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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Getting Started with Go by University of California, Irvine

2,288 ratings

About the Course

Learn the basics of Go, an open source programming language originally developed by a team at Google and enhanced by many contributors from the open source community. This course is designed for individuals with previous programming experience using such languages as C, Python, or Java, and covers the fundamental elements of Go. Topics include data types, protocols, formats, and writing code that incorporates RFCs and JSON. Most importantly, you’ll have a chance to practice writing Go programs and receive feedback from your peers. Upon completing this course, you'll be able to implement simple Go programs, which will prepare you for subsequent study at a more advanced level....

Top reviews


Apr 4, 2020

Great intro. If you already know the basics, you probably don't need this course though. Not much of a deep dive, more of a "skim the surface" type course. Week 4 on IO was the most beneficial for me.


Oct 23, 2020

Very detailed, nice introduction to golang's basic concepts. Might need to google to find better ways to handle some requirements of the assignments, but overall a cool programming language to learn.

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26 - 50 of 569 Reviews for Getting Started with Go

By Luiz C

Nov 6, 2018

Interesting Course for anyone interested by Go programming, but Course is really targetted at beginner programmers

By Rohit O

Apr 13, 2020

Everything was perfect except that there were no examples/test runs for the coding questions.

By Phil H

Jul 7, 2019

This course satisfies the basic requirements for learning go. However, it is really annoying that there are so many typos / errors in the course materials. Everything just seems sloppy. All in all, this course does provide useful info, but it's definitely nowhere as good as it could be.

By Giulio C

Mar 21, 2019

Not very in depth study course about Golang but still good

By Utkarsh S

Oct 29, 2018

More Lab work would have been useful.

By Dmytro D

Nov 18, 2023

It's not much of a course. The lectures were very surface level and covered not enough Go-specific things or best practices. The programming assignments were alright but I wish they just used automated testing instead of peer reviews. To be hones you'd be better off doing the official Tour of Go and reading the docs if you already have programming experience. And if you're new to programming this is not going to give you the necessary depth.

By Zack K

Oct 27, 2021

At time this course feels more like an intro to programming course than an intro to go. The assignments should be graded using coursera's unit tests rather than peer reviewed. Peer review's are not comprehensive, and I doubt most people are actually checking the code. Also, having people download other people's code is a security risk. Wouldn't be hard to put something malicious in the code that executes it is run (or even when it is opened)

By Abhishek S

Jun 18, 2019

Should be more indepth. Standard library which were missed out and are important should be introduced like reflection, time, net, io, etc and that too in detail. I think concepts introduced must be strengthened using real world scenarios as well. Please introduce more concepts like profiling, memory management web development as part of this specialization via new courses.

By Tim “ C

Jan 4, 2021

It's too text heavy for basic comp sci topics. It's good information but not on topic.

The topic is 'Getting started with Go' not 'Getting started with Computer Architecture'.

There should be more Go specific focused talks and assume a base level of comp sci from your audience.

Or, make basic comp sci a requisite to this course.

By Joseph F

May 22, 2019

The peer review was a bummer for me; I don't feel like I should pay for a course and have to grade others assignments. If I want to become a TF / TA, much different story.

The final assignment was worded poorly and left some (much) to the implementor's interpretation; a bit uncomfortable.

2.5 stars

By Aaron B

Jan 20, 2022

This course was a mess. Slides full of syntax errors, assignments require understanding not yet delivered, poor organization of content within video lectures, and so much more. If this was 10 bucks on Udemy I'd understand, but for a university level course, this is a bit sad.

By Daniel S

May 16, 2022

The video lectures are very superficial. For the final module, I didn't bother wasting my time watching the lectures. This whole course can be completed by skipping to the graded assignment, reading the prompt, and then searching online for how to solve various pieces of the problem needing solved, e.g. "how to take input in go", "how to parse a file in go", "golang json marshal mapping". There are numerous time wasting mistakes, ambiguities, and critical omitions throughout the course which have been reported and remain unfixed for years and they are infuriating.

The prompts themselves are often unclear, with either outright mistakes or ambiguous specifications. Again, these mistakes have been reported, many of them reported years ago, and have still not been addressed. And we're talking about mistakes that would take 5 minutes for the professor to fix. Just view the discussion forums for numerous examples. The prompts also often require knowledge that was not covered during the lectures, even superficially.

The video lectures often spend too much time on information you could easily obtain from a quick online search but fail to go in-depth on topics where I actually need a lecture to help me understand a topic. The lectures also run too fast, glossing over tons of details and complex topics in oftentimes less than 10 minutes.

If you have a friend or a senior co-worker that can just create some program prompts for you, like "make a program that can prompt a user for a name and address, store the data in a map, marshal it into JSON, and then print the JSON", and then you go teach yourself how to accomplish that, then you already have what this course will provide for you. If you need anything beyond that, then look elsewhere.

By ardawan i

Oct 30, 2019

This course is the only talks and powerpoint slides, there is absolutely no code, monitor screen sharing, etc.

The courses talk about fundamentals and computer science stories. The entire specialization focus is less than 50% on the Go language itself. No Go mod, No libraries, No coding...

For instance, The professor is about to explain a new thing and suddenly remember forgot to mention something before so he jumps to the missing point and then jumps back to continue. HARD to follow up...

The quizzes have many typos/duplicates. That makes you fail!

Overall strongly I do NOT suggest to waste your money or time on this specialization on Coursera.

By Tyler B

Apr 24, 2022

The lessons don't cover much depth, nor are there great demo/examples. Too much talking, not enough coding. The tests are not aligned with the lessons. Peer grading is ridiculoud. Several times i was scored poorly based off the preferences of the reviewer, not whether the code executed and performed as specificied. I resubmitted the exact same file and received a 100%. WTF? I do not reccomend.

By Shahan A

Jul 24, 2021

terrible. the instructor skips over many important concepts needed to do the assignments. a little introduction to Scanf and other funcs necessary to do the assignments would have been nice. In order to do this course I didn't have to know Python, I had to have already known Go. the lectures had little relation to the assignments and I had to already know Go to do the assignments

By Aerys N

May 20, 2022

My very first comment on Coursera and I am highly unsatisfied about peer-graded assignments. Why would a programming course need peer review? It is more reasonable that you either choose pure quizes or use online judge for programming assignments. Peer review just makes me think that the lecturer does not actually pay enough attenion about his/her course, neither does Coursera.

By Deleted A

Jun 19, 2020

too much talk talk talk - when do you get to the coding? Unenroll me.

By Deepak A

Jan 26, 2021

A programming course without IDE, lol

By Salvador C

Aug 29, 2021


By Oliver F

Oct 10, 2020

My impressions overall are very positive. Some observations: this is not a beginner's course! It assumes a good understanding of basic principles of programming. I watched the videos at 1.25 speed and skipped some parts, skim-reading the transcripts instead. Good choice of topics and level of depth. Pointers covered before more pedestrian data types, which is great. The scope of variables is explained in Week2 with the right balance of formalism and accessibility. And very concisely. Thank you, Ian!

By Abhinav U

Oct 15, 2018

Very easy to follow course. I've tried to learn golang from multiple resources and multiple times. I've a degree in CS. Most of the resources are too simple, like explaining what a loop is or how to declare a variable, or there are resources which just run through the concepts without giving you chance to absorb them. This specialization has a nice balance, it does cover the language basics but doesn't waste time trying to explain every little thing, the assignments help you solidify your learning.

By Juliana d C O P

Mar 29, 2019

Very well structured course, explaining all the why(s) and how(s) about this scalable-user-friendly language. Teacher is very knowledgeable and even explains some hardware things about memory capacity and processing power.

Homework is hard and it's not easy to pass to other levels. You will have to work hard. I'm having a frustrating hard time, but loving it. Recommend to those that are on an intermediate level.

By David V M

May 25, 2022

I liked this course very much. The video lessons are understandable and chopped into chewable parts. I think the assignments are also in a good balance. For some parts of the assignments you can refer to the lessons learned, but there is always a bit left for you to explore yourself online. In this way you learn to read the documentation and it challenges you instead of just copy pasting stuff.

By Mercedes A

Jul 7, 2020

muy buen curso.

lo unico que mejoraria es que los trabajos practicos tienen cierto nivel de requisitos pero las calificaciones de los mismos no las exigen. es decir se solicita que el programa realice A , B , C y D, pero en la evaluacion por los compañeros con hacer A es suficiente, por que se asigna 5 puntos si el programa complila y 3 por que haga A y 2 por hacer B...

By Leam H

Jan 22, 2019

I enjoyed the class. The instructor presents well and is easy to listen to. The course is not for a beginner programmer! Most of the measurable objectives (quizzes and coding assignments) require more than just watching the videos. Still, if you already code in a C based language (C, Perl, Python, Ruby, etc) and can look things up you should do well.