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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Python Project: pillow, tesseract, and opencv by University of Michigan

1,939 ratings

About the Course

This course will walk you through a hands-on project suitable for a portfolio. You will be introduced to third-party APIs and will be shown how to manipulate images using the Python imaging library (pillow), how to apply optical character recognition to images to recognize text (tesseract and py-tesseract), and how to identify faces in images using the popular opencv library. By the end of the course you will have worked with three different libraries available for Python 3 to create a real-world data-analysis project. The course is best-suited for learners who have taken the first four courses of the Python 3 Programming Specialization. Learners who already have Python programming skills but want to practice with a hands-on, real-world data-analysis project can also benefit from this course. This is the fifth and final course in the Python 3 Programming Specialization....

Top reviews


Jun 23, 2020

This last course is much more challenging than the prior four, but provides a very good launch pad for taking what you've learned and getting you actually using the skills in building Python code.


Apr 1, 2021

This course gave great insight in how to approach a new library which I believe is one of the most powerful skills a programmer can have. Keep up the great work that you guys have been doing.

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176 - 200 of 506 Reviews for Python Project: pillow, tesseract, and opencv

By Felipe B

Feb 26, 2021

There is a big gap within previous courses from this specialization and this one, even though the videos are clear, the pace is really fast. Practically they just show some libraries with a few examples and then they just leave you alone with the final project. Thanks to Google I was able to finish the project, I learn a lot doing it. One thing that is horrible is the Jupyter notebook on Coursera, very s....l....o....w, and they don't facilitate to download the project on a easy way, again using google you can get to something like this: on my case I had to split the file on 90 MB and then download all the parts On my machine was really fast to complete the project, I spent more time train to complete the project directly on Coursera and then searching solution to the speed issue than actually writing the final project

By András B

Jun 27, 2022

The lectures and labs in this course are informative, but the format could and should have been much better. Some examples for potential improvements include shorter and better structured lectures, quizzes and a few additional short assignments (similarly to other courses in this specialization). The final project was very time-consuming, in such a way that did not make much sense. The task was to guess some parameter settings that lead to a specific pre-defined, but barely acceptable result for face detection. In this case, an improvement could have been to specify a minimum number of faces to be detected in each image for a passing grade (while keeping the number of false positives at 0 or below a certain threshold), and give extra points for further correctly detected faces. Overall, I have learned a lot in this course, but the gain for the time investment could have been larger with a better prepared course.

By Arslan A U R

Apr 11, 2020

This course might be good for some who are interested to learn PIL and OCV but for python language specialization this course is a bit off topic. They should have taught advanced programming concepts after classes and inheritance e.g. idiomatic programming. This course is taught at a high speed too. Sometimes it becomes hard to follow. May be in future they add more relevant content related to language instead of this course, in the specialization. The focus of this course is to teach how to get help, use and read documentation from different python libraries, which do not required a separate course to my point of view. Neither this course covers pillow, tesseract, and opencv concepts in detail.

Michigan please review the content in this course and make it more relevant to python programming, I know you can do better. See you in another specialization.

By Yongjian F

Jul 12, 2019

The Peer-review project is not well designed. The instruction about what to submit is misleading. Students are confused about what to submit, uploading a PDF like before, or pasting the whole HTML file?

This becomes clear only after you submit and start to review peer's submission. Students are supposed to copy and paste their code into the submission window. But there is a BIG problem of this approach. The pasted code lose all the formatting, and python relies on formatting. Even if I want to copy a peer's codes and try to run them in Jupyter, the codes are all messed up. There is no way to figure out what my classmate wants to do.

By Sheng-Ta T

Dec 20, 2020

The labs provide all the script of the lecture, so the lecture videos are pretty much useless. The projects in this course are unexpectedly more difficult than previous courses, and the teaching assistant seems to be complaining about students' posts all the time, making me hesitate to ask questions there. I give 3 stars only because I spent a lot of time and efforts and I felt that I learned a lot by the end of the course. But still, this course could be designed a lot better than this. I will not be surprised that many students just give up in the middle of the learning.

By Nate S

May 25, 2019

There are significant problems with processing and submitting the capstone project; the Coursera Jupyter notebook runs out of memory when working on a particular file (U Mich, you might want to simply reduce some of the image sizes). In addition, the submission process doesn't work without linking outside to a google drive or something of the kind.

The information, though, was excellent, and I'm happy I've completed the whole specialization. Course 3/5 for the reasons listed above (they're quite frustrating) specialization 5/5.

By Ruopeng A

Nov 23, 2020

I feel the pace of this course is a bit too fast, and it is hard to master all materials learned about the three major APIs (tesseract, openCV, and pillow) given the lecture. A lot of self-experimenting and trial-and-error is required to do the final project. A more through introduction to each of these three excellent API would be helpful and reduce the burden of the final project. Nevertheless, I sincerely appreciate the efforts the instructors devoted to this specializations. I learned a ton from each of you. Cheers!

By Pham M Q

Jun 1, 2022

The content is not really relevant to the previous 4 courses. Also there is no practice problem like Runestone as they have provided before, and you jump right to the lab assignment which brings a lot of confusion. The tutor is not good as Paul Resnick and Steve Oney, and the assistant staff in the forum just not friendly to support students. Overall still good content and interesting topic on image library, but need a more updated way of delivering knowledge.

By Haley E

Sep 9, 2020

Great material but final assignment didn't seem well thought out nor tested. It was also required a much harder skill level than required in the rest of the 5 course series Python 3 Programming.

By Víctor M H M

Aug 26, 2020

The thinks that teach you are amazing, but the implementation and the teacher is terrible explaining.

The way you summit the final assigment is terrible

By Mohamed A M

Sep 12, 2020

Instructor was not good, I had to search for everything in order to do the projects.

and the course was fast paced, not like the previous 4 courses

By Clement T

Aug 1, 2020

Look, I get that a lot of learning has to be self-directed, and you do learn a lot of trial and error and figuring stuff out by yourself. But at the same time, I do feel that the whole point of designing a course is to direct one's learning in a more guided manner that enables for more EFFICIENT and QUICKER learning. Having completed the first four courses in this specialisation, which were amazing in that aspect, this final course was a MASSIVE letdown. Honestly, I don't see much of a difference if I were to attempt this project directly through github or something and bypassing the course entirely. (From the perspective of someone who knew almost nothing about coding/python prior to the specialization)

Considering the step up from the previous courses, Week 1 was horrible - basically felt like everything was being glossed over, making the entire learning process terribly rough and I ended up spending most of my time googling stuff to figure out what was going on . The lack of teaching honestly made figuring out the week's assignment way harder than the final assignment. Week 2 and 3 saw some improvement, but then goodness me the final assignment submission process was an absolute disgrace - being expected to paste our code into that text box and the peer reviewer to run the code by ourselves ... especially knowing how long the code takes to run .... honestly felt like there was a huge lack of effort on the course designers part.

By David N

Jun 3, 2020

This course is too ambitious in trying to achieve what it expects of a novice programmer in 3 weeks. PILLOW, TESSERACT and OPENCV are good libraries but will easily take a novice programmer even with some experience in programming at least 3 months to learn and apply what's used. The poor quality of lecture and pedagogy in this course adds on to the woe of students like me trying to figure out what is exactly being taught in this course and how to apply this in the real world. Any student taking this course will emerge feeling as if we don't have good grasp of the concepts and topics which is a shame given the amount of time, and not to mention money spent.

By Tapas S

Nov 29, 2020

As a beginner I found it quite difficult as compared to other courses in this series. I was expecting a lot more handholding and detailed explanation of the subject as it was done in the other courses in this otherwise great series. However I really enjoyed learning.

By dougie

May 20, 2021

A dismal course, which is a disgraceful "effort" by:

"Christopher Brooks is an applied Computer Scientist who builds and studies the effects of educational technologies in higher education ..."

By Yauheni K

Sep 14, 2020

Bad explanation of the topic and frustrating final assignment. It is a very bad course unlike the previous four of this specialization.

By Ryan V

Jan 5, 2021

Esoteric and unintersting information that doesn't tie back to anything done in the previous courses for this specialization.

By Sandeep N T

Aug 4, 2020

Not for beginners at all. The projects are very challenging and tedious. The first 4 courses were excellent though.

By Gabriel V

Aug 16, 2020

I'm So disappointed with this course, I do not recommend this course but the other four were excellent.

By Paddy W

Feb 25, 2021

This module was too big a step up from the last four in the specilisation!!

By Jeffrey B

May 27, 2020

Actually I would rather give it -5 stars... This course is an abomination. The course would have been better without it. The way of teaching of mr. Brooks is horrible, it seems like you guys lost energy or motivation or what??

First the set-up in week 1: mr. Brooks just reads to the screen without any visualization, on the virtual environment and starts a complete irrelevant discussion on the technical details. Nice but please refer to a software engeneering course.

Second the materials/segments: mr. Brooks is not offering a concise or structured way of teaching. It seems like he just wants to play around with Python and then hey guys... just sort it out for your own. This is fine, if (see below)

Third we got some clear instructions what to do. It is totally unclear to us what mr. Brooks actually wants to convey to us students.

Finally the submitting section seems to broke, this is again an annoyance, since the runestone textbook, and autograder do not work proparly to.

There is really no added value to this capstone course! In the future best leave it out, or seriously upgrade the quality (perhaps another lecturer too).

By Nick B

Apr 28, 2020

This course is not worth your time. The first four courses in this series were great. Very thorough, good instruction, an interactive textbook with code that you could experiment on, etc... The courses built on themselves and you felt like your knowledge base expanded as the course went on.

This course is none of that. It has almost nothing to do with the material previously presented in the other courses. You're left to search through documentation for libraries and packages with almost no instruction. If you want to learn pillow, tesseract, or opencv, just Google them and start reading. You'll learn more that way than you will taking this course. I was finally able to complete the assignments and pass, and I'm incredibly thankful just to be done with this course, but to be honest I still feel like I don't really understand any of the aforementioned packages at all.

I don't understand why this course is so bad and has so little to do with the first four courses. If it hadn't been able to take it for free, I would've felt like I'd been robbed.

By Kunle O

Feb 9, 2022

This course made me a much better programmer

The course started pretty badly. The installation instructions weren't straightforward at all and the whole process was frustrating. Using Jupyter Notebook when we'd been using something else all specialization seemed stupid. Once I found the updated instructions in the Discussion forum, everything got much better. In the previous courses, we were learning the Python language, but this was the first course that taught me how to think like a programmer (and familiarized with useful libraries!). My Week 1 code was trash, but thankfully I was able to see how others approached the problem (thanks to peer grading). I buckled down and my Week 3 code was immaculate. By the end of the course, I felt like I could be a professional programmer for the first time. Very glad I took this course.

PS, I love Jupyter Notebook now.

By Ryan Y

Jun 3, 2022

This course does not guide students step by step and let you freely accomplish the goals of the project. But, actually the hints are hidden in the every corners of the course. Indeed, this course is easy but takes a bit time to familarize the properties of various functions.

I found that there are a lot of negative comments about this course. Those students claimed this course is frustrating. Perhaps, they may not be suitable to join tech industry. Indeed, there is no hints for you guys to complete any projects in the real world. What you need to do is to be curious and search useful information on the internet to complete any projects!

By Dakore P

Feb 19, 2021

The best way to learn is by thinking and doing!

While reading the reviews of this course, I got discouraged to engage properly with the materials because of the opinions. That being said, if you are looking to learn by doing, this course is for you. It is a specialization project. It is not meant to be a walk in the park!

Overall, I think it helps you think and actually forces you to code. If indeed you want to learn Python, it will help you a great deal!

Don't take reviews saying it is difficult to heart. It is difficult but doable. All that you need to complete it have been covered.

I wish you success!