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Learner Reviews & Feedback for English for Career Development by University of Pennsylvania

15,119 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to English for Career Development, a course created by the University of Pennsylvania, and funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language Programs. To enroll in this course for free, click on “Enroll now” and then select "Full Course. No certificate." This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are interested in advancing their careers in the global marketplace. In this course, you will learn about the job search, application, and interview process in the United States, while comparing and contrasting the same process in your home country. This course will also give you the opportunity to explore your global career path, while building your vocabulary and improving your language skills to achieve your professional goals. The first unit in this course will introduce the U.S. job application process and provide strategies for identifying the jobs that match your interests and skills. Unit 2 will take you through the steps necessary to produce a professional-looking resume. In unit 3, you will work to develop a clear and concise cover letter. The final unit of the course focuses on networking and interview skills. Anyone may take this course for free. If you want to get a Coursera Verified Certificate for free, please fill out the Financial Aid form. Unless otherwise noted, all course materials are available for re-use, repurposing and free distribution under a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution license. Supplemental reading materials were provided by Newsela, which publishes daily news articles at a level that's just right for each English language learner....

Top reviews


Aug 24, 2019

It is the very useful course for learning, this course provides videos for better understanding. A part from that there are exams like quiz, games, video recording, review of classmates work and all..


Jul 20, 2020


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351 - 375 of 5,701 Reviews for English for Career Development

By Luiz E M d S

Feb 27, 2024

One of the best, if not the best, courses I have ever taken. Besides teaching English in a clear, objective, and understandable manner, it provides crucial and indispensable tips for professionals on the rise or experienced in the job market. Undoubtedly, I recommend everyone to take this course.

By Shweta R P

Dec 9, 2018

I have enjoyed this course to the fullest. One must do this course if one is not sure about facing an interview and how to deal with it. I would like to thank both the instructors of this course who made us understand so well about the job market, networking and facing an interview. Thanks a lot.

By Pinki R

Sep 25, 2022

Hey! My name is Pinki Rawat and I am from India. I found this course really helpful as it helped me to know about my writing style and how important it is to change it according to the situation. It also helped me to know different ways to start and end a mail with a positive outcome. Thanks!

By Lam T

Feb 4, 2021

I really appreciate the instructors of this English for Career Development course for giving me a chance to join a usefull course. I have learned how to write a proper job application and other related skills. I highly recommend the course for people who want to apply for a job. Thank you again!

By Deleted A

May 16, 2020

I want to thank you Coursera for the course and that it was free of charge. Then I want to thank you University of Philadelphia and the teachers, Ms. Turner and Mr. McManus, well prepared, professional and clear in their explanation. The course was well structured and organized. Thank you again.

By Luz M R N

Sep 1, 2022

Los profesores son muy buenos para transmitir las ideas; el contenido en cada sesión es breve y muy sencillo.

Lo recomendaría para quienes están en la etapa de buscar y conseguir trabajo y no solamente en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica.

Gracias por permitirme participar de manera gratuita

By Leilanie B

Apr 24, 2022

Thank you Coursera for this opportunity! My hardwork learning and doing activities have been paid off. It is not easy to get these certificates because It means alot of hardwork, reading and time . I am glad that I am able to be part of this learning opportunity. Thank you angain and Godbless!

By Mahmoud H

May 10, 2020

I'm very exited because I finish this course well. I hope that everyone has the same experience. and I hope that all my classmate have completed this course successfully.

This is very important course for me because it help me discovering my skills. Thank you everybody.Good luck and good courage


Aug 10, 2022

It was an amazing experience and learned a lot and will help in my career development. Both teachers; Sir Brian McManus & Mam Robin Turner, are highly experienced and have an effective teaching style. Thanks, #universityofpennsylvania. Thanks to my both teachers and Thanks of course #coursera.

By Luis V C

Jun 11, 2021

El curso es excelente, aprendes Inglés, también te instruyen sobre como hacer un CV así como los tipos de CV que hay, el siguiente paso es hacer tu carta de presentación, cómo prepararte para una entrevista de trabajo, cómo tener un buen "elevator speech" y más cosas.

Lo recomiendo al 100!!!!!!

By Tânia D d O

Feb 18, 2019

It was uncredible to finish my course, I learned a lot. I couldn't imagine wide knowledge doing this course I'd enjoy so much. I can hardly wait to start the next one. No words to describe such a great quality, Congratulations from me and also from all my friends and mates that are doing too!

By Akhmatova S

Aug 21, 2020

Eminently helpful! I've finally found a source which helped me to create my resume, CL and elevator speech! My English level is higher than Intermediate, so I had no problems with completing the course - all materials are presented very well, all video and audio have high quality! Thank you!

By Nang H t

Jun 13, 2020

For my learning,it was fully interested with english videos with quiz and example.Easy to understand for improving english writing skills ( cover letter & resume) & got idea with speaking interview tips(do & do'nt).Thank you very much and i wanted to learn more from Coursera Website course.

By Smriti S

Sep 15, 2021

Thank you so much for providing us such a nice course to acquire the understanding the job market of United State especially for a immigrate or new comer. I hope after doing this course , my confident has reformed to reduce gap between job market and my KSA (knowledge, skill, and ability)

By Aliya A

Oct 10, 2019

Step by step with practice assignments I see the progress in my written English when compared previous work with the final one. And it wasn't difficult, it was easy to do. As a result I got 1 interview after completing the course. So all recommendations here work in real life! Thanks a lot!

By Галина Н

Oct 25, 2023

For me, this was the first course on the platform and I am very pleased that I completed it. I learned a lot for myself, learned a lot. I am grateful to the teachers for their work, exciting and interesting lessons. Thanks to the creators of the project. Ready to continue studying further.

By liliya

Jun 7, 2020

This course was Great! I learned a lot, improved my English. The teachers are Excellent! They explained the course material so easily and clearly! I am really thank the teachers and the whole team of this course. Thank you for taking this course, I was very interesting and informative!

By Mouhamadou M D

May 3, 2020

It was a very interesting experience that helped me perform my english level. The same time to fix some knowledge I learned once in early this year such as writing an English cover letter and a resume. It helped me get new skills like networking and make myself visible in social medias.

By 이창훈

Feb 3, 2022

I like the way this course is organized, and I also like the instructors. I love this course and I highly recommend this class for people who are planning to search jobs no matter if the position needs English skills or not because this class deals with professional career developments.

By Li H

Aug 15, 2017

This is a very useful and professional course. It helped me a lot during the process of finding a new job. And the two professors are very kind and considerate. They teach in as simple English as possible. This enable us (foreign students) understand the course better. Thanks very much.

By Maha N

Jan 28, 2024

I was not expecting it to be this much important but after going through this course I am certain that this course is really fundamental for all who want a successful life. Although I am not able to get a certificate but the knowledge I got is worth. Thank you for the wonderful course.

By Carolina M S

Oct 20, 2022

It was really helpful course. Right now I'looking for a new job, and evethough in my country people speak spanish, and my resume and cover letter are in spanish, I applied many the advices given. On the other hand, I had the chance to practice reading and listening skills in english.

By Nuha F

Apr 1, 2018

This is really helpful for a fresh graduate and non English native speaker like me. The concept of peer review assignment is also very good, because we can receive feedback from other people, so we can know our limitation and get ride of it. For a free course, this is totally worth it.

By Aatir Z

Dec 4, 2022

Course was good. regarding interview questions and answers specially the interactions video between interviewee and interviewers. Mock test, grammer , use of appropriate word in resume and cover letter.

how to make Resume and coverletter. practice set. Everythin was fine and attarctive

By Lic. A S V l V

Sep 27, 2020

The structure of the course was simple and easy to follow. time requirements were moderate and simple. one should take more courses like this since they provide experience and make us understand situations and cultural differences in an easy way. Thank you so much for your input!!!