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Learner Reviews & Feedback for How Technology is Shaping Democracy and the 2020 Election by Stanford University

64 ratings

About the Course

Democracy can only thrive with the participation of well-informed citizens. The 2020 U.S. presidential election will be historic for many reasons and all parties are leveraging the power of technology to both influence and mobilize voters. More than ever, digital tools and platforms are shaping the opinions and behaviors of voters who will determine the future of the governance of the United States. This new course examines the unprecedented influence of technology and technology policy on America’s elections and democratic process and takes a close look at how a public sphere plagued by polarization, online filter bubbles, a lack of transparency in content moderation policies, and foreign and domestic misinformation and disinformation campaigns, impacts our ability to be well-informed citizens. In this short-form, community awareness course, you will: – Learn how U.S. elections work and about the challenges of implementing new technology – Explore the dynamics of driving voter registration and casting a vote during a pandemic – Examine the role social media platforms play in our ability to maintain a healthy public discourse – See how these digital tools and filters help shape our beliefs, preferences, and convictions as citizens and how they can grow and diminish the agency of individuals, movements, governments, and foreign entities – Understand complex technology policy questions that affect content moderation Be more than a voter. Register now and become an advocate for a healthier democracy....

Top reviews


Nov 14, 2020

Hy, I am from Pakistan. My name is Qamar Abbas. i just have completed the course. it was very informative course. I learnt how technology is shaping over life our democracy and other fields of life.


Feb 23, 2021

Good course during the election of 2020. It was a very interesting topic of study

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1 - 15 of 15 Reviews for How Technology is Shaping Democracy and the 2020 Election

By laki


Nov 27, 2020

Super disappointing. Reeks of bias and lack of objectivity. Within the first minutes of introduction lecturers exposed few of their biases. Lack of forum where students could ask questions is also disappointing.. i remember previous courses I participated in had forums.

For a truly enlightening course where you actually get exposed to thinking and not indoctrination, check out the most popular course in the history of Harvard, Justice Harvard, Michael Sandel. And then imagine if Stanford lecturers applied similar pedagogical method to their determined views on the topic.

Btw, how come they claim elections are secure when Dominion voting system was declined in numerous states due to security issues, yet enabled in dozens of other states? Interesting.

By qamar a


Nov 15, 2020

Hy, I am from Pakistan. My name is Qamar Abbas. i just have completed the course. it was very informative course. I learnt how technology is shaping over life our democracy and other fields of life.

By Wenderson d S A


Feb 19, 2024

I completed 100% of the course and Coursera does not issue my Certificate.

By Laura T G


Jan 21, 2024

Exponen de forma clara la manera como influyes las redes sociales en perfilar nuevas formas de participación democrática en sus aspectos positivos y negativos. Muy buenos exponentes.

By Lonnie M


Feb 24, 2021

Good course during the election of 2020. It was a very interesting topic of study

By Dr R P


Aug 17, 2022


By Zanele M


May 31, 2021

As technology becomes intergrated in our lives it is pertinent to understand the implications it will have on politics. I think this course is a great introduction to this, although, its disadvanatge is that this course is tailored to the American context. Having examples from other parts of the world would be beneficial.

By Amin M a K a A M G


Mar 9, 2022

This was a relatively easy course on Democracy, Technology and the 2020 election in the USA. The course moderators kept me engaged as well as the guests kept me wanting to get more information. Thanks to all the people who made the course interesting.

By John D


Oct 27, 2020

Some very interesting ideas and analysis, some areas of confusion, especially with the industry rep.

Could have done without the political editorial in the intro video.

By Donald E M


Jan 18, 2022

The course is well organized and presented. I am trying to get to week 2 but cannot. I have completed week 1 but the system will not acknowledge the completion.

By Dallas E


Nov 16, 2020

i found the content interesting and gleaned quite a few new insights.

By Akshay D


Aug 21, 2021

Good course

By Chabi F


Mar 9, 2022

Amplia opinión y debate sobre la influencia de la tecnología en la democracia -aunque en este aspecto habría que specificar que se basa exclusivamente en la democracia USA- y en las elecciones de 2020 a la presidencia de USA. Hay más incógnitas que certezas cerradas en el debate abierto. Aun así, es un debate que ejemplifica cómo las redes tecnológicas afectan a la democracia y al curso electoral.

By Hussain


Jul 1, 2023

That was great!. if you guys are thinking about making part 2 how about you make it about the times that the USA interferred in other countries and spred misinformations and propagandas and even toppled the goverments of some of those countries, but i guess i'm asking too much from you, considering that it will have to be at least 30 week course.

By Peter F


Nov 14, 2022

This is not a certificate course, so be aware. It was somewhat interesting and was a rehashing of the 2016 election.