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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

88,965 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


Apr 28, 2016

Great course. Took it since it was the most popular MOOC on coursera,. Have started using a few of the techniques and they are very effective. Highly recommended no matter who you are and what you do.


Aug 1, 2020

This course accumulates a clear and valuable set of thoughts that structure knowledge about learning principles and tactics. Also, it was interesting to know some new things about how the brain works.

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276 - 300 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By Jin K

Nov 7, 2015

Really useful course. It helps me review my works and study.

I come from Taiwan, currently as a MBA student studying in the UK.

As a non English native speaker, it is really stressful to learn new things in academic level in a foreign language. I used to force myself study for a very long time without a break, but the results were not good as I expected. I blamed this to my language barrier, I thought the difference between the other successful peers is I couldn't have an the chance as the others who had better educational environment and leant English on the early stage.

This class lets me understand the biggest challenge of my learning is procrastination. Hopefully, procrastination is nothing about being stupid or should feel shame about, it is a natural metal mechanism of our brain avoiding unpleasure things. And it can be overcome by methods and practices. Pomodoro Technique really helps my memory and extends the time I keep concentrate on one thing. With the practice my brain works more efficient and it brings better result.

I recommend this course for the other who is struling with the barrier on learning and who does not have confident for himself/ herself on working and leaning. This course may change your mind.

By Nilesh R

Nov 30, 2022

Upgrading my skills and diving deep into Coding and some tough subjects brought me to this amazing course "Learning how to learn" by Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski, through an online reference.

Full stop.

And my real or left -out journey resumes which was halted for a while.

Not only "Learning how to learn", the Course, uncovers the whole gamut of, rather, Life Management Tools with very effective and researched techniques where you can assure the capacity and capability of human brain, and, one can learn, handle, and, master, virtually most things and tasks.

There are just a numerous tools, techniques, scientific methods, suggestions, all embraced in finely curated lessons and chapters from amazing Barbara Oakley with her unique caring and teaching methodology, along with some great scholars, experts, scientists, and, achievers... from Dr. Terrence Sejnowski... we may need to assess and assign what works better for ourselves each.

For me, I would not skip a single thing from this great duo, and from all the greats contributed towards crafting this great course. Thanks again all, including the fellow in his mention about this course on a website, and to the Coursera! ~ Best wishes...

By Keith D G

Jan 29, 2016


I'm Keith Grimes and I just completed your course. I really enjoyed the course and feel that I've learned quite a bit about learning. I enrolled in the course simply because I felt it was time to take my love of "the idea of learning" and turn it into "the practice of actually learning something."

What I loved most about the course was Barbara Oakley herself and her inspiring story. I graduated from Oakland University with a bachelors degree in English. During those undergrad days, I often experienced the Impostor Syndrome. Discovering that there was an actual name for what I often felt, combined with the struggle to learn that Dr. Oakley experienced in her younger years, really connected with me. Thank you for sharing.

One other note... I recently had the opportunity to share many of these ideas and concepts with my son who is a sophomore at Michigan State University. As Dr. Sejnowski mentioned in the final video, the measure of really knowing if you've learned something is to teach it to someone else. Sharing what I learned with my son in order to help him along his journey as a student, was an invaluable experience.

Thanks again for offering this course.

Keith D. Grimes

By Janis V

Aug 10, 2016

I loved it from the beginning till the end! It was perfectly structured (easily "chunkable":)), each video was really exciting and very easy to understand! I can only regret that I did not learn all of this back when I was studying at high school and the university. I'm sure I would have had more confidence and would have learned more deeply both several of the advanced mathematics subjects during my computer science studies at the university as well as in various other subjects earlier at school.

Among all of the great ideas presented in the course I would like to highlight the idea that you have just four or so short term memory slots available to your focused thinking as something that I think would be very motivating for anyone not to give up complex subjects. In case you don't understand something all you have to do is grow chunks of the concepts (i.e. grow some neuron connections) involved using the focused and diffuse mode and give them some time to form.

I have to get it translated to Latvian and popularize it here somehow. I think that could be one of the most efficient ways how to both increase the number of people who study the sciences as well as raise the average level of education at least a bit.

By Elizabeth B

May 17, 2022

I've always thought that education is the thing that helps to improve your life in all aspects. So this is the course which actually changed my mindset. I've been studying much longer that it needs - 4 months, 2-3 videos each week but it's even better. I absorbed all the knowledge as kind advices from friends - thanks a lot to Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski! It was the best educational journey in my life actually, better than at school or university. This course provokes thoughts and discussion in your head and even outside - with friends and other people. After finishing it I'm so confident in myself even when I start something totally new. I'm not scared anymore but intrigued! I know that I can master anything because I know the secrets. By the way, this course is for everybody and MUST for everybody. It shows you how to master anything, how to learn. This is the first thing you need to study. As for me, I'm an artist. And I've started using a lot of digital instruments during the course. And learning a new language! Because studying is easy, fun and the best you can do for yourself. I really appreciate this course and want to say thank you all who's been developing it. You changed my life.

By Raj C

Jan 28, 2018

This course has opened my eyes to learning and provided me with a solid foundation to rebuild my own learning methods and strategies. I have gained tremendous insight about various forces at play that need to work like a well orchestrated symphony if I am to tackle complex subjects and master learning.

The course is structured very well with short video lectures and sprinkled with quizzes to help you retain invaluable information. Also, there is opportunity for supplemental work to further cement one's newly discovered strengths. The optional reading sections and interviews with various people has further augmented my understanding and sparked ideas for novel applications of learning.

By applying the techniques, I have already started to retain and recall more information than I have ever done before. I have also stopped wasting my time by re-reading material endlessly or writing things down. Instead after learning something new, I pause after each key idea and test myself if I can recall the gist of it and see how it fits with the rest of knowledge mass. This technique alone has unlocked my potential.

I highly recommend this course to anybody. I am super excited for finding something that actually works.

By James L

Oct 9, 2020

Quick review. Course is a must for any discipline!

Longer Review.

As an Electrical Engineering student. We are trained in first year to learn properly. Quickly read the lecture beforehand, ask questions, do the practice tutorials the day before, read over the notes you made during the say, get enough sleep and so on. Many of the things taught in the course I already knew, but the major difference is why we should be doing such things. You just should. However, now being shown why such things work and how everything relates to others has fundamentally changed my approach in learning my degree. Actively knowing that putting in effort in certain techniques taught here will improve the learning of the degree; and seeing the difference already in my grades and mood wasn't something I was expecting. The best part was of talking procrastination, where I knew of the pormodoro technique but it never worked due to not being able to spot the cues of procrastination. By simply saying that's cue, back to work. I can pull 8 hour days and complete all my assignments without feeling like I've killed myself .

If anything I can contribute my degree to is this. No longer am I just passing, I'm actually doing well.

Thank you

By Geoffrey S

Jan 17, 2021

All the study tips I should've used in school and more! I felt this course was an easy way to get into the world of online courses. I had read a couple chapters of the Learning How to Learn book first, got stuck, and decided to try the course. The material is presented in quick snippets, but as I learned how my brain worked, I found myself finishing multiple videos and even clicking a couple bonus materials.Week 2's interview with Dr. Fortenberry emphasized teamwork and taking an objective oriented approach to road bumps in a learning journey.Week 3's interview Keith Devlin emphasized taking a focused approach to your work/passion and that it's ok if you don't know the solution off hand. Using the tools you do have and applying mental brute force might be your only option to start. If you don't start you'll never complete the journey that's associated with a problem!Even though I am out of school now, the course provided relevant insight to how my brain works and treating learning like building the structure of your dreams. There are snippets on how you can get past your own mental hurdles holding you back from accomplishing you goals and how you can reduce the anxiety and pressure while you get there.

By Ching K R L

Apr 5, 2020

One of the most useful courses I took! Each of the modules provides unique tips to overcome difficulties in learning, such as procrastination, taking exams and revision, etc. I found that the short videos provided by Dr Oakley are very convincing! You can read more as a reference list is provided at the end of the video as well. The coverage of the material is also broad, I think everybody can try to practice these techniques mentioned when they are studying as well.

I also appreciate the optional content embedded in the course as well. They include interviews (one from professor Keith Devlin, the instructor of “Introduction to Mathematical Thinking” as well!), and 2 further writing peer-reviewed assignment. I think these contents are what made the course so good, it provides you with a chance to produce a project (a poster, a presentation, or even a song!) to showcase and summarize what you had learnt during the 4-week course. During the production of the project, I feel like the values taught in the class is more thoroughly embedded in my mind.

Overall, I highly recommend this course to people who struggle at learning sometimes (just like me), I am sure you will learn a lot by watching the videos!

By Margaret D C K

Aug 7, 2022

A very big thank you for putting this course together. It is certainly a foundational class for all students who are beginning middle or high school and forward. Some of the techniques mentioned can elimate hours of rereading and just memorizing or last min cramming for exams syndrome.

The focus and diffuse modes of learning, the working and long term memories are also key concepts that can be used all around in our learning. Understanding these concepts and even which parts of the brain they are located brings it home.

Learning that our nueral pathways and systems are continually growing as we give it input makes one strive to learn new things, exercise, get your sleep hours, etc

There are many gems in here for learning how to learn. The regualar quizzes and assignments are valuable for recall and transfering the learning to the long-term memory.

I am also thankful that the video interviews are clear, concise and relevant to the course. That the guest speakers are all highly specialized in their fields and hold responsible and prominent positions, have either done research in the field or have vast experience.

Thank you again for this course. Thank you to Barbara Oakley and all the guest speakers

By Amanda P M

Jun 28, 2016

Superb. This is the first MOOC I managed to finish, and now I'm actively exploring all the extra resources and videos from the course.

I originally enrolled looking for tips on how to make my courses more accessible for my students (I'm a college instructor), and also to help me hone my learning skills, since I'm starting to delve on different fields of study. Not only did I achieve those goals, but I'm also very excited to explore new MOOCs and online study possibilities.

The only downside, if one could say such, is that this course sets quite a high bar in how a MOOC should be: one can easily percieve that everything about its format -- from the weekly newsletter to the videos' length and visuals to the structure and syllabus -- is made with careful consideration of the context of online learning, and of the fundamentals of neuroscience the course shares with the students. Many (good!) MOOCs aren't as well tailored as this one.

I absolutely recommend it to anyone who is interested (even if frustrated!) with learning, be it independently, online or in a traditional classroom environment. Congratulations and warm thank yous to Dr. Oakley, Dr. Sejnowski, and the Learning How to Learn Team!

By Sushaan M

Mar 18, 2016

This course is 4 weeks long; Why Do something new for30 days; do this course.

If you've always wanted t be a much better learner , then nows the time: think about it, you've always wanted to add to your learnings in life , advent you? Invest in Meta learning - Learning about learning - for the next 30 days.

30 days is a great time span, it's just about the right amount of time to add this new habit , Learning how to learn, to your life.

Get a hold of the coming month, (theres a course starting right now on 22 march2016), and you can find instead of t 2016 flying by, forgotten, the time invested in March/ April will make everything in 2016 and beyond much more memorable. Your self-confidence as a Learner par excellence will grow exponentially.!

if you really want to be a superlative learner badly enough, you can certainly do this course with dedication & commitment for 30 days.When you make small, sustainable changes, things you keep doing, they are more likely to stick.

So here's my question to you: What are you waiting for? the next 30 days are going to pass anyhow, so why not Choose To be A Skilful Learner, something you have always wanted to do and give it a shot!

By Rahul B

Nov 24, 2016

I think this is one of the best courses I have attended. I wish concepts taught in this class are taught to every student right from the early age. I am 39 years old and as I look for a job (I was laid off a while back), I feel educating myself by getting certifications would be a good idea to enhance my prospects of exposing myself to better opportunities and with this course I have the self confidence that yes I can learn and get good grades in my certifications.

I was getting bogged down by procrastination to a very large extent in my life and this course helped me deal with the procrastination zombies using pomodoro, this feels so empowering and I am glad I did not choose depression or bad habits. After incorporating the pomodoro technique I have also significantly reduced my 10+ year smoking habit and I am confident I will get rid of it like a champ.

Listening to professors from such esteemed colleges and universities help break the dogma/belief in my head that people are born genius. With hard work, dedication and self-belief anything is possible.

Lastly, I want to thank Barbara Oakley and Terry Sejnowski from the bottom of my heart, Thank you for teaching me about learning.

By Greg M

Nov 23, 2015

After signing up for at least half a dozen (probably ~10) MOOCs over the past few years, this is the first course that I have actually followed to completion. Not only is the information relevant to my daily (non-student) life, but it is presented in an engaging and *cough* memorable way. I doubt I will be forgetting about my mental zombies or metabolic vampires anytime soon.

The two most life changing, and I mean that literally, ideas shared in this course were the Pomodoro technique and focusing on "process", not "product". Using these two new methods/ideas I have made significant progress on projects I have been putting off for quite a while.

All of the topics covered were engaging and informative, not to mention useful!

For those who are hesitant to try this course due to lack of free time, I would recommend turning up the video speeds by 25% increments, until you are at a comfortable speed where you still understand the material, but compress your time spent watching the videos. I started at 1.25x, slowly working my way up to the max of 2x by the end of the course.

This is an excellent course covering a critical topic that can improve your daily life, for the rest of your life!

By Eduardo P A

Jun 24, 2019

I took this course as part of a programming curriculum, and I was absolutely hesitant to go through so much content. However, I have absolutely no regrets! Be ready to learn a lot about learning, as ironic as that sounds! You will learn some basic science behind the mind and how we learn, and then will be exposed to a lot of different methods you can use to learn whatever you need. The content creators are qualified due to their educational backgrounds and often times mention the studies that support their techniques. I truly believe that everybody would benefit from taking this course no matter where they are in life. The first week of content absolutely blew me away, and made me realize that I was experiencing a lot of what was covered! I thought I didn't need this as I have been through K-12 and some college, but it definitely gave me a reality check. I will admit that I was completely discouraged when I saw that estimated time completion. But I highly recommend setting your video speed to x2! I have tons of notes on my note editing software to accompany everything I've learned, and I will absolutely use what I've learned here for the rest of my life!


Nov 30, 2015

This course is helping me solve one of the most pressing problems I am facing as a student which is how to learn on my own in online courses. After searching books, talking with people, and searching the internet, I found this course. While I was aware of some of the material this course offered which aiding in my chunking of the material in this course, the mental techniques which I was not aware of have been very helpful such as chunking in small burst with the Pomodoro Technique and learning multiple subjects in parallel rather than one at a time thus utilizing interleaving, focusing on deepening my understanding of materials I already know a bit about in the form of overlearning, figuring out ways to win against pitfalls in misunderstandings because of prior knowledge or Einstellung, and working against procrastination plus more.

This is a great course that many people can benefit from and I am very grateful for the opportunity to have learned from Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski. As a computer science undergraduate in college, these mental tools are very useful and students of other fields can benefit as well, from humanities to business and beyond.

By Andrew L

Jun 14, 2016

Learning how to learn is a real thing that complete changed my life and attitude towards many things. It was mentioned that when we are born, our brain is not supplemented by the manual guide. I think this course can be a real manual guide for many of those who have taken this course. It explain the nature of our brain. When we ask plain questions such as why we should go to bed early or why we have to learn every day and shouldn't cram, sometimes we get very vague answers which cannot meet our expectations. After this course, I could totally understand the nature of my brain and my behavior. I could change my patterns and get rid of many bad habits. I am sure that this course could boost me even more. Also after this course I decided to learn Chinese. I have never thought about it, but having been inspired by Barbara Oakley I could make this very unexpected for me choice. Also I have notices that my memory skills somehow became better. I will highly recommend this course to my friends, students and many other curious people.

I would like to thank the University of California, San Diego. and Barbara Oakley for this wonderful course.

Best regards,

Andrew Liberman

By Vivek C

Apr 21, 2020

I have time and often started online courses and left them midway. This one, I completed within a week. The course was terrific in terms of high-value content as well as its lucidity. It provides clear, no-nonsense takeaways, which you can apply in everyday life to learn a new skill. It directly addresses the common fears everyone faces and gives you tools on how to address those fears.Some very high-level takeaways are as follows: Exercise helps you learn better, Switch between focussed and diffused (relaxed, leisurely mood) to maximize your learning potential, getting a good night's sleep is very important, deal with procrastination right-away, don't get disheartened if you don't learn something in the first go...get away, try to recall and get back to it., don't keep hammering at something which is frustrating...get back to it later, repetition is key to acquiring new skills and getting better at it, but do repetition regularly over several days and months, testing frequently your new skills is key to acquire those skills, skipping back and forth might be a good idea to solve a bigger problem consisting of many smaller problems, and many more tips and ideas.

By Yuuna K

Sep 21, 2015

This is a wonderful class. The entire team at Learning How to Learn have put together a marvelous course which teaches us how to learn. What I found very helpful was learning that there are things you can do to achieve competence. Becoming a skilled learner is not magic or genetics or esoteric techniques but rather very basic things: putting in time and making it a part of daily living like eating or sleeping, practicing over time and not cramming everything into one day, making the study period consist of varied methods and material, doing self tests, challenging your self by doing hard things to deepen understanding of a topic, recalling material by closing the source or book and trying to make a brief summary statement, using mnemonic methods, analogies, metaphors, visualizations to really help you remember. The most important take-away from this class is that learning requires me to do certain things. If i commit to doing these things, then i can learn anything. Doing a little every day and keeping at it will help you to gain mastery in whatever you wish to learn. Thank you so very much for empowering manny many people by sharing these methods.

By Elizabeth B

Nov 13, 2015

This is the first class I had ever taken on the open online classes. I took it to be prepared to take other classes. Honestly, I figured it would be kind of like a reminder class on studying. The Professors are amazing. The have set a high standard for other classes. There was never a dull moment. It was so much fun and I learned so much NEW information but Not only did I learn it but I completely understand why it works. it is great having insight into the brain and how to have it work for you. This is not the standard study skill class at all. The names says it all. I still surprise myself on how enthusiastic I am when I get the opportunity to use the information acquired . It really works . it's like being able to depend on a really good friend. They are always there to help you pull through and won't leave you hanging. My favorite is the Pomodoro technique. if you procrastinate this is the one to help you get stuff done. I have incorporated a lot of what I learned into my daily life. After being in many other classes, I have to say this is the BEST class I have taken. It's the knowledge I use most. Keep up the good work Barb and Terry!!!

By Joachim V

Sep 1, 2020

Wow, I definitely learned a lot of new things about how important it is to take our brain and the way we think and process things into our consideration with our learning. It is super significant to incorporate the right techniques into learning things and understanding things or you might not learn that much at all. ANd retaining information and actually being able to recall it yourself and test yourself on it and do these other things to really know and be confident in what you're learning is also a good thing to do. This course has so many beneficial tips and the advice that they provide definitely confirms a lot of the things that I thought might be right before on instinct but didn't really know for sure and now that I have the knowledge to use all these approaches to learning properly, I feel like I can truly ace all of my classes, maximize my productivity, and hopefully use the extent of my capabilities. Or at least more of them. Highly recommend taking this 5/5 stars just really simple and straight forward stuff that will help save a lot of time and provide a lot of useful brain shortcuts that you were never taught in school.


By Kellie M

Aug 30, 2015

I loved this course - the subject-matter was interesting, the instructor was endearing, and the content was incredibly easy-to-grasp, fun and engaging. The retrieval quizzes were well spaced out and super helpful for embedding the new knowledge, and the expert interviews were great as well.

Two potential improvement areas: 1.) The videos featuring Barbara Oakley (which was most of them) are very low-volume. I had turned up my device speakers and the video player volume adjustor to the maximum levels (and tried on multiple devices) but it was really hard to hear some of them without straining, and having to download the transcripts in order to follow along (which meant missed some of her hilarious visuals). No audio issues with the other videos or in my other Coursera classes. 2.) The practice quizzes allow you to see WHAT you got wrong in a given problem (and indicated what the correct choice would have been), and explained WHY it was wrong, but the actual quizzes don't reveal either. This made me feel anxious every time I got a question I'd gotten wrong on a previous quiz, since I didn't know what exactly I'd gotten wrong or why.

By WonderWheel

Aug 15, 2022

This is my first time taking a MOOC course. I am delightfully pleased by the quality of the videos and reading material for the Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects. As I worked through the course material, there were times, I have to admit, where I became misty eyed because of the wealth of the techniques and strategies and the clear, concise explanationsw provided regarding how to maximize one's learning.

The scope of subjects covered during the four weeks was impressive. The topics that stood out were: comparison between focused and diffuse modes, to methods to improve one's study habits, memory, chunking, recalling, test taking, visualization of metaphors and analogies, the Einstellung effect, interleaving, procrastination and encouragements throughout the course helped to bolster whatever doubts that may have arisen as I proceeded in answering the mini-tests, practice retrievals, and end of course week tests.

Having Dr. Oakley's book, A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science, provided additional reinforcement as well as enhancement of the techniques covered in the course.

By Alex L

Apr 12, 2020

I wanted to hold off on reviewing this course immediately after completing because learning is something that can only be demonstrated over a long period of time. I feel that it would be dishonest for anyone to review this kind of course which stresses the importance of spaced learning and long-term memory/chunking the moment it's finished.

After closely practicing the methods and techniques (emphasis on spaced learning method and recall technique) throughout the course and finishing the Final exam of this course, I wrote down all the important terms, concepts, and techniques with each of their respective definitions on Quizlet.

I put this whole Learning How to Learn course into the back of my mind for a month. No active reviewing of any of this material.

A month goes and I check my to-do list and it says "Do Quizlet's auto-generated tests which uses your key terms and definitions that you wrote down. No reviewing for this test."

I got a 100% on this informal test after not having done any review of Learning How To Learn's material after a month. I am confident in saying that if you properly execute this course's concepts, it will work.

By Kostenko T

Sep 15, 2020

good afternoon, starting from this course, I thought that it would be a banal cramming of the material (I studied this way sometime 23 years ago), so even in project work for students I recalled this with the phrase: we all learned something sometime and somehow . But this August-September there was a radical change in the idea of learning.

the idea that a lot depends on yourself, the simplicity and availability of explanations of teachers, interest in the topic throughout the course, the application is real !!! Techniques and Tips from Barbara Oakley Terrence Sejnowski Teachers - These Tips Help It Truthfully, Practically And Easily For The Student To Understand

So I don't want to part I'll watch the video materials again and save more recommended materials for independent study

I am grateful for this course because it gave me more confidence in myself and my abilities

many thanks to the translators who made it possible for students without knowledge of English to listen to and read this course - we learn how to learn

I am grateful to the guests giving interviews and practical !! applicable guidelines

THANKS going further👩🏻🎓