
Lisa Mazzola

Director of Education


Lisa Maazola is the Director of Education at the Center for Architecture, New York City. In this role she manages education programs for K-12 students, teachers, families and the general public, using architecture and design as vehicles for fostering learning and discovery across core subject areas, cultivating students’ observation skills, critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity. She joined the Center for Architecture from The Museum of Modern Art, where she was the Director of Young Learners. While at MoMA, she developed programs, and resources for K- 12 teachers and students that relate to MoMA's collections and museum-based teaching practice. Prior to her work at MoMA, she coordinated gallery education and special projects at Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution, and coordinated school partnerships at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. Lisa is passionate about the role the arts can play in promoting critical thinking, student voices and well-being.

Courses - English