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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Sharpened Visions: A Poetry Workshop by California Institute of the Arts

1,720 ratings

About the Course

Why just write poems when you can write better ones? This course is built on the notion that the most exciting writing begins after the first draft. It is specifically for folks who believe that writing poems just to express oneself is like using the Internet just for email. After all, poetry can change the way you and your readers think of the world and its inhabitants; it can break new ground for language; turn a blank sheet of paper into a teeming concert of voices and music. Though any of us may have the potential to make that happen, having an understanding of how several tools of poetic composition can be used (and audaciously “mis-used”) gives you more ways to try (and if we do this right, we might surprise ourselves most of all). We'll cover key poetic terms and devices by studying poems by a handful of modern and contemporary poets and then get a chance to try our own hand at writing new poem drafts from a select number of prompts. Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to workshop your poem drafts and get feedback on your work, working towards a more polished poem....

Top reviews


May 4, 2022

The professor and tasks were very engaging. I truly looked forward to tuning in and working through the lessons and assignments. My interest in poetry is further stoked and I can't wait to learn more.


Jun 22, 2020

This was a superb workshop. I enjoyed myself thoroughly and learned a lot that came in my way. Grasping poetry devices taught in such an fun way was really awesome. The mentors were very supportive.

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601 - 625 of 707 Reviews for Sharpened Visions: A Poetry Workshop

By C E

Mar 13, 2021


By Djuro S

Nov 11, 2016


By Beth S

Jan 15, 2023

Loved it!


Aug 20, 2020


By RobertBoucher

Dec 28, 2017

great fun

By Ayman A

May 31, 2021


By Diego S G

Sep 27, 2018


By Silvana A

Oct 21, 2015


By Luis C P D l R

Oct 20, 2015


By Mario R P

Jan 17, 2016


By Halimah A S

Jan 3, 2016


By Angela B

Jun 3, 2022

While the content of the course was excellent, I felt that the assessment components were frustrating in that you were forced to wait until someone on the course, from whatever area of the universe, might give some feedback on your work.

I'm sure I originally completed the work by the beginning of March and decided to cut my losses after that since I was waiting for an operation anyway.

I have learned a lot because the American approach is so different from poetry writing in Scotland.

I am simply critical of the time it took for feedback to reach me and feel that the staff from CalArts could perhaps re-think how to monitor the progress.

From flagging up an issue, I realise that a lot of students did not have English as their first language. Having been a high school teacher of modern languages and now voluinteer in schools with the 826 organisation, The SuperPower Agency in Scotland, I realise that other students should be advised to be more tolerant and kinder to those whose first language is not English.

By Randall S S

Aug 17, 2020

Really great introduction to poetry and its construction. Inspired me in a way that I did not anticipate. Douglas Kearney is both entertaining and knowledgeable. The exercises were well thought out and provided a challenge that led me to develop new skills. A couple downsides are in need of mention:

1) The expectations were fairly minimal. This suited me when I had a busy week, but left me wanting more instruction and more exercises during an average week. The expectations should be enough to require near daily writing, not a once a week process.

2) The peer review process is broken. Many of my peers did not take their reviews seriously. Instead they provided minimal, meaningless reviews or no review at all ("good" is not a review!). The course organizers should be monitoring this and asking these students to terminate.

Despite these real problems, I truly enjoyed the content and the exercises, and learned from the comments of other serious students.

By Alden B

Mar 5, 2018

I found the course both interesting and helpful. I had always shied away from formal poetic forms, preferring free verse, but I really enjoyed writing the crown cinquain. In fact, after I wrote in that form, I also wrote a sestina (though not as part of the course). I used to be involved in theatre, and I recall how structural limitations often stimulated creative solutions; I made the same discovery when working within poetic limitations. I found most of the suggestions from other readers quite helpful and believe that they enabled me improve the poems that I submitted. The course was structured well, and the video lectures were clear. I thought the prompts were good. The only thing the course lacked was feedback from a professional poet (the teacher), but I understand that the volume of work and the finances would militate against personal attention. Thanks for the course.

By Meher A

Oct 25, 2017

The revision process was the most frustrating and challenging part of this course. I felt that more instruction could have been provided on this process such as providing extra readings, especially on how to tell when your work is done/revised. The rhythm section was also very confusing and attempted to cram together a lot of information in one section so the course could do with being more evenly paced, rather than introducing us to complex concepts all at once. Overall though, for a course that is available for free, this was a great resource for someone interested in writing poetry. It was engaging, especially yhe videos, and inspiring, especially the poems that were used. It also made me more aware of the tools that a poet can use to make their poems better. Thank you so much!

By E.m. T

Jun 11, 2016

The course itself is amazing. I learned so much. I used to only write prose poetry and thanks to this course I was able to write different forms. Besides the mentors' give such great comments and they are always eager to help. Also the professor is funny and choose really good poems to analyse.

The only thing that was a pity is that people post their work, but few people want to actively comment on other people's poetry. It is not as participative as it could be. However, some workshops to comment to get comments.

All in all, truly amazing course!

By Raj K B

Nov 21, 2016

Very interesting course; the only issue I had was with the students grading each other's poems. I would have preferred the teacher or the mentors to be grading them since they are presumably well versed with the art of poetry and the various techniques involved in their creation. While the grading process might enhance the learning of the students, it should not come at the cost of one's grades due to the obvious limitations or biases of the student graders.

By Magdalene C

Mar 13, 2020

It is a very condensed course and I think it works better for students who already have some experience writing poems. I'm new to poetry and it took me some time to catch on the various technicalities which were zoomed by very quickly. Certainly feels more like a revision course. Nevertheless, the course has been fun and enjoyable. I learned a lot about poetry writing. The course makes me want to know more about poetry writing. Thank you for this opportunity.

By Clare M

Jun 4, 2020

I throughly enjoyed the Sharpened Visions Poetry course with Douglas, he has a lovely engaging approach and delivery. I learned a lot.

The only area that I felt was lacking was regards feedback on submissions. Which I could not find at all and I never knew how other students felt about reviews I had submitted. I felt this was at the heart of the course for learning and missed that link..


By Leah J

Nov 3, 2021

This was a clearly taught and well presented course. I became a better poet as a result. The one drawback was receiving grades from my peers. I'm fine with workshopping in a group, but those who grade me should be at least at my skill level or higher. If I were taking this class for any reason other than pure enjoyment, I would find this unacceptable....but as it stands, I'm okay with it.

By Nancy B

Apr 14, 2022

I really enjoyed the instructor's style and the content of this course. I learned both from the assignments and from giving peer feedback to others. I also benefited from receiviing feedback from others, although some peer's gave more helpful feedback than others, which was sometimes disappointing.

I recommend this course for anyone wanting to learn some of the basics of poetry terminology.

By Fred P

Oct 25, 2015

A fun and engaging experience, excellent writing prompts. The kind of on-line educational experience I appreciate- encouraging and supportive, yet completely unwilling to take itself too seriously. The on-line poetry workshop experience with peers can be hit or miss, but even so, I gained some unexpected insights into my writing. Well worth enrolling and completing.

By Anshika S

Aug 31, 2020

The course is amazing. Got to learn so many new things and there was a definite improvement in my writing skill. However, i wish the content was more culture neutral. the poems picked, the examples used were mostly centered USA and as an Asian it was a bit difficult to catch on. Nevertheless one should definitely go for this course. the mentor is amazing as well.

By Shashank D

May 13, 2020

I really liked this course as I got what I was looking for. This course gives a very creative and nice way of learning poetry and also the tools to make them better. The content provided here was very relevant and knowledge boosting. Only thing that could have been better was the explanation of few topics. Overall it's a great course if you want to learn poetry.

By Urvashi J

Mar 24, 2022

Mr. Douglas Kearney takes us through the course in a simple yet effective way. His fun demeanour makes the videos easily watchable. Despite writing since so long, there was a lot I was unaware of and learnt during this course. From literary devices to scansion, everything one learns here can be used to write better poems in the future.