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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Google Workspace Administration by Google Cloud

2,277 ratings

About the Course

Introduction to Google Workspace Administration is the first course in the Google Workspace Administration series of courses. This series will serve as the starting place for any new Google Workspace admin as they begin their journey of managing and establishing Google Workspace best practices for their organization. These courses together will leave you feeling confident to utilize the basic functions of the admin console to manage users, control access to services, configure security settings, and much more. Through a series of readings and step-by-step hands-on exercises, and knowledge checks, learners can expect to leave this training with all of the skills they need to get started as Google Workspace administrators. In this course you will sign up for a Google Workspace account and configure your DNS records for Google Workspace. You will learn how to provision and manage your users, and will create groups and calendar resources for your organization. You will be introduced to your Cloud Directory and will learn how to split your organization into organizational units to simplify user and service management. Finally you will learn how to delegate admin privileges to other users in your organization. IMPORTANT - To get the most out of this training course, learners should be prepared to: - Purchase a new domain through a registrar such as enom or GoDaddy. Note: If you already have a domain that you would like to use for the trial you can do this but this course does not provide detailed steps on how to associate an existing domain with a Google Workspace trial account. For detailed instructions on how to do that, please refer to this Help Center article: - Provide credit card details as part of the Google Workspace account setup. You will be using a 14 day trial Google Workspace account during this course. As part of the sign up flow you will be required to provide credit card details. No charges for Google Workspace are made to your credit card until the trial period has ended. You must ensure that you CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION before the trial period ends to avoid and charges. This is very IMPORTANT so don't forget! - Install and be ready to use the latest version of Chrome web browser available at

Top reviews


Aug 15, 2019

I loved the parts on Organizational Units and Custom Directory. If Google Could build a course on the Google Cloud Directory Sync that would be more awesome. GSuite remains the best by far.


Oct 26, 2019

I had already set up a couple of GSuite accounts for small businesses, but this course gave me a number of tips & tricks which helped me fine tune the accounts. Worth the time to complete.

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26 - 50 of 528 Reviews for Introduction to Google Workspace Administration

By Ryan B

Jun 28, 2021

absolutely a brilliant course, and fully accessible with screen access software. I appreciate being able to take this course, and would recommend to anyone looking to get started with Google workspace.

By Erika V A P

Apr 28, 2020

Muy bueno el curso, sin embargo me gustaría que estuviera en Español, la verdad ha sido un poco complicado para mi, puesto que me toco recurrir al traductor para poder entender los temas, gracias

By Satyam Y

May 9, 2022

Now I can use Google Workspace perfectly. This course has guided me step by step for Workspace Administration. Thanks to the intructor. I love the way it is presented in pdf files.

By Jack T

Sep 15, 2023

A solid and well-rounded introduction to Google Workspace establishment and management! Easy to understand for beginners and perfect for those using Google Workspace for years.


Nov 25, 2019

Legal que o curso nos mostra como é o gerenciamento de contas dos usuários do Gsuite. Exemplificando com Cenários de cada atividade. Muito bacana a temática apresentada!

By loitzun a

Sep 25, 2019

La documentación es muy completa con enlaces a la ayuda online de G Suite. Los ejercicios ayudan a coger soltura en aquellas áreas en las que no se gestiona el día a día.

By Yann P

Oct 23, 2020


Très bonne entrée en matière pour l'administration de la G Suite.

Un exemple pas à pas d'utilisation de la "Domain Shared Contacts API" aurait été le bienvenu.

By Saulo E M V

Jan 18, 2020

Es muy bueno para introducirte en el manejo de la consola de administración de g Suite, ya que muchos conceptos que desconocía aquí fueron muy bien explicados

By Silent S

Nov 28, 2019

Excellent Course,,,a little complicated at first adding domains etc but well worth the exposure. Just my thought the domains should be built in, but I get it.

By Antonio S d S J

Sep 4, 2019

É o curso certo para quem quer dar os primeiros passos no G Suite da Google, traz diversos cenários para você aprender a utilizar da forma correta as funções.

By Joshua R

May 12, 2021

Great information to have if you're looking for employment in the administration field. This has really helped me out as far as expanding my knowledge base.


Apr 21, 2021

Es muy interactivo y los ejemplos de vida real ayudan a comprender mejor las situaciones donde se necesitan ciertas funciones de la consola de Google Admin.

By Augustus M

Sep 20, 2019

AWESOME!!! I just love how Coursera has simplified the notes. Brief but comprehensive. The idea of providing the links to more info is magnificent!!


By Basuki W

Aug 5, 2020

Good content in general. Although, I failed to see why you should pay for this course. You can learn the same stuff from G Suite Admin help site for free.

By Jessica J

May 18, 2024

I particularly enjoyed that there were minimal videos and concise readings. It helped me get through it quickly, but also with knowing what I'm doing.

By IamSRayhan

Aug 22, 2020

This course really help me to get through google G Suit application. I learned how to administer google G Suit within a very short amount of time.

By Deleted A

Jan 28, 2020

As a technician working with GSuite for years, I think this course is an amazing course and explain all the details for introduction to this tool.

By Larry R

Nov 14, 2019

Great overview and well taught - I love the hands on way in which this course takes you through the management and execution of the competencies.

By Smart B

Oct 21, 2020

I enjoyed the sequence of the course. Some of the things there were already am used to doing but never knew exactly how important they are


Oct 14, 2019

Curso muy bien estructurado, bien explicado con ejemplos prcticos y ejercicios claros, con exámenes comprensivos y con finalidad docente.

By Sarah G

Feb 4, 2020

Loved this course! Lots of reading, but the exercises made it fun! Thorough course, definitely will recommend to my coworkers and peers!

By Mukilan N

Aug 21, 2020

This course was very easy to understand and practice simulatiously as it had step by step explanation. Perfect course for a begginer

By Jean-Baptiste C

Jan 3, 2020

I learn a lot about the G Suite Admin Console thanks to this well-done classes with exhaustive content and user-friendly interfaces.

By Marco B

May 14, 2020

Un'ottima carellata sulle principali funzionalità della G Suite. Avrei approfondito maggiormente l'argomento OU, Geuppi e Directory

By jorge c

Oct 4, 2020

Very informative. The layout of the GSuite console has changed a bit but a little digging around gets you to where you need to go.