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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Managing Social and Human Capital by University of Pennsylvania

2,506 ratings

About the Course

People are the most valuable asset of any business, but they are also the most unpredictable, and the most difficult asset to manage. And although managing people well is critical to the health of any organization, most managers don't get the training they need to make good management decisions. Now, award-winning authors and renowned management Professors Mike Useem and Peter Cappelli of the Wharton School have designed this course to introduce you to the key elements of managing people. Based on their popular course at Wharton, this course will teach you how to motivate individual performance and design reward systems, how to design jobs and organize work for high performance, how to make good and timely management decisions, and how to design and change your organization’s architecture. By the end of this course, you'll have developed the skills you need to start motivating, organizing, and rewarding people in your organization so that you can thrive as a business and as a social organization....

Top reviews


Oct 19, 2018

Excellent Course. Understanding human behavior is one of the most difficult challenges in an organization. This course describes the challenges well and offers approaches to tackling those challenges.


Jan 12, 2022

Really enjoyed the cases studies throught the weeks and well having the pdfs for taking notes. The final notes on management and decision making will be on my note list for work reflection for sure.

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301 - 325 of 425 Reviews for Managing Social and Human Capital

By Rahul P

May 3, 2020


By Thanawat S

Oct 3, 2019


By Shloka A

Sep 23, 2021

By Afiya A

May 22, 2017


By Hernando E

Apr 25, 2020

The course was a bit less detailed than the previous two courses in the Business Foundations Specialty.

Each of the professors has a different presentation style, I thought that one style was better suited to this format, while the other style was likely better suited to an academic classroom format.

Would have appreciated more specific feedback about my scores on the quizzes.

Overall the material was interesting and the course was worthwhile.

By Francesca M

Feb 20, 2019

The course was very informative for people who don't have any background in business. It gives great insight on the various organizational structures, and it does a great job of explaining what a company has to go through if they want to lead a significant change within their organization. There were some typos that I noticed on some of the slides, however, it was overall a great course to take.

By Ajit P

Oct 1, 2017

Course provides a good overview of managerial decision making, change management and human resource management. Professors Cappelli and Useem have discussed several good case studies in this course. For Example: Toyota Production System Vs. GM, Charles Schwab decision making, US Marine Corp, JPL and Cisco, It was worth of my time. I exposed to several new concepts and theories to ponder.

By Bride M

Jul 6, 2020

Great examples. Thank you! I've learned a lot in such a short time! I would definitely recommend the course to others. The only downside of the course: Sometimes, the quiz questions seem to cover trivial topics and not get at the profound underlying principles. (E.g. Week 4 - Quiz. What was the organizational structure of Rose Company? This is purely a memory test.)

By Andrew H

Mar 6, 2020

I think this is an excellent, short course. Some of the videos are edited poorly so pieces of stories are missing, but having the two professors and all the good stories and examples makes for very interesting lessons. I think this course is packed with good material, and I would have appreciated more material. There are always similar courses.

By Gyan S

Apr 8, 2020

The first two weeks are really good with the old techniques of classroom teaching with the help of slides. Great examples explained there. The next two weeks are totally different with the minimal use of slides and theories explained through drawn out real life events/ companies decision. A very useful course in the end.

By pedro w

Aug 6, 2017

Este curso prove uma fonte razoável de gestão sobre pessoas e estruturas organizacionais. Senti que faltaram mais exemplos atuais que pudessem ser relacionados aos dias de hoje. No overall, muito boa a provocação para utilizar as teorias no dia a dia, entretanto, com poucos referenciais teóricos.

By Zainutdinova E

Oct 16, 2019

I find examples of decision making very useful and interesting. At the same time, I felt a lack of structured knowledge. Some ideas could be expressed shorter, probably. Nevertheless, the course is good and professional. Would be nice to have some practise tasks, though.

By James R

Oct 27, 2019

This is a pretty good course. Most of the ideas and principles taught should be "common sense" to anyone who has dealt with people and/or led teams before. Unfortunately, corporate leadership in most cases ignore the basic principles of and don't implement them either.

By Jo I M

Feb 27, 2022

I think the content was very interesting, but it was a little short. There could have been more references to updated research, and they could have gone alittle more indepath on some topics or provided some additional resources as an optional read.

By Robert C T

Sep 2, 2019

Well designed and informative course overall. Expanding with a little more content on external aspects of social capital (e.g., applications for dealing with customers, partners, etc.) and on strategic workforce planning would be helpful.

By Matheus B

Mar 29, 2019

The actual course was quite good. Did not particularly like the quizes, as the questioning did not test insight, but blunt facts (almost to the degree of "what was the second thing John said"). Would recommend, but not for a certificate.

By Dhruv J

Nov 27, 2021

The first 2 weeks of the course was extremely knowledgeable and useful. It helped me gain insights into the reward and motivation in any organisation setting and also certain intersting topics such as efficiency improvement methods.

By Maria L Z

Apr 20, 2020

I really liked the way the professors explain this subject which i ve never heard before, I mean all of us know human resources and their tasks but not all the studies and the thoery concerning the management of the individuals.

By Chris W

May 1, 2019

While the case studies in the course are quite interesting, a lot of improvements can be made... I feel the effort from the professors can be greater when I compare this course to the previous two courses in the specialization.

By Gregor Q

May 27, 2020

This was an interesting course with lots of useful information. However, especially Professor Useem's lectures occasionally felt rambling rather than carefully presented. More careful scripting would have been great here.

By Lori K

Apr 21, 2019

I found the course fascinating. I wish we had more information and longer videos.

Also, I would have liked the video transcripts to have been edited before passing on to students. So many mistakes and misspellings.

By Sheldon M

Apr 2, 2020

Good info, a bit vague in terms of what needs to be deeply absorbed, and what is simply examples.

The last guy took a bit long to get to his points, but overall the two were pleasant to listen to, and intelligent.

By Zen S

Oct 4, 2018

Much of the content is too anecdotal, but in a good way. Thus the four stars. However, more detailed coverage of the points on the slides, or at least more references for further study, will improve the course.

By Chase H

Feb 27, 2019

Overal this course is quite useful to me, and I think it will be better if we can go into more details of current workplace examples, such as the success and failed stories of leading organizational changes.

By Vyom G

May 24, 2020

Faculty were quite articulate in explaining ideas and the content was also at par. Would help if there was more focus on Social Capital and more real life examples on disruptive org structures in start ups.