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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals by Google Cloud

15,959 ratings

About the Course

This course introduces the Google Cloud big data and machine learning products and services that support the data-to-AI lifecycle. It explores the processes, challenges, and benefits of building a big data pipeline and machine learning models with Vertex AI on Google Cloud....

Top reviews


Mar 2, 2019

Overall a good curated course to help understand the GCP offerings and high level architecture of how their offerings fit in the current landscape. Easy to follow along as this was fundamental course.


Sep 23, 2019

This course really helped me in understanding exactly 'How the Big data and Machine learning can be used in Cloud' and 'The ease to use it'. Thank you for summing all the fundamentals in this course.

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2626 - 2650 of 2,699 Reviews for Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals

By Carlos S M

Apr 25, 2018

The course wasn't challenging at all. The videos/tests/activities did no required any effort to complete, no study required, only copy and paste. It actually looked more like a technical/sales long presentation of Google platform.

By Mike B

Dec 1, 2022

I signed up for the hands on labs. most of the labs had issues such as no resources to launch the labs, lab instructions out of sync with the latest GCP UI, confusing instructions. Qwiklabs used to have better quality control.

By Clair H

Dec 5, 2018

The instructor is not clear. I tried to understand some definition with reading transcript, still cannot understand what he is talking about. The courses are not organized well. Some course titles are not good.

By Doniyor U

Dec 26, 2017

I expected the course to cover more ground on the Google Cloud Platform, especially given the price tag. You get to dip your toes in different tools Google offers, and some examples can be a little out of date.

By Sameh E M

Feb 11, 2018

As an IT project manager, I was hoping to spend valuable time on Google big data and cloud computing fundamentals to aid me in my work as a project manager.

I didn't like to do hand on labs!

By Paul L

Jul 23, 2019

I enjoyed the lectures from Carolyn Ujcic the best. Out of all the instructors, she was the only one who made me feel like I was learning something from these crypto-marketing videos.

By Kevin T Y Z

Dec 23, 2018

for video, tall too much but not efficent enough; for the lab, i cannot understand why it has so many repeat steps, why cannot just put those similiar lab into one.

By Prem M

Jan 12, 2020

The basic fundamentals in this module#1 is ok, but gets very arcane as it progresses. Need before and after screen shots for every lab step, lacking details.

By Diego T B

Aug 23, 2020

I was really only interested in data engineering. This course is pre-requirement for the Data engineering spec and i had to go through a lot of ML content.

By Michele “ D S

May 29, 2017

Most of the materials of this course can be freely found con Google Codelabs. If it was 50% off maybe it could be worth a shot but not at the 55$ pricetag.

By Boyu L

Apr 5, 2019

too easy but takes too long, poorly designed. You just copy and paste in code provided by google. There are places where if you mis-click you are doomed.

By Stefan O P

Sep 3, 2018

The Labs were 75% repetitive setup and comparatively little information. Also, there was very little on the 'why' of certain choices.

By Nazarii S

May 11, 2019

Labs were not useful to get the feel of the platform, overall very poor coverage of such an interesting topic.

By Balkrishna K

Apr 16, 2020

It is very basic and don't have details. New person will find it difficult to understand what is going on

By moujahid y

Jul 29, 2022

the labs are not so good ,

i didn't practice anything manualy at all , it was all a copy passt work.

By Wei W C

Dec 15, 2022

Could not complete training on Vertex AI (The allocated time is not enough for training requirement)

By Marius v E

Mar 27, 2019

Labs were not so great, long provisioning time and high amount of tedious setup repetition

By Aditya N G

Jun 23, 2019

A very basic hands-off course just introducing to some GCP products.

By Roberto F

Jan 19, 2019

There is no practice in deep of GCP tools, tasks are really guided.

By Razvan B

Feb 15, 2018

This is just and introduction to google products and that's it.

By Bjarnthor E

Feb 8, 2020

Meh, more like a sales pitch rather than actual course content

By Audrius V

May 13, 2020

Mostly useless blahblah with only few pieces of information

By Marcelo H G

Apr 26, 2017

Sells too much Google and do not explain important things.

By Praveen P

Oct 12, 2017

Not a great course for learning. Didnt focus on concepts

By Larry L

Oct 16, 2022

Materials are somewhat dated and not detailed enough.