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Learner Reviews & Feedback for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers by Johns Hopkins University

16,185 ratings

About the Course

Do you realize that the only functionality of a web application that the user directly interacts with is through the web page? Implement it poorly and, to the user, the server-side becomes irrelevant! Today’s user expects a lot out of the web page: it has to load fast, expose the desired service, and be comfortable to view on all devices: from a desktop computers to tablets and mobile phones. In this course, we will learn the basic tools that every web page coder needs to know. We will start from the ground up by learning how to implement modern web pages with HTML and CSS. We will then advance to learning how to code our pages such that its components rearrange and resize themselves automatically based on the size of the user’s screen. You’ll be able to code up a web page that will be just as useful on a mobile phone as on a desktop computer. No “pinch and zoom” required! Last but certainly not least, we will get a thorough introduction to the most ubiquitous, popular, and incredibly powerful language of the web: Javascript. Using Javascript, you will be able to build a fully functional web application that utilizes Ajax to expose server-side functionality and data to the end user....

Top reviews


Jun 10, 2020

Actually the best online course i hv ever learnt,especially the professor yaakov is quiet outstanding.And a field trip in a online course sounds rare and good!!Thank You Coursera and yakkov for this!!


Aug 19, 2023

A very detailed and comprehensive course with lots of skills to acquire and knowledge to gain. I would recommend it to every person since web development is skill with lots of demand in global market.

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351 - 375 of 5,660 Reviews for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

By Maksuda R F

Aug 17, 2020

Lacakage of details.

By Diana M

May 11, 2021

Update the videos!

By Pam P

Apr 2, 2021

outdated material

By Atamurad B

Dec 23, 2023

bad old material

By Arpan S

Oct 9, 2023

outdated course!

By Gonzalo E

Feb 23, 2021

way to outdated

By Harsh G

Mar 22, 2021

how to uneroll

By Ярюхін Д

Mar 1, 2023

So old course

By Στέφανος Μ

Jan 31, 2021

Need UpDate

By Harshit B

Jan 30, 2023

its old

By Fisaha A

May 11, 2023

I am thrilled to share my overwhelmingly positive experience with Coursera. From the moment I enrolled in my first course, I was hooked on the platform's remarkable features and outstanding quality of education. It is without a doubt that Coursera deserves a resounding five-star rating. Let me highlight a few aspects that truly set Coursera apart:

Vast Selection of Courses: Coursera offers an unparalleled variety of courses across an extensive range of subjects. Whether you are interested in computer science, business, arts, or any other field, you'll find an abundance of high-quality courses to choose from. The diverse selection ensures that every learner can find something that matches their interests and goals.

Top-Notch Instructors: Coursera partners with renowned universities and industry experts to deliver courses of exceptional quality. The instructors are not only highly knowledgeable in their respective fields but also skilled at conveying complex concepts in a clear and engaging manner. Their passion for teaching shines through in every lecture, making the learning experience truly enjoyable.

Flexibility and Accessibility: One of the standout features of Coursera is its flexibility. The platform allows learners to access course materials at their own pace, enabling a customized learning experience that fits into busy schedules. Additionally, the ability to access courses on various devices, including smartphones and tablets, enhances accessibility, ensuring learning is possible anytime, anywhere.

Interactive Learning Tools: Coursera goes above and beyond in promoting active learning. The incorporation of interactive quizzes, hands-on assignments, and discussion forums adds immense value to the courses. These tools facilitate a deeper understanding of the subject matter and provide opportunities for learners to connect with fellow students, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Professional Certifications: Coursera's professional certificates hold significant value in today's competitive job market. The opportunity to earn a recognized certification upon course completion adds a sense of accomplishment and enhances career prospects. The industry-recognized credentials are a testament to the rigor and relevance of the courses offered.

By Jörg H

Aug 29, 2022

Thic course is really great. I have learned so much and now know what in my previous projects was not implemented how it should have been. I have had some difficulties with the initial system setup as the software versions nowadays are on a newer release and the screenshots do not match any longer. I think it would be great to renew this video based on the actual versions. As well it took me some time to get my new module solution available in GitHub to make it direktly accessible via link. I think with module5 I found a way :) Week5 was too fast for me. There is so much info inside. I got my solution to work but I am not sure I fully understood what and why I am doing so. With Ajax we basically loaded code snippets and modified them using JS. But I am wondering if I can use Ajax as well to let the webserver perform some calculations / validations and return the result back. I need to dig into this piece ...

Now, after 5 weeks, what can I say more than: Thank you so much for this course.


May 13, 2016

This is a very comprehensive course (based on my personal experience with Coursera at least) that goes into relevant detail on the topics it covers, but without wasting time on unnecessary trivialities. The delivery is clear and engaging, so if you're interested in the matter, you won't get bored. The material covers all the right topics for an up and coming web designer, providing the right amount of information for a confident start and plenty of pointers where and how to expand on the knowledge provided. Another point in favor is the frequent and valuable engagement of the professor and his teaching assistants in the discussion forums, unlike some other courses that feel abandoned by the staff once they start. In closing, I've checked out several web design courses on Coursera and if you can choose only one, this one would definitely be my pick from all the ones I enrolled in.

By Michael R (

Dec 19, 2019

Professor Chaikin does an excellent job of providing step by step details of HTML, CSS, and Javascript, but be forewarned, he does assume you have some basic knowledge of the concepts and he'll skip around a few of the deeper aspects of HTML, CSS, and Javascript in terms of time. The purpose is to get you better acquainted with the material as this is part of the "Ruby on Rails" specialization. The latter weeks get more intense and may require a few resets...but stick with it; you'll get the concepts down pat and your problem-solving skills will improve if you keep focus and finish your projects. One final piece of advice; when coding, ALWAYS notate what you do and space out your coding to see it better in action. This will save you a TON of debugging time and will greatly improve your own skills as you will have a better understanding of where you need to focus and fine-tune.

By Kelvin Y

Aug 8, 2020

This is a really, really good course. Believe me, because I'm not a good student by any means. In fact, I had to retake a couple of courses back in my University days because I just played video games all day and I just couldn't focus on anything being taught during lectures.

But this course was explained in a way, that is really clear and engaging to me. Professor Chaikin even takes you on a field trip, like a "day-in-life" of a website developer to meet a client of his. You are then explained every step of the way in making that website for the client.

Just one thing, because the assignments are peer reviewed, the discussion forums are filled with "review my assignment with full marks and i will do the same to yours" posts. Don't be like them, don't half-arse your assignments then beg for full marks, and you will learn a lot. Guaranteed.

By Simone M

Aug 7, 2017

This course is amazing, I totally suggest to everyone interested in this field to have a look, but I personally feel that was too theoretical in few modules and I couldn't manage to grasp really well few steps where I felt I needed more practical exercises. I also felt that the last modules about JS was too rush. I can suggest to add more practical interactive exercise and also in the explanation of the steps during the setting part of the software, please add a list with all the steps to follow. I really had an hard time there.

Despite this, the course is amazing and it was a pleasure to learn more about this fascinating word. In the next month I will continue to read the books suggested and after that, when I will be more confident on JS, I will jump in making website to someone else other than me. Thank you again and see you around.

By Valentin I

Dec 27, 2016

The course is valuable especially due to the personality of the teacher. As an obviously experienced developer, Mr. Chaikin provides you with modern techniques of using Javascript and responsive design. You'll probably encounter most of these techniques in the real life of a developer. The course is centered on practicing and the pace is fast. Don't be mislead by the colloquial tone and the quality humor present in lectures. Although the humor is good, you'll need to replicate most of the code examples on your machine, if you want to feel you've really learned something at the end of the day. That being said, the course is not perfect: the AJAX part might deserve more room in the future versions of this course. For those with previous exposure to some web techniques (my case), the course was an excellent refresher.

By Ali r b

Dec 30, 2018

Great training. I wish it was more complete by offering a more advanced course that is based on 10 to 15 real world projects. More like boot camps that build skills and confidence for entering into the job market more easily and more successfully. If that kind of advanced training was available then courser certificates would be more popular with learners everywhere. I encourage you to consider offering another class or expand the existing program that teaches advanced Html, Css, JavaScript employing User Experience and User Interface design skills.

I'm aware you have a Ruby on Rails program but Ruby is not as popular as it used to be. These days Full-Stack React and Angular development are the way to go. Also a course on Database design and development would be appreciated. Thank you for this great course.

By Ernest M

Mar 9, 2022

I am rating this course a 5 star because I learned a lot, things I never knew before. From zero to Coder, Professor Chaikin has helped me gain not only the skills I needed for my career change but also the confident I had always wanted. This help me continue learning with confindence, and I am determined to continue learning and using the skills acquired to redefine my career goals.

Thank you again Coursera, New York Department of Labor, John Hampkin University and Professor Yaakov Chaikin for your artiful instructions that helped me love the course so much. By the way, your recommandation for the books by Jon Duckett (HTML & CSS) and (JAVASCRIPT & JQUERY) are the best. I am very happy that Iam learning much knowledge I never knew was possible. I will sure recommend this class to others.

By Sean H

Jul 1, 2016

Instructor seems like a genuinely invested teacher who provides plenty of resources, points you in the right direction in considering how to approach a client meeting, and provides in-depth explanations for what you need to know and do. A few of the later more advanced concepts really relied on students to follow along and type themselves, and you will want both notes and comments in your code to help you remember the important details (<!-- --> in HTML or /* */ in CSS). This combined with one or two other HTML/CSS/JavaScript Resources provides a comprehensive introduction to web design, though! Just be sure to allow yourself time to learn, absorb, practice, and work on the assignments. Plug into the community with detailed information when you have questions and you will be fine! :D

By alex

Dec 22, 2016

This course is awesome! Before I started the course, I had very little knowledge of web technologies. Now I understand how these technologies (HTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, backend stuff) work together. You learn how to write a website from scratch using HTML. In the second part of the course, you will attach a nice design to your website using CSS, and make it responsive, so that it looks nice all kind of different devices (phone, tablet, pc, etc.). You will be introduced into the Bootstrap CSS framework, which is very easy to use and used by many different websites. In the last part of the course, you will be introduced to JavaScript, which will help you to put some user interactions to your website.

I highly recommend this course, especially if you are a beginner in this field!

By Jose M S A

Sep 8, 2020

A very thoughtful course. It manages to offer a cross-section that goes deep into web developing. It will be up to the students to broaden their skills later, using the many hints and tools that the course offers. The assignments will make you think, if you want to finish them perfectly. Also, good practices are shown

throughout the course. For example, the first approach to JS is made on the console. The field trip was memorable as well. There are so many things that work right in this course. Caveats: sometimes you will want to pause the video and ponder. Sometimes you will want to go back to what you learned in the preceding weeks. You will get more from the course if you stop and just playfully experiment with what you have just learned. All in all, this course delivered.

By Agasthya S

Mar 1, 2016

Why 5 stars:

1. The amount of effort to put the course together is evident. It is not easy to go over all the basics in such short videos but Yaakov has managed to construct the course in such a way that we have enough understanding to ask the right questions that we can then investigate.

2. Practice quizzes after the lectures are very helful. They help us refresh the concepts and also give us a sense of confidence that we have understood the lecture.

3. The on screen recording is done very well. No clutter or unnecessary clicks and easy to follow.

4. Engages with students in the forums.

Room for improvement:

1. A cheat sheet document would be great. I am taking notes but wish I had an organized and concise document that contains the rules/syntax that need to be memorized.

By Henri B

Sep 12, 2019

I'm just auditing this course ... don't need credits. Did web development 15 years ago, but not since and wanted to catch up on changes, refresh things I had forgotten and learn CSS better. I think the instructor does an excellent job of explaining and the pace is nice.

I had minor confusion at the beginning because GitHub looks different than on the videos, but that was because time has passed and GitHub page changed. Not a big deal. Also, when the course was made VS Code was not as well developed as it is today. I installed the sublime-text editor the course used, but found that VS Code handling of Emmet was better and VS Code has add in LiveServer to see changes right away.

Bottom line - great course & instructor. Gets to the point quickly and effectively.

By Soleh F A

Jul 18, 2016

One of the best courses on HTML,CSS and javascript..Unlike other courses which directly take to higher concepts leaving behind all the foundational concepts,this course teaches the foundational concepts first and then gradually introduce higher concepts as well.Thus making the learning process pretty easy and at the same time making concepts clear and free of doubts.I like this approach!!

I would highly recommend this course for those who want to understand the basics of HTML,CSS and javascript and clear all doubts which are otherwise created by directly jumping into higher concepts......

And last but not the least thanks Coursera for providing best online courses and Thanks Johns Hopkins University for presenting this beautiful course......