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Learner Reviews & Feedback for First Step Korean by Yonsei University

49,681 ratings

About the Course

This is an elementary-level Korean language course, consisting of 5 lessons with 4 units, and covers 4 skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The main topics include basic expressions used in everyday life, such as greetings, introducing yourself, talking about your family and a daily life and so on. Each lesson covers dialogues, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, quizzes and role-plays. After completing this course, you will be able to 1. read and write Korean alphabet. 2. communicate in Korean with basic expressions. 3. learn basic knowledge on Korean culture. It’s fun and easy to follow! Enjoy it!...

Top reviews


Jun 30, 2021

The course is amazing for now! The teacher explains everything in a great order and it helps me a lot with Korean. I understand a lot more now. Thank you for that Seung Hae Kang and Yonsei University!


May 17, 2020

A really good starting point to understand what's the Hangeul is constituted of and have a taste test on daily conversation. Last 2 modules were of quick pace which encourages me to revisit more often

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151 - 175 of 10,000 Reviews for First Step Korean

By Alan W H

Aug 29, 2016

This course provides a well-paced introduction to learning the Korean language. It is well-suited to students who have little or no knowledge of Korean language to begin with. The course videos and the conversations of the players in the instructive videos helps us to get a feel for how the language operates in a real situation. The course lecturer provides detailed explanations of the origins of Korean vowels and consonants, the way the language is constructed, correct pronunciation, and much more. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn the Korean language. Many thanks to our lecturer for this great course.

By Marta N

Jul 2, 2023

Gracias por la oportunidad brindada, seguiré repasando lo aprendido y espero poder tener la oportunidad de seguir aprendiendo el idioma de esta cultura tan interesante.

Espero con ansias la oportunidad ya que no cuento con el recurso económico para ir a la Universidad y seguir tomando de forma gratuita el curso. Después de esta experiencia me gustaría poder ser maestra de coreano.

Por lo pronto, como soy maestra de secundaria; estoy intentando motivar a algunos de mis alumnos a aprender esto hermoso idioma y cultura.

Gracias a todos y en especial a mi Profesora Seung Hae Kang por sus enseñanzas.


Marta L. Nuñez

By Tripti D

Jul 18, 2020

Completely worth it! The teacher is very good at explaining the basics along with grammar and reason for as to why the language is the way it is! It really helps remember the language logically! The teacher also had good control over the course and its material and its flow. I really wish it was released as series from basic to advanced so that we could achieve higher understanding and fluency in the subject. Highly recommend.

Suggestion for Coursera- With the K-Wave around the world, I really hope you add more Korean courses online.

Thank you so much Teacher Seung Hae Kang and Yonsei University. Also, thank you Coursera.

By Jill S

Oct 20, 2021

I enjoyed this course very much. This was a supplement to some of my other language self-studies, however, this could work well alone as well. Professor Seung Hae Kang did a wonderful job presenting and explaining materials while providing enough examples to fully understand the material. As with any language - practice is always necessary. So, you can't assume that just because you pass the course you'll be able to speak Korean - and she reminds you to put in the work with very supportive and positive feedback. There is a LOT of information in this course and review of the vocabulary and grammar will be important.

By Kathryn H

May 31, 2020

I enjoyed this course immensely. This is my third attempt at starting to learn Korean in the last two years. I tried by downloading worksheets off the internet and using Duolingo. However, I got much more out of this course. Even though this is just an introductory course, I have a much better foundation that will better serve me as I continue in my journey to learn Korean. Duolingo is now less frustrating because I have a little more understanding. Professor Seung explained the "why" which makes it easier to process and then replicate. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn Korean!

By Giselle J

Jul 11, 2020

This was the first course that I took from Coursera and it helped me to be able to read, write, and converse in the Korean language. The structure of the course was effective for me, the quizzes served as checkpoints to make sure that I am understanding the lessons well. The instructor was really good, too. The forum posts and interactions from other learners were of big help too. Overall, I liked this course very much, and I would recommend this to those who also want to learn the language. I hope that I would be able to take more language courses from Yonsei university in the future. Thank you very much!

By Antonella P F

Aug 16, 2020

Fue un muy buen curso, porque si bien, quizá no recuerde con exactitud todo lo aprendido, ahora tengo un mejor manejo auditivo en coreano, además de que ahora tengo una mayor posibilidad de entender que es lo que se dice, ya que puedo inferir algunas oraciones gracias a este curso.

Realmente estoy agradecida de esto, porque me ayuda de manera gratuita a tener un mayor nivel en el idioma, que probablemente me sirva hasta para mis estudios. Incluso, me sirvió para mejorar un poco mi inglés, ya que se lo básico (hablo español), pero pude entender bastante bien el curso.

Nuevamente, muchas gracias por su ayuda.

By Maria L A

Sep 6, 2020

It really is so easy but I need to listen to more conversations. I get lost when it is spoken but I can read the lectures. I get to understand when I read the lectures. I enjoyed learning Korean so much I just had to finish everything so I would know the point where it gets hard(er).

You were very understanding the way you made the quizzes easy for first time learners like myself. Now, as practice I will take the English captions off my dramas and see if I can understand the conversations but I need to beef up my dictionary.

At least now I can read the characters. All the best and again, thank you!

By Shimi T

Mar 26, 2018

This course is really easy to follow and understand, and the quizzes are not that hard. The teacher draws parallels with English in her explanations, which is helpful if you are confident enough in your English comprehension (if you are not a native speaker). The lessons are both long and short enough at the same time to not overburden a beginner learner and since they are freely available online you can re-watch them at will to practice. The content is also on point, vocabulary and grammar provided are just enough to really kick-start your journey into the depths of learning the Korean language.

By Mavis M

Jan 9, 2018

Thank you so much. That's help me a lot. I learned more about the daily life terms and sentences. But the speed will be a little bit fast for a brand new learner which don't know the alphabet. Learner have to replay few times to remember and practice. Too many message to their brain. I'll suggest learners to learn some pronounce first, and back to this course to check is the pronounce right. Then learn something new in this course. It will be easier to follow the lectures. (You know there has a deadline of those lectures). By the way, the course is really helpful, I'll recommend learners to join.

By Antonio S

Jul 15, 2020

Este curso es muy completo, he aprendido cosas básicas pero estoy seguro que con más práctica seré capaz de mantener una conversación en coreano. Puedes aprender vocabulario, expresiones, recomiendo este curso para todo principante, empiezas desde 0. ¡Muchas gracias! Saludos desde México, amigos. (:

This course is very complete, I have learned basic things but I'm sure with more practice I'll be able to hold a conversation in Korean. You can learn vocabulary, expressions, I recommend this course for all beginners, your start since 0. Thanks a lot!

고맙습니다! 제 이름은 안토니오 예요 저는 22실 이에요, 멕시코 사람이 에요.

By Mariafernanda V S

Sep 18, 2020

Este curso me ha ayudado mucho a aprender un idioma tan distinto como el coreano, y un poco de su cultura, ya que varias expresiones coreanas son distintas y muestran algo de sus valores. Por ejemplo, las distintas expresiones que existen especialmente para hablar formalmente y con respeto a alguien mayor que tú, me pareció muy interesante. Siempre sentí mucha curiosidad por aprender este idioma, y gracias a este curso, ahora puedo leer la escritura coreana hangul y puedo entender expresiones de habla básicas en el idioma, las cuales seguiré practicando para poder mejorar. Muchas gracias.

By Archana K

Feb 7, 2018


When I started this course, I had no idea on how to read or write in Korean. It was an entirely new language and I was very excited but a little scared. However, by the end of this course I could read and write in Korean with ease. The course material was very easy to understand and learn from. I do have to build on my vocabulary but that I am sure is a longer process. I am very glad I enrolled in this course. Overall it was a brilliant experience and I would love to continue studying Korean. I would also like to thank Professor Seung Hae Kang and the mentors for this course.


By Parmawati L

Jun 11, 2022

First of all, I am so happy and deeply grateful for this course. Finally, I got the certificate of First Step Korean from Yonsei University, this is amazing. I would like to show my gratitude and also said thank you for the teacher and also coursera for providing this course. Honestly, I really want to go to South Korea, but I think that it will be fun if I know some of their language, I mean like the basic language so I am able to understand it step by step. That is why I finally took this course and now it is done, but the process of studying Korean Language will never stop. Thank you.

By David W

Aug 3, 2022

Excellent introduction / refresher for learning Hangul. Being a gyopo, I've taken Korean classes in my childhood but still learned from taking this course. Prof. Kang takes the time to include useful worksheets for practical application, includes helpful visual aids, as well as explains the history and the "why" in Korean culture and language. All of which has helped me retain what I've learned.

I would suggest including a vocabulary flash card document at the beginning of the course (for reference) rather than introducing a lot of it at the end (especially for non-Korean learners).

By Naruto U

Oct 4, 2020

it gave me a good idea of what is expected from me as a beginner. The course being online could be completed at any time as per my convenience which was the best part considering my profession. The pdfs are available for review which are very helpful again. I wish there was a course which would guide us further regarding the exam structure for language proficiency exams. its a very very helpful course for anyone who wants to learn Basics of Hangul. Professor maam swords enunciated the pronounciation very well.Overall it covered all aspects of learning a new language for beginners.

By Daniella A

Apr 16, 2023

I was able to be very interactive when writing my notes and I got to go at my own pace to complete each video and quiz. The instructor also repeats pronunciations so you can say it after her and even gives and explanation as to why it's pronounced the way it is. Overall, I do recommend this course to anyone who needs a step by step plan on learning Korean as beginner and wants to be able to communicate with others who are also taking the course to ask for help or just interactive practice. Thank you Yonsei University for this opportunity as no cost but was well organized.

By Satya P

Jul 11, 2022

I was able to gain a nice experience and learning opportunity through this course. Songsaengnim was very patient and slow paced during lecture, and tried to cater to all the aspects grammatical and otherwise too and made me able to gain better understanding of the language throughout the course. I was definitely able to learn the language with utmost ease with lots of vocabulary and now I am able to make better sentences myself. Even my listening skills for the language has improved a lot and now I'm able to listen and understand better the conversations between people.

By akanksha m

Nov 27, 2020

I would highly recommend this course to people who are eager to learn Korean.

The course is structured well, covering up the basics very well. And the instructor is genuinely a good teacher.

I've become quite comfortable in reading, writing and pronouncing Hanguel within 23 days.

It'll take regular and genuine practice to master these three prospects which is why I've enrolled for other courses as well.

감사합니다, ma'am, Coursera for such a delightful first-time experience with this language.

Looking forward to get a hold of the fluency in this language.

Take care and God bless.

By Maria R T P

Aug 21, 2020

I am impressed at how I learned writing and picking up new vocabulary words in Hangul knowing I am just a beginner. Aside of course from being so engrossed with the Korean Hangul, I am really thankful I got this course and now after daily practicing my writing I am able to memorize the alphabet and little by little learning more words in Hangul. I will see if I can still enroll in more Korean classes here in Coursera because it is free. Thank you very much Yonsei University for this chance of a lifetime. More power to everyone behind this Mooc Course. Gamsahabnida 감사합니다

By Victoria E

Oct 11, 2020

Muy buen curso. Al empezar solo tenía un vago conocimiento del alfabeto y algunas palabras sueltas, y ahora me veo capaz de diferenciar mejor un sonido de otro tanto al escucharlo como al producirlo, mi vocabulario es un poco más amplio y al leer frases y oraciones en coreano puedo reconocer algunas estructuras y terminaciones, y a veces tener una idea general del significado de las mismas. Creo que como base para empezar sirve mucho, y ojalá hicieran una segunda parte de este curso para principiantes. Espero de ahora en más continuar mi aprendizaje. ¡Muchas gracias!


Dec 5, 2020

I really enjoyed the class. However there were some things I would improve. I noticed there are a few words thorought the class that were mentioned multiple times in different lessons, that would give more time for other new words. Also, week four was a little bit overwhelming so I think that week could use some revision (maybe add a light topic to it to even it out). Also memorizing is pretty rough for somebody with little to no time so this course could also use a flashcard tool to practice vocabulary (which is plenty in this class). Other than that, great class!

By Luciana R L

Jul 10, 2021

Me gustó demasiado este curso, es la primera vez que tomo un curso de idioma en modalidad virtual y tengo que decir que fue una muy linda experiencia. Es un idioma un poco difícil pero a la vez es tan sencillo para aprenderlo (comparado con el Spanish), me gusta que con tan pocos caracteres se puedan decir tantas cosas y lo simple que resulta comunicarse. En fin, voy a seguir aprendiendo este hermoso idioma y espero algún día poder ser muy fluída.

Muchas gracias Profesora Seung Hae Kang, Universidad YONSEI y a coursera por la oportunidad.

Saludos desde Argentina.

By Felicia H

Oct 27, 2016

This is a very good beginner course that requires the student to practice, practice, practice. If the student does the work, then the lectures, and quizzes will support them in a substantial way. The quiz is well designed to measure what the student learned in that module. There were some audio issues in the beginning where the audio was wrong, but if you studied hard, you can still choose the correct answer.

This is not a course that can be casually studied, in order to do well, practice is necessary. I appreciate this course and look forward to the next level.