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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concepts by Google

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About the Course

Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concepts is the fourth course in a certificate program that will equip you with the skills you need to apply to entry-level jobs in user experience (UX) design. In this course, you will learn how to plan and conduct a usability study to gather feedback about designs. Then, you will modify your low-fidelity designs based on insights from your research. Current UX designers and researchers at Google will serve as your instructors, and you will complete hands-on activities that simulate real-world UX design scenarios. Learners who complete the seven courses in this certificate program should be equipped to apply for entry-level jobs as UX designers. By the end of this course, you will be able to: - Plan a UX research study, including the project background, research goals, research questions, Key Performance Indicators, methodology, participants, and script. - Explain the importance of respecting privacy and user data. - Conduct a moderated and unmoderated usability study. - Take notes during a usability study. - Create affinity diagrams to group and analyze data. - Synthesize observations from research and come up with insights. - Develop persuasive presentation skills to share research insights. - Modify low-fidelity designs based on research insights. - Continue to design a mobile app to include in your professional portfolio. To be successful in this course, you should complete the previous three courses in the certificate program. Or, you need to have an ability to conduct user research to inform the creation of empathy maps, personas, user stories, user journey maps, problem statements, and value propositions; as well as an ability to create wireframes and low-fidelity prototypes on paper and in Figma....

Top reviews


Nov 2, 2022

One of the most useful courses for me. I have gathered soo much knowledge from this course. The work and assignments might seem a bit cumbersome, but trust me when you do those you will learn a lot.


Jul 23, 2023

Amazing course!.... It has provided me the knowledge and skills I need to succeed in my chosen field. I'm confident that this course will help me reach my goals. Thanks for making this available!

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51 - 75 of 878 Reviews for Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concepts

By John W

Nov 17, 2022

This course did a wonderful job of demonstrating how important user research can be to a UX designers product. I learned so much about the prototypes, lo fidelity designs, and usability studies. The instructor was easy to follow along with a did an excellent job stressing the importance of user feedback in order to gain insight and fine tune the middle stages of product design. Getting to use figma and other digital software for our projects gives me the confidence I need to easily build upon my portfolio project and see my initial sketches and brainstorm ideas become closer to an actual product that would benefit people's lives.

By Matt M

Jul 3, 2021

This course really broke down the process of building a research plan, conducting a usability study, analyzing the data collected through research to inform improvements needed to your design, and how to create a thorough presentation to share insights and improvements with others. The instructor for this course was great! I really enjoyed the tone and demonstrated understanding of the content presented by the instructor. Though the content of this course and work needing to be completed took some extra time to get through, I believe it was beneficial and helped produce quality work in the end. Great course!

By Chia H C

Nov 22, 2021

I have learned to create a research plan that allows me to prepare an earlier usability study for the project that I have created while objectively collecting valuable feedback directly from the user and moreover to provide accurate insights to enhance my project. And finally, learned how to prepare overall insights based on the research and collect feedback from the participants, and present it to the team or related stakeholders. I am grateful that I took this course and as promised that I will continue the rest of the courses.

By Narmin M

Jun 22, 2023

Conducting UX research and testing early concepts is crucial for successful design. Through research, designers gain insights into user needs, behaviors, and preferences. Testing early concepts validates design assumptions and uncovers usability issues. This user-centered approach ensures that the final product meets user expectations and reduces the risk of bias. By investing in these activities, designers create better user experiences, increase customer satisfaction, and deliver successful products.

By Jeremy B

Mar 24, 2021

Doing user research seemed kind of scary at first, but the course sets you up with templates and tips and stuff that are really helpful. So far, the courses in the program are good at filling in all the gaps I had trying to learn UX on my own. Like going from research back to designing. I had a general idea for how to do some design updates after researching, but I was happy to see that the course lays out exactly what to do and how to do it. I feel like I am turning into a real UX designer!

By Sanita B

Dec 7, 2022

I really enjoyed this part of the UX, I did! Although it was challenging at times - to find the courage to share my crappy lo-fi app design with people I know but hearing their feedback really high-lighted the issues that I had overseen. It turns out that when you're creating an app from scratch, t comes harder than I'd imagined! People's opinions help so much and rather than taking that all in as a critique and taking things personally, it also teaches to listen and understand!

By Gabriel O

Jan 14, 2024

"If you are not willing to commit to achieving your set goals, don't discuss it with Coursera". I had lots of personal challenges while taking this course but the constant support and encouragement from the Coursera team, energized me to overcome all odds. Today, I am one set closer to my dream of becoming a professional UX Researcher. The course materials are supper engaging, thought provoking and easy to follow. I am recommending this course to you reading my testimony today.

By Charmi C

Aug 12, 2023

It was brilliant, I learned so much! I loved conducting a usability study and gained so many valuable insights. I liked how easily everything was laid out. The instructor of the course spoke clearly and their accent was easy to understand, which I appreciate a lot. The week 4 peer review assignment did not have a proper exemplar which made it difficult I think - because a lot of people got it wrong while I was reviewing - so this could be improved. Overall, I really enjoyed it.

By S D R

Nov 30, 2021

Great course. I have really learned a lot, and the assignments helped me to apply all concepts that I have learned here. I would like to sincerely thank my instructor for this great learning experience. I have one comment here. Sometimes, I am not able to meet the weekly deadlines, as, I take it a little slowly, to get a better grasp of the concepts and try to do well in my assignments. Once again, thank you so much, and I am looking forward to the other courses.

By Pooya D

Apr 23, 2022

in this course I learned steps, research methods and how to make presentations for stakeholders. the way of lectures and lecturer is very good. they pay attention to every point even its very small or seems nonimportant from my perspective but when I study and try to do my assignments I recognized that why a small nonimportant point can have an effect on your project.

I learned lots of things from this course and sure I'll learn a lot from next courses.

By Analia d G

Jul 3, 2021

I found this course to be instructional, fun and successful in teaching us how to write an initial Research Study plan, creating an affinity diagram, learning how to take notes and adding them to a spreadsheet for clarity and synthesizing, defining themes and insights and creating a Research presentation, while learning to present the said presentation and then updating it with our research findings. Looking forward to starting course 5!

By Chantel J

Dec 6, 2022

I came into the research and testing portion of this certificate course a little wary because I knew it wouldn't be my favorite part of this process. The course made it so easy and a lot less daunting than I could have ever expected!! It was honestly my favorite one so far, I loved putting together the presentation and by utilizing the slide notes I feel like I got myself to really understand what I was doing and why. Thanks so much!

By Shane T

Jun 25, 2021

Whilst the start of the course took a bit of getting into - coming from such an interactive and creative previous course, I am so glad I stuck with it.

The material covered is incredibly valuable - and really highlights the importance of testing and getting feedback from users.

The assignments weren't easy - and really reflects the effort you put into the usability study. A poor study will make the follow-on assignments a LOT harder.

By Wajahat

Jun 18, 2023

I recently had the opportunity to enroll in the "Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concepts" course on Coursera, and I must say that it was an outstanding experience. As someone interested in user experience (UX) design, this course exceeded my expectations in every aspect. From the comprehensive content to the engaging learning methods, it provided an invaluable foundation for conducting UX research and testing early concepts.

By Shanthi N

Mar 15, 2022

This course was facilitated in an excellent way. I learnt all the important steps of planning and conducting a research study, conducting a usability study, using affinity diagram, deriving insights and most importantly how to present insights and recommendations effectively to a design team and how to present it flawlessly. There cannot be a better way to teach, help us practise these skills than this amazing Google course.

By Katelyn S

May 3, 2023

This was one of the most incredible classes Ive ever taken. I just so happen to be in a huge department meeting today on updating the user experience completely at the organization I work for, and they had HUGE teams working on making the things we literally just made - and this process was more seamless than the one they were paying contractors to come in and implement. Just incredible knowledge.

By Hsu I

Jul 10, 2022

Hardcore. Hardcore is the first word coming to my mind when I finally complete the course. On one hand I totally understand research actually is the key in the whole certificate courses; on the other hand I keep screaming and cursing when trying to finish the submission. Every submission includes correlating steps and you can't just skip any of it. Respect! UX researchers and desginers.

By Denis K

Oct 2, 2023

This course was very useful for me because I had never conducted a usability study and needed a test like this to acquire this skill. I'm not new to wireframing and prototyping in Figma, but this experience was really interesting, especially when combined with the research conducted alongside it. I'm very glad to have taken part in this course! Thank you, Google and Coursera!

By Rebecca H

Nov 4, 2022

This course was fantastic at learning how to create a research plan, conduct a usability study, and analyze information from the study for next steps. There was a lot of support to do all of this with the guided assignments and resources. I would highly recommend this course for anyone who wants to learn more about the basics of conducting UX Research and test designs.

By Ryan S

Jan 6, 2023

Probably the most important course in this whole certificate program. The need for proper user-focused research is highlighted and once you see how it affects your design decisions, you realize how important it is to have the user's input on your designs. The instructors teach the information clearly and effectively, my favourite course in this certificate.

By Özgür İ

Jul 4, 2023

I learned all the steps to conduct Conduct UX Research from start to finish. Usability Study is the step where we present our design to users and receive feedback, and it is very important to do it right, this course shows all the steps and provides it.

It explains the Plan, Research, Analyze & Synthesize and Share in different weeks and is very effective!

By Md. K A M

May 24, 2023

I have completed the "Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concepts" course, and I must say that it was an incredibly valuable learning experience. As someone interested in the field of user experience design, this course provided me with the essential knowledge and practical skills needed to conduct effective UX research and test early design concepts.

By Abdulrafiu P

Oct 4, 2022

This course is absolutely worth it. I can say confidently that this course taught me to handle feedback not just in User Experience but my life as a whole. I really enjoyed this course. My favorite part of the course was observing participants during usability studies. Big thanks to the Course Instructor, Google and Coursera for this course.

By Sasha N

Nov 25, 2021

Wow, what a challenging and informative course. Research is key to creating a great application and design. I have learned so much and had difficult times, but I pushed on and it paid off. I hope to take all that I have learned into my future roles in the field. Thank you to all the instructors and staff who worked putting this together.

By Ioanna F

Feb 17, 2023

Perhaps, the most important of the courses I attended so far. Moral lesson: There is no point in designing if your designs are not understandable, not usable, and do not offer a pleasant experience for users. Interacting with research participants provides valuable information on whether what you have in mind resonates with users.