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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Everyday Excel, Part 1 by University of Colorado Boulder

3,311 ratings

About the Course

"Everyday Excel, Part 1" is aimed at learners who are seeking to learn Excel from the ground up. No experience with Excel is necessary. While this course is meant for beginners of Excel, advanced users will undoubtedly pick up new skills and tools. This course is the first part of a three-part series and Specialization that focuses on teaching introductory through very advanced techniques and tools in Excel. In this course (Part 1), you will: 1) learn how to effectively navigate around the Excel environment; 2) edit and format Excel worksheets; 3) implement basic to advanced Excel functions (including financial, logical, and text functions); 4) learn how to manage data sets (filter, remove duplicates, consolidate data, sort data, and validate data); and 5) learn how to effectively visualize data through scatterplots, column charts, and pie charts. New to Excel? That is entirely fine! This course is meant to be fun, thought-provoking, and appeal to a wide audience. No prior knowledge in programming nor advanced math skills are necessary. The course is organized into 5 Weeks (modules). To pass each module, you'll need to pass a mastery quiz and complete a problem solving assignment. This course is unique in that the weekly assignments are completed in-application (i.e., on your own computer in Excel), providing you with valuable hands-on training....

Top reviews


Jun 30, 2022

This course is excellent and is best for beginners who wish to get familiar with excel and learn its vast features that enhance your problem solving ability and also saves significant amount of time.


Apr 28, 2021

That was extremely helpful, I liked it so much, I liked everything about it from the breaking down of new subjects, literally someone with zero experience in excel can understand and use these things

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101 - 125 of 1,061 Reviews for Everyday Excel, Part 1

By Quynh T P

Jul 30, 2020

Although I have used Excel for years and even earned Microsoft Office Specialist Certification in Excel 2010, I still learned a lot from this course. The very updated information, i.e. introduction about new functions in Office 365, helps me save a lot of time in tasks that I used to process by older version of Excel (e.g. CONCATENATE function).

For people totally new to Excel, some might feel the course content a bit overwhelming at first; but keep learning and your Excel skills will significantly improve.

By Thane M

Mar 1, 2021

I started this course with very little understanding of Microsoft Excel and its applications. Dr. Nuttelman's course was very logical, well presented and provided me with a solid foundation for Excel. The questions and quized reinforced understanding of the material - the questions were challenging and I felt a sense of accomplishment upon completion.

Really great course -I'm looking forward to his other courses in the excel pathway and I'm looking forward to applying what I've learned.

Much appreciated.

By Chris E

May 8, 2021

Wow! I'm a Pro member and I'm taking a bunch of courses and certifications/specializations on Coursera, and this is definitely the best so far! I arrogantly thought I knew how to use Excel at a basic level so I was just planning to fly through this course and hope to learn more advanced stuff in the other courses in the specialization, but I was so wrong! The presentation was excellent - simple, yet very informative. And the assignments were done very well. I can't recommend this course enough.

By niklas l

Oct 8, 2021

A good course. I have no grade in Math or English and my Excel experience was most with sorting and management of different lists. In the course I was forced to enter the "dark side" with some math, finance stuff etc. No problem, the educational style is very logic and explanatory. You will note that the professor spent many hours constructing the course, with a good result. Some assignments were a bit difficult but was always manageable. A good start for someone who will learn about Excel.

By Amrit K

Aug 15, 2020

This course is the gem of Coursera. I had already taken a basic introductory course by but I got to learn so much form this course. The questions , the quizzes and the assignment are top notch. You can't pass any test without having a deeper understanding of the topic. And this is what set apart this course from other courses. Hats off to Charlie Nuttelman, the instructor of this course, for his creative approach in every assignment and quizzes. I'm glad that I took this course.

By Morgan C

Mar 17, 2021

Very well presented, clear instructions, and pleasant to listen to. Very practical skillset to have, and this course is a great, comprehensive start in Excel as far as I know! Macro-enabled assignments were really fun, and I learned an incredible amount. I will be returning to my notes from this course for many Excel-related professional/personal projects in the future. Got to teach my Excel-proficient engineer dad a few new tidbits, as well :). Can't wait to continue the specialization!

By Juan P V E

May 11, 2021

Charlie is a great teacher and I loved the course from the very beginning. Even though I thought I had solid basics in Excel, I was open to re-learn stuff because I knew there could things worth learning, as basic as they may seem.

This course did not disappoint and it actually surprised me with the number of things I did not know about and that I could make my life way easier with simpler ways to create tables and make them dynamic. I recommend this course 100% to absolutely everyone.

By Sara G

May 13, 2021

Tough and thorough. There's a lot of info to go over and remember. You will reuse info from earlier weeks in the later weeks. Definitely use the extras the teacher gives to play around with the functions and formulas. There are some things that you need to pick up and realize on your own (critical thinking), but that is best to learn with! It gets a bit fast paced in the last two weeks, I found myself replaying videos over several times to see what was happening.

By vivek b

May 4, 2021

Until this course I had used Excel a little for graph plotting and simple calculation. I have never realized hoe poerful Excel can be as tool. This course details the important basic functions of Excel, which sets the requirements to carry out complicated tasks in further courses in the series. Instructor Charlie Nuttleman has done wonderful job in creating the contents as well as assignments. If you want to learn Excel or expand your knowledge in Excel, go for it!

By Lavinia V

Apr 8, 2021

Amazing course for beginners. It's super well done and it gives you an overview of all basic functions of excel. You can set subtitles in different languages if needed. It is really visual and practical. The assignments are tricky but they help you learn even more and consolidate the knowledge acquired. I just found a bug starting week 3 where I couldn't select the answers in the "optional" questions along the videos. Overall I'm really happy I took this course.

By Joanna M

Jan 8, 2021

What an excellent course! It was very engaging and I found Charlie to be very easy to follow. I appreciated being able to follow along and the fact that he dove deep into the reasons behind using the certain functions. I use Excel a fair amount but I know it's a use it or lose it type of program. I do feel that the notes I was able to capture and the work we did on the assignments will give me a good reference point if I do not use it enough. Excited for Part 2!

By Maria P

Sep 20, 2020

Thank you, Charlie! I did this course because my skills are much better with the other Microsoft Office apps. Then, while I was completing Weeks 4 and 5 of the course, I suddenly had to manage a large spreadsheet of data on about 800 students (this has nothing to do with my normal teaching job), and all the things we were learning on the course came in useful for quickly managing the data, and reporting on all the different things I was asked to report on.

By Duncan B

Nov 8, 2021

Very challenging but I learned a lot. Very well laid out course. Screencasts are very informative and encourage you to work alongside them. This is not a passive experience with a lazy quiz at the end. If you make mistakes you are told why. You are reminded what you are trying to do and what sort of process you should be using to solve the problem. Some of the assignments had me tearing my hair out but I certainly learned a lot. A very recommended course.

By Nand K

Mar 27, 2022

Dammmn, this is my first online course certificate , after using coursera for 2 years. ufff,i learnt a lot in this course. from being scared about working with excel to the point of being comfortable with knowing it has been a childhood dream. i am very grateful to the community for letting me study the course for free, I liked Charlie's teaching and the course's assignments were not stressful. looking forward to completing the entire specialisation

By Kyle E B

May 12, 2023

Great intro to Excel. It could be updated, but I'd like to know if there is any incentive from Courersa to do that. Functions like =TEXTAFTER() and =TEXTBEFORE() are excellent, and I assume newer because they aren't in this course. Still, the pacing was fantastic, the content relevant, and the instruction was straightforward. All topics were taught with easy-to-follow steps, and it gave reasons for everything talked about. A well-done course

By Ashutosh P

Mar 27, 2022

I thanks to Charlie Nuttelman for considering my application and allowing me to enter me into his class ending with an awesome certificate which is going to count in my carreer growth. He is an excellent tutor who tough the day today use of excel in an organisation including various aspect of excel. It's definitely gonna push me to next level with the skills he tought and certificate he provided. A big thanks again to Charlie Nuttelman

By Rodolfo P L T

Mar 6, 2023

I had a lot of fun while I participated on this course. The teacher has quality videos that are helpful for begginers at Excel, also he orginises classes in a way that advanced students get involved and don't feel bored .You need to anwer questions during the video and the range of things you learn is quite big making the course complete. I fully recommend the course to anyone that want to improve skills at Microsoft Excel

By Andy Y

Jan 3, 2021

This was very educational. I learned a lot more about Excel compared to before I took this course. The assignments were challenging and can get frustrating when you can't find the solution, but once you figure it out it is very satisfying. In my opinion, you just need a lot of practice in these techniques to excel yourself with the software (no pun intended, haha) Thank you professor Nuttelman for providing this course.

By Shanmukha P

Jul 10, 2021

I have hands-on experience with Excel for last 15 years. But, I have learned and got proficiency of the most of the functions related to data analysis such as data validation, pivot tables, VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH etc and, Visualization of data such as scatter diagrams, Bar/column charts, pie charts etc. Explanation with appropriate examples is the highly appreciable. Thanks a lot to the Faculty of this course.

By Tetiana I

Oct 7, 2020

This course was very interesting and it was difficult at the same time. I found out a lot of new and useful information about Excel. Now I am able to use Excel more professional in my work.

Also, I want to say thank you to Charlie. The course was very well thought out. All information was presented clearly and step by step, which is very important. I am happy that I've learnt this course and passed the exams.

By Vijay V

Jul 28, 2020

Series of "everyday excel" course very useful if you want to learn the basic to advance techniques and formula for use. and i would like to thank the Mr. Charlie Nuttelman for making this course challenged at every step once concept is explained. take the course if you want to go from "beginner" level to "master" and i request Mr. Charlie Nuttelman to make more video of this series with new concept.

By Sachin

Jun 3, 2023

Phenomenal!! I have never learned such efficiently and effectively , this course is so beautifully designed that it keeps you engaged , the most important thing is it's explanation part which is great and most importantly clean. Also those quizzes and assignments are definitely useful and makes our learning even more easier and helps to retain and clear the concepts that we have learnt.

By Sanjana N

Aug 30, 2020

I absolutely loved this course! I've taken Excel in school before, but I was never taught in this much detail, or with these many helpful tips and tricks. The entire course was super easy to follow, and the amount of effort the instructor has put into designing the course flow is evident and admirable. I also loved the assignments as it really helped me identify how much I had learnt.

By Deleted A

Aug 22, 2020

This course is a good way to start with Excel. The instructors starts with introducing the basic principles and features of Excel and then gradually starts introducing more and more complex features. I also like the quizzes during the screencasts and the weekly quizzes and assignments.

The assignments resemble real life problems and solving the assignments can be quite challenging.

By Miguel A C G

Feb 8, 2021

Interesting how many things we can do in excel with just a bit f time and knowing some of the built in functionalities and formulas. Of course, knowing your data and what you want to do to calculate it, analyze it, plot it, filter it, is paramount to understand the direction you have to go. Overall a very interesting training. Will for sure take part in Everyday Excel, Part 2.