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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Python Data Structures by University of Michigan

94,923 ratings

About the Course

This course will introduce the core data structures of the Python programming language. We will move past the basics of procedural programming and explore how we can use the Python built-in data structures such as lists, dictionaries, and tuples to perform increasingly complex data analysis. This course will cover Chapters 6-10 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. This course covers Python 3....
Excellent instructor

(503 Reviews)

Helpful assignments

(254 Reviews)

Top reviews


Oct 7, 2017

assignment 9.4 auto grader not working .

LTI unable to launch.

error message: This tool should be launched from a learning system using LTI.

i am using chrome on mac book air 2 and python 3.6


Jul 23, 2020

Excellent explanation. Professor Charles kept the course from being monotonous. Learnt in depth about reading from file, sorting dictionaries and appending lists. Looking forward to learn more courses

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251 - 275 of 10,000 Reviews for Python Data Structures


Jul 26, 2019

The approach that Dr Chuck takes to teaching Python has been the best experience when trying to learn a computer language. Everything he uses are building blocks to other very relevant areas. His book and lectures are very relevant. I have been analyzing data and building business intelligence solutions for years but I always wanted to learn data analysis with Python. Thanks to Dr. chuck & thanks to coursera to offer me these course

By Shawn T R

Aug 6, 2018

Excellent course on Python data structures. Taught me a number of interesting things I didn't know and gave me a better fundamental understanding of the structures and how to use them effectively. Definitely improved my knowledge and skill with Python and the instructor is awesome. He puts things in very easy to understand terms and is primarily focused on you understanding what's going on and not jargon or rigor. Highly recommended.

By Komal K

Jun 8, 2020

I used to be aversive to computational languages and always tried to stay awayfrom them, but the way prof. Chuck teaches has comletely changed my approach. Thank you so much prof. Chuck for considering that there are people who know nothing about rogramming and then designing a course that beautifully caters to their needs. Your teaching style, the content and your funny jokes make the learning process much smoother and interesting!


Dec 30, 2020

A very easy to learn the course. Initially, I thought it would be very difficult its python and data structures but no it's the easiest to understand and learn course which comes to my use in the field and I have seen others using with easy in their job too. I am just glad I opted this course to learn with interesting quizzes and assignments with fun to learn. I referred this to my known one's who want to learn python to go for it.

By Vaibhaw

Dec 18, 2015

Dr. Chuck you are awesome.

The more i learn the more humbled i about feel how much work you have done just to let every one learn.

This is first course i took because i wanted . Here in India its said you pass engineering first then decide what you wanted to learn or become .

You have made learning fun . I really like when i have to fight with assessment tool to get my program to pass.

Shaking your hand is on my Bucket List.


By Adrian B J

Mar 26, 2019

Dr Chuck does a great job not getting bogged down in the minutiae ...

What I would recommend is to capture "what" you're doing as you go with each assignment so that you'll have a resource to return to when you need that code snippet later. For example:

I keep an INDEX.txt in same directory as the assignments. Here's an example entry:


Read file (emails)

split for time, then hour (:)

histogram of splits

order by key


By Yuxin W

Mar 14, 2017

Definitely one of the best courses for people with barely programming background. Dr. Severance gives a very detailed explanation to the definition and shows examples step by step, especially the way he guides you to think of a problem. Though it looks quite simple, it gives you a very fundamental thinking to the programming language. Watch the lecture, do the assignment and get more exercise for practice, then you will be good!

By Hossam I

May 29, 2020

The course is great, quizzes weren't only to emphasize the given information but also to advance the theoretical knowledge of Python.what I liked about the course that I had to understand what I'm doing and the code I'm writing although I'm not a super-smart learner I managed and surfed the web to understand more and I still have too much to comprehend but like Prof. Chuck said you can learn and struggle and no shame about this.

By Smruthi R

Dec 26, 2016

Charles Severance is a warm and brilliant teacher who makes learning programming both fun and easy. The information was presented in a way that made it memorable and fairly easy to understand. I found the assignments in this course adequately challenging, but more importantly - interesting to work on! I am delighted that I picked this course to learn Python, and it makes me look forward to the rest of my programming journey!

By JB_Runnin

Mar 16, 2016

Excellent class! Was not a big fan of online courses; especially technical material but Dr Chuck is awesome. So engaging and he really makes the class fun. Really like the bonus videos as well as the format. Each chapter/ section broken down into small chucks so easier to digest. Small sections was also helpful if because if a certain concept was unclear it was easy to just go back and re-watch or re-read. Highly recommended.

By Jeryl Y S

Aug 27, 2020

As usual, not only is the content great, Dr Chuck also makes lessons fun and interesting! Totally recommend this specialisation along with this course as it can really build on your python foundations. Took another python course and learn about dictionaries, list etc but it was not as detailed and clear however this course managed to clear up all the gaps and now I'm more confident to say I know about python data structures!

By Yola W

Dec 16, 2015

Python Data Structure offers a deeper understanding of the Python language after the first intro course UMich offered, and it's very useful to everyone who wants to learn about Python.

Dr. Chuck did a fantastic job in making this course easy to understand and enjoyable to learn. I'm really glad that I've taken this whole Python for Everybody series courses and appreciate the great work Dr. Chuck and the staff team have done.

By Robert P

Jan 13, 2022

While the first course in the series keeps the gloves on for the most part and maybe even is a bit too easy even for beginning programmers with no prior experience, this course really ramps up the difficulty and introduces a lot of practical higher level data structures and manipulation techniques. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a solid introduction to the core python data structures and their properties.

By Khalil J

Jul 18, 2023

This is the second part of starting with Python. Before starting with the series of courses, people need to have basic knowledge of logics and know that you will learn how to organize ideas.

The instructor is great. He goes through the exercises and do not give the exact answers in order to think and adapt previous exercises on newer ones. Everything is conected and it gives you the freedom to make your own code.

Thank you!

By Rodolpho M I

Jul 3, 2020

As the first Python course in the Python specialization at the University of Michigan, I also loved this one. I will continue to learn more about Python in the next specialization course. Dr. Chuck is great at explaining the concepts and the material is excellent. The use of colors made the explanations clearer. I think the course should have more exercises or more tasks because it would help all students to practice more.

By Dev T A N

Aug 24, 2020

I find it very interesting , i can easily revisit certain topics which i need to remind. Also through the assignments i was able to remember the basic of Python.The quiz and assignments at the end of every chapter helps me to test my knowledge and know how much i have gained through this course. It's one of the interested course i ever had.

Thank You Coursera, Dr. Chuck and Michigan University to offer such a good course.

By Ronald K

Mar 5, 2018

The exercises were tough, but doable. Everything you need you can figure out by reading the book and watching the lectures. The teaching assistants in the forums were outstanding-- no matter what time of day or week it is, they always seem to be available to provide just the right amount of guidance to nudge you forward. The instructor was clear and explained everything in a way that was easy to comprehend. Great course!

By Wen Y (

Mar 17, 2017

The best python intro course ever!

Side notes: I feel like you don't even need to take the "Python 4 everybody" to get started, you can directly jump to this "Python Data structures" as long as you spent a bit time playing around python by yourself.

Strongly recommended new python learner download the videos explaining lists, texts and dictionaries, and review them frequently until all of these become very natural to you.

By Mojtaba A

Nov 6, 2021

I loved the course. Dr. Chuck is as always charming you through the course. Thank you Dr. Chuck (the brilliant Instructor of the course), thank you Coursera (for the generosity of applied financial aid), and thank you the prominent university of Michigan (for the contribution and kind cooperation), thank you all so much again. I wish you all the best. You are all helped me to make my life quality better and better.


By Mayar G R E

Oct 31, 2020

I learned a lot through this amazing course.

I was so eager to learn more about python and so I started this course . All the assignments and tests were so helpful to make me able to jump right into the next step. I would like to thank Dr.Charles a lot for his simplicity in explaining all the chapters. And also to thank the teaching staff for responding very fast to all the difficulties that faced me in the assignments.

By Alejandro M A

Sep 5, 2020

Excelente curso, metodológicamente muy bien diseñado, te diviertes aprendes la pasas bien, el profesor te inspira y te ayuda a seguir adelante hacer un cambio de carrera siempre es difícil pues nos cuesta salir de nuestra zona de confort con este curso este proceso no para nada traumático. Chuck te enseña a pensar como programador dándote elementales para que tu proceso de aprendizaje sea interactivo, ameno y especial


Apr 30, 2020

As an IT Specialist with specialization in Networking and Troubleshooting, I found this course very useful as it empowered my to understand the basic programming using Python. This will become very handy in developing programs. I look forward to take similar courses in order to advance my knowledge. I am not changing from Networking Specialist but this is a good course to broaden my knowledge. I enjoyed the instructor.

By Jacob E

Dec 24, 2019

I took the whole specialization which I strongly recommend over individual pieces. These courses go through a book provided by Charles Severance. He includes all the material and TONS of code he made. Charles goes through all the code he brings up in the class and explains each piece. There are fluff pieces throughout that are not necessary to pass but offer some history. Overall a great course with a great instructor.

By Colleen O

Feb 12, 2017

This course was great!

Dr. Chuck makes the material fun and relatively easy to learn.

Just pay attention during the lectures, and take your time with the quizzes & assignments.

Do yourself a favor...

When you get an assignment correct, TAKE A SCREENSHOT OF IT.

Include the question, your code, the result of your code, and the expected answer in your screenshot.

It will be a tremendously helpful reference point for you!

By jose a c v

Sep 22, 2020

I liked this course because it teaches you the data structures in python which is the starting point for programming in python. There were some things that I did not know and compared it to other programming languages, and I realized that python is very elegant when writing code, it is simple. There is not much problem in coding, python understands and makes it easy for you. That is why I liked python and this course.