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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Word Forms and Simple Present Tense by University of California, Irvine

2,687 ratings

About the Course

In this course, “Word Forms and Simple Present Tense,” you will learn about different word forms, like nouns, proper nouns, plural forms and singular forms. You will learn when to use the articles “a” and “an.” You will also learn about the BE verb in English, how to form it and when to use it. Then you will learn how to form other verbs in the simple present, including some spelling rules, and how to make negative forms....

Top reviews


Oct 16, 2021

This course is so much easy. Anyone from other language who have a little bit knowledge of English, can easily complete this course. Matter of fact, all the examples are really understandable.


Oct 28, 2023

I would like to express my gratitude to all my teachers and Coursera for providing such an excellent learning platform. The course has proven to be effective in enhancing fundamental skills.

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26 - 50 of 621 Reviews for Word Forms and Simple Present Tense

By Zara K

Jun 11, 2023

Thank you so much Coursera for designing such a simple and effective course. For those whom English is not their native language should try these courses to revise their English skills and improve. Sometime we make simple mistakes. These courses helps to avoid basic mistakes.

By Loide U d S

May 24, 2022

Gostei bastante do conteúdo do curso. Eu achava que dominava a gramática basica da língua inglesa por ter estudado na escola, mas este curso me fez corrigir alguns erros que cometia e aprimorar meu entendimento sobre as formas correta de se escrever em inglê.

By DR. T S

Jul 14, 2022

I thank the organizers for this programme,It's really very useful form me ,I m very much happy to learn English.I thank once again to hits . I am a tamil professor i would like to improve my communication skliis so this coursera programme is helpfull to me.

By Ahmed N

Nov 6, 2022

Good morning

Thank's for this course of word forms and simple present tense. It was a pleasure to learn with you. The course was easy to understand with me and thank's for this opportunity. My dream is to keep learning english with you.

By Siarhei M

Jun 28, 2023

This course was very useful for me!!! Amazing materials and videos. I resolved a lot of questions in my brain and could better understand the English grammatical rules. Thanks a lot for this course and work. I highly recommend it.

By Rander A R P

Jun 1, 2023

Me ha parecido un excelente curso, sus tutores tienen mucha experiencia pedagógica para impartir los conocimientos; la forma y el contenido del curso han sido bien diseñados para el aprendizaje. Muchas gracias Coursera.

By Bibi R B

Jan 11, 2023

a very well course for the beginning people that doesn't know about the English Language and this course help me and other to getting more information and learning about English Language.

Thank you for your support.

By Abdullahi M H

May 25, 2022

I have learnt from this course how to use basic English grammer, for example how to use "Verb TO BE" , "Simple Present Tense" and many more. so Now, I Feel That I could use them effectively and naturally.

By Carlos A R

May 18, 2023

Muy buen curso para empezar a desarrollar un espacio de una segunda lengua. Ejemplos muy claros y concretos. Lo recomiendo para quien quiera empezar a organizar ideas y subsanar vacíos gramaticales.

By Kouassi M M

Jan 19, 2023

j'ai aimé bien le contenue du cours . ça m'a permis de comprendre certains ambiguïtés

et l'explication est impeccable

je suis désormais prêt

je vais pouvoir m'exprimer sans trop de faut en grammaire

By José n r

Jan 6, 2022

O curso é ótimo, gostei muito, já possuía conhecimentos no idioma e estava atrás de um certificado oficial. agradeço ao Coursera e aos professores(as), este curso é uma grande conquista para mim.


Jan 14, 2024

Este curso es realmente maravilloso, pude aprender bastante sobre la gramática y lo bueno de los videos es que puedo verlos una y otra vez. Gracias por darme la oportunidad de acceder al curso.

By Iqra b

Oct 29, 2023

I would like to express my gratitude to all my teachers and Coursera for providing such an excellent learning platform. The course has proven to be effective in enhancing fundamental skills.

By Soraya S d F

Aug 9, 2022

Muito bom! Me ajudou a relembrar várias regras gramaticais que havia esquecido e ainda me permitiu desenvolver o listening, que é algo que tenho certa dificuldade.


Sep 1, 2021

Fue un curso excelente para iniciar a desarrollar habilidades en el idioma ingles. Las clases y lo ejercicios son faciles de entender y estan muy bien esplicados


Nov 11, 2022

j'ai appris de ce cours multiples choses j'ignorais en ce qui concerne l'informatique , et qui me seront quantitativement serviable tout le long de ma vie

By Simon T

Sep 8, 2022

Quite intresting grammer course. It's not the same way as my teacher taught me here in China, but more English native speaker thinking style. Very good!

By Jose H V V

Jan 24, 2023

Es un curso entretenido, muy didáctico y que sobre todo enriquece en todos los aspectos del conocimiento. Muy bien explicado, me ha servido de mucho.

By Boris V C R

Jan 10, 2023

The course is very good for beginners, because is clearly and easy to learn. I recommend this course especially to the native spanish speakers as me.

By Billy K P

Jun 8, 2023

Very easy to understand, definitely perfect for a beginner! The explanations, pronunciations, and exercises are outright direct, clear, and helpful

By Karla M

Sep 28, 2023

Excelente curso para principiantes. Muchas veces olvidamos las reglas gramaticales más simples, por lo cual te sirve para repasarlas. Gracias!

By Thức T

Dec 22, 2023

This is an amazing course. The content is very clear, specific, logical, and easy to understand. It's a great course for improving my skills.

By Walla E

Oct 29, 2023

this course very easy to learn and very useful for everyone who is learning English. The instructors very kind. thankyou for your help.

By Deleted A

Oct 29, 2022

I love this course. It is so easy to understand the basics of the simple present. The teachers have this amazing for to explaint.

By Hellen C S

Apr 5, 2024

I found the course excellent, the way the classes are explained, the fixation exercises, the course is excellent for beginners.