pay more to learn the basics elsewhere, as I have taken pretty much all I need from this course, for now. Bear in mind that your assignment will be "marked" by a LLM!

By David N N

Oct 4, 2023

I am an early adopter for AI and this course helped me fine-tune and expand my understanding. I found the knowledge immediately deployable while going through the course. I really enjoyed the practical application aspects of the entire process. It was refreshing that the testing processes in this course were all rooted in the practical application of the knowledge presented which simply reinforced being able to put the knowledge to immediate use. I really enjoyed this course. Thank you.

By Donald P

Sep 16, 2023

Dr.Jules White helps his students make steady progress toward their goals through the use of real-world examples. His inclusion of the occasional "error" leads to a deeper understanding of the subject. Although the course is based on ChatGPT, the student is often led to try prompts on other I platforms. This led me to a much broader respect for writing prompts differently for each and for discovering the strengths and challenges of different types of problems. Great educator.

By Kumar

Jul 28, 2023

The course structure is well-organized, taking learners from basics to advanced concepts effectively. The instructor's expertise and engaging teaching style contribute to a positive learning experience. Practical examples and real-life applications enhance the course's relevance and applicability. The association with Vanderbilt University adds credibility to the content. To improve, incorporating more interactivity and peer interaction could further enrich the learning process.

By Anibal P

Jul 30, 2023

I thoroughly enjoyed learning from Dr. White and recommend this course to everyone. His teaching style was so engaging that I couldn't help but stay focused and eager to learn more. You will learn about prompt patterns and techniques using a scaffolding approach, and there are plenty of exercises to try to see what works and what doesn't; it was just fascinating. I couldn't wait for each new lesson to see what he would teach next. Trust me; you won't regret taking this course!

By alexander e

Jul 14, 2023

Outstanding material that explained very clearly how to interact with a LLM. The concepts of patterns made a ton of sense. As software engineer I was an avid user of design, analysis and architecture patterns in design and implementation of large-scale systems. I appreciated this course use of patterns as it made a lot of sense.

Dr. White delivered the concepts with ease and persuasion, and made it easy to master the content.

Thank you! I will follow your work on this topic.

By Joseph M

Sep 24, 2023

I have watched a ton of online courses on Generative AI, and this is pound-for-pound the best prompt engineering course. If you are looking to learn not only how to write great prompts but also to apply highly effective patterns, this is your course. Jules is an excellent teacher as well. I feel like my prompting knowledge moved up to another league after watching this course. Really nicely done, Jules! I am excited to watch the follow-up course on Advanced Data Analysis.

By Guillermo B

Jan 16, 2024

Great Course. It opened the doors the optimize ChtaGPT. Jules is a great teacher and the material provided is superb. I was able to improve 100% a package design thanks to his teaching and understanding CHATGPT. Furthermore I am writing a book and improving my art and other projects thanks to his teachings. The possibilities are endless. I will recommend this course 1000%. As he said this is an instrument to enhance human knowledge,, and creativity if it use correctly.