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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Digital Manufacturing & Design by University at Buffalo

3,483 ratings

About the Course

This course will expose you to the transformation taking place, throughout the world, in the way that products are being designed and manufactured. The transformation is happening through digital manufacturing and design (DM&D) – a shift from paper-based processes to digital processes in the manufacturing industry. By the end of this course, you’ll understand what DMD is and how it is impacting careers, practices and processes in companies both large and small. You will gain an understanding of and appreciation for the role that technology is playing in this transition. The technology we use every day – whether it is communicating with friends and family, purchasing products or streaming entertainment – can benefit design and manufacturing, making companies and workers more competitive, agile and productive. Discover how this new approach to making products makes companies more responsive, and employees more involved and engaged, as new career paths in advanced manufacturing evolve. Main concepts of this course will be delivered through lectures, readings, discussions and various videos. This is the first course in the Digital Manufacturing & Design Technology specialization that explores the many facets of manufacturing’s “Fourth Revolution,” aka Industry 4.0, and features a culminating project involving creation of a roadmap to achieve a self-established DMD-related professional goal. To learn more about the Digital Manufacturing and Design Technology specialization, please watch the overview video by copying and pasting the following link into your web browser:

Top reviews


Aug 30, 2020

Advanced Manufacturing will hold industry discussions in the coming years. This course helps you understand the challenges that manufacturing is going through to meet the requirements of Industry 4.0


Jul 14, 2020

Amazing Course and the stuff provided by Prof. English- I am Thankful to Coursera team for Giving me this wonderful opportunity to learn this course to upgrade my skills by providing financial Aid.

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651 - 675 of 832 Reviews for Digital Manufacturing & Design

By Venkatesan R

Apr 14, 2020

Digital manufacturing is the latest technology and it is the future for the manufacturing industries.

The information provided in this course is more useful.

Thank you.

By Arun P

Apr 20, 2020

The course gives a good insight into the basic concepts of DMD.However it does not carry much of the technical details.Good for an overview of the subject.

By Jayasankaran B

Mar 8, 2018

The course is well designed to give the required primer/introduction for the next courses. Audio and video are not in sync at many places, please rectify.

By David C

Dec 1, 2017

Good introductory course with a lot of good information and resources. Could probably dive a little deeper into some topics; was very high-level.

By Sujal A

May 2, 2021

This course doesn't talk anything about design. Its name should be "Digital Manufacturing" since almost everything covered here is based on it.

By Augniva A S

May 26, 2020

it is a helpful course giving one a basic knowledge DMD the further courses in the specialization will further increase one's knowledge

By Ashwin K D

Aug 2, 2020

It is very good course to understand digital manufacturing and design. i learned about industry 4.0 concept and intelligent machining.

By Sachin G

Sep 2, 2020

Provides a good overview of what is to come in the further specializations . A good introductory course in digital manufacturing.

By Reuben G

Jul 23, 2020

Brought in an interest towards automation.Relevant to the industry.Thank you Professor English for such good videos.

By Diego R

Feb 8, 2021

It seems this course has not been update for a while. Many references to information and facts from around 2014.

By Arun K D

Jan 4, 2018

Good course. I feel material used and the duration is very short. it could have have more content and examples.

By Vishnu A S

May 2, 2020

The course was short and perfect to learn the manufacturing revolution and the cyber threats around the world.

By Aryan J

May 25, 2023

helpfull to learn about basic intro about the digital manufacturing & design & about industry

4.0 revolution.

By Jonathan K

Apr 27, 2020

Good, focused introduction, that really hammers in the basic structure of DMD through the product life cycle.

By Franc R

Apr 13, 2020

Curso muy didáctico que explica con brevedad las terminología básica del diseño digital para la fabricación.

By Bui N D

Aug 17, 2018

It's a very good introduction for anyone who want to have a basic understanding about Digital manufacturing.


Apr 10, 2020

A good platform for engineering student's..for getting good knowledge in digital manufacturing and design.

By Joel B

Aug 28, 2017

Enjoyed the introductory course and look forward to expanding my knowledge with DMD and IoT deployments.

By Said M

Feb 26, 2017

i see course must be require for every engineer ,that because the new technology and last updata of data

By Miguel E N M

Jun 27, 2020

Muy bueno para ser una introducción a la especializacion solo que falto material didactico como PDFs

By Ujas M

Apr 1, 2019

Good to start. You will learn definitions, challenges and basic ideas about topics explained.

By Joaquin C

Feb 11, 2017

Everything very very good, except discrepancies grading the final quiz of m1w2... Question 3.


Aug 2, 2021

Through this I come to know many important and interesting things. thanks to the university.

By Hakan E

May 27, 2020

If you are beginner, this course can be helpful to understand DMD. But It's just definitions


Aug 22, 2020

I didnt liked the questions popping during ongoing video... It looses the focus of student.