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Learner Reviews & Feedback for R Programming by Johns Hopkins University

22,200 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for effective data analysis. You will learn how to install and configure software necessary for a statistical programming environment and describe generic programming language concepts as they are implemented in a high-level statistical language. The course covers practical issues in statistical computing which includes programming in R, reading data into R, accessing R packages, writing R functions, debugging, profiling R code, and organizing and commenting R code. Topics in statistical data analysis will provide working examples....

Top reviews


Feb 2, 2016

"R Programming" forces you to dive in deep.

These skills serve as a strong basis for the rest of the data science specialization.

Material is in depth, but presented clearly. Highly recommended!


Jul 11, 2016

Excellent course! I already knew a lot about R - but this class helped me solidify what I already knew, taught me lots of new tricks, and now I have a certificate that says I know `something' about R!

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4601 - 4625 of 4,728 Reviews for R Programming

By Jasen N

May 12, 2016

For an introductory course with no prerequisites, the assignments should cover material that has been introduced in lectures. Non-introductory and advanced courses in R can require students to look outside of lectures for completing relatively complex problems.

By Sydney R

Feb 12, 2016

BEWARE. If you are someone who is new to more advanced math or to any sort of coding, this course will be very confusing, totally unpractical, and you'll walk away not feeling like you've really learned how to use R in a real way.

I was incredibly disappointed.

By Huw M

Dec 8, 2020

Wow. I cannot believe how difficult that last week was. No explanation for how to go about it just a learn it in your own time. As soon as the $49 USD is taken out of my account the difficulty is raised considerably. Cannot believe I paid for this subject.

By Adam G

Apr 2, 2021

This course is poorly structured and the lessons don't prepare you in any way to complete the assignments. Don't waste your money taking this course and find something else. Johns Hopkins University should be embarrassed to have their name on this course.


Jun 13, 2020

The lectures are good for basic understanding, but there are no sample programs in order to understand their real world application. And the assignments are not at all for beginners. There is a huge gap between the content and the assignments.

By You H

Jul 17, 2019

To be honest, this is the most terrible course that I have ever had on Coursera. The courses are not well organized, and the assignment has little to do with the videos, which means students have to learn by themselves to finish the assignment

By James B

Mar 27, 2016

Poorly organized and managed. Each week of this course should have been broken down into individual 4 week courses. I have 20 years software development experience, and I can tell you this is too much information to cram into a single class.

By Vignesh

Apr 6, 2016

The new platform Sucks!!!

The people who just want to learn for free and not purchase a certificate are barred from attempting the quizzes unlike the old platform. Not being able to take the quizzes completely ruins the learning experience.

By Bich T T

Jul 6, 2020

You don't have to go through the videos which I found painful because of the instructor's voice. The textbook includes everything in the videos. However, there was no application for the videos and textbook in the quizzes and assignments.

By Mohan U

Sep 27, 2020

I really wanted to learn R in my current Mac iOS environment, in a Linux/Unix environment. I only see here the course offered in Windows environment in archaic MS-DOS environment? I am not interested in that. Hence I unenrolled.

By Marcos V

May 8, 2021

The course is poorly designed with link between assignment and course material being so wide. This sometimes creates frustration of quitting the course. This made me think whether this course was designed to learn R or make money.

By Baurjan S

Sep 19, 2016

Somewhere during the second week there is a gap in coding that I could not overcome and this ruined the whole interest in pursuing the course because in order to overcome it I had to cheat. I don't feel like I am learning anymore.

By Lancer B

Mar 17, 2020

This class is a travesty in learning R. The lessons are misguided and do not prepare you for the overwhelmingly difficult homework assignments needed to complete the course. I would not recommend this to anyone trying to learn R.

By 吕沛航

Jun 23, 2017

The topic which was discussed by the professor can't match with the assignments and quiz.

I think the video of teaching should add more elements of practice, so that it would fit people with no basic knowledge of programming more.

By Rani B

Jul 19, 2019

There is a significant gap between the lectures and assignments. For someone with very limited programming background, this posed a great hindrance to my ability to use the resources provided to be successful on the assignments.

By Stephane G

Apr 20, 2017

Possibly the least well structured class ever. Also, not made for people to actually learn how to program in R. It is sad that I paid for this, and ended up going to another resource to learn... and it was much much easier.

By John S

Apr 15, 2016

Not a class for the beginning programmer. The lectures do not line up with the assignments, and if you don't have programming experience, you could easily spend 10-20 hours/week figuring out how to finish the assignments.

By george_p_chambers

Jul 3, 2017

The ask in the fist assignment was not formulated correctly. Felt the class needed more hands on learning. Although the lectures were clear and concise, going back to them really didn't help me with the assignments.

By Jose R

Jul 16, 2017

I think there is a total mis-match between the lesson material and the assignments. The amount of hours one needs to search the internet to augment the training. The recommended text doesn't even come close in

By Alexander J

Oct 8, 2020

I don't feel like I really learned R from this course. I felt like they just made me aware of some features. Also, there was vast difference between the course lectures, swirl and actual assignments.

By Baishali C

Dec 11, 2021

Huge gap between what is taught in the course and the assignements given which makes learning extremely difficult even for those who have had some kind of hands on experience with computer programming.

By Nkechi O

Oct 2, 2016

The assignments had nothing to do with the lectures. The teachers do a poor job of explaining basic concepts and theories. The class is a lot more advanced than the class description makes it seem.

By Shrief M A E

Jun 11, 2020

The assignments are too hard for the lessons that we had it made me frustrating, after week 2 I completely lost and didn't know what should I do .

I really don't recommend this course for beginners

By Gabriel B

May 4, 2021

Sadly the assignments are not possible with just the course itsself since they cover different material.

If I have to research the assignments myself why take the course in the first place?

By Yashar A

May 5, 2016

This course is the worst course that I have taken so far. I am not happy with the course content and the way that the lecturer uses to teach this course. I really want to refund my money!