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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Foundations of Cybersecurity by Google

20,563 ratings

About the Course

This is the first course in the Google Cybersecurity Certificate. These courses will equip you with the skills you need to prepare for an entry-level cybersecurity job. In this course, you will be introduced to the world of cybersecurity through an interactive curriculum developed by Google. You will identify significant events that led to the development of the cybersecurity field, explain the importance of cybersecurity in today's business operations, and explore the job responsibilities and skills of an entry-level cybersecurity analyst. Google employees who currently work in cybersecurity will guide you through videos, provide hands-on activities and examples that simulate common cybersecurity tasks, and help you build your skills to prepare for jobs. Learners who complete the eight courses in the Google Cybersecurity Certificate will be equipped to apply for entry-level cybersecurity roles. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, you will: - Identify how security attacks impact business operations. - Explore the job responsibilities and core skills of an entry-level cybersecurity analyst. - Recognize how past and present attacks on organizations led to the development of the cybersecurity field. - Learn the CISSP eight security domains. - Identify security domains, frameworks, and controls. - Explain security ethics. - Recognize common tools used by cybersecurity analysts....

Top reviews


Jul 3, 2023

Great introduction into the remaining courses. I love that there are different learning methods, ie, audio and reading and that there are quizzes at the end of each to help you digest the information.


Jan 1, 2024

Grate , it clear my thoughts about cyber security and added more knowledge in cyber security journey like rules while investigation some threads and tools that are used by cuber security proffesional.

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51 - 75 of 4,269 Reviews for Foundations of Cybersecurity



Feb 9, 2024

"Foundation of Cybersecurity" is an excellent course that provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental concepts of cybersecurity. The course covers a wide range of topics, from basic security principles to more advanced subjects like security domains, controls, frameworks, and compliance. One of the strengths of the course is its clear and structured presentation, making it accessible even for those with limited prior knowledge of cybersecurity. The hands-on approach, including analyzing security information and event management (SIEM) data and using playbooks for incident response, enhances practical understanding. The instructors do a commendable job of breaking down complex topics into digestible modules, and the course materials are well-organized and up-to-date. The inclusion of real-world examples and case studies helps to bridge the gap between theory and practical application. Overall, "Foundation of Cybersecurity" is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to build a solid understanding of cybersecurity concepts and kickstart their journey in this dynamic and crucial field.

By mubashir k


Jul 12, 2023

I recently completed the Foundations of Cybersecurity course on Coursera, and I was very impressed with the content and the learning experience. The course does a great job of covering the fundamentals of cybersecurity, from the history of cyber attacks to the different types of threats that exist today. The instructor, Justin Seitz, is very knowledgeable and engaging, and he does a great job of explaining complex concepts in a clear and concise way.

One of the things I really appreciated about the course was the way it emphasized hands-on learning. There were several labs and exercises that allowed me to apply the concepts I was learning in real-world scenarios. This helped me to solidify my understanding of the material and to gain practical experience in cybersecurity.

Overall, I highly recommend the Foundations of Cybersecurity course to anyone who is interested in learning more about this important topic. The course is well-structured, informative, and engaging. I learned a lot from the course, and I feel confident that I have a good foundation in cybersecurity.

By Dr. F M


Dec 30, 2023

The "Foundations of Cybersecurity" course has been an enlightening and comprehensive journey into the intricacies of the cybersecurity landscape. The curriculum effectively blends theoretical concepts with practical applications, providing a solid understanding of security domains, controls, frameworks, and compliance. The hands-on exercises, particularly in analyzing Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) data and using playbooks for incident response, offer valuable insights into real-world scenarios. The course structure is well-organized, allowing for a gradual and systematic exploration of cybersecurity principles. The instructors' expertise is evident in the clarity of explanations and relevance of the content. Whether you're a novice or have some background in cybersecurity, this course serves as a foundational resource. Overall, it's a commendable learning experience that equips students with essential skills for navigating the dynamic field of cybersecurity.

By Pablo D


Jun 2, 2023

The Foundations of Cybersecurity course, which serves as the introductory module of the Google Cybersecurity Certificate program, offers a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. Designed to equip learners with the necessary skills for entry-level cybersecurity positions, this course provides a solid foundation for understanding the fundamentals of the field. It introduces us to great concepts and tools while preparing our profesional profile too.

Overall, the Foundations of Cybersecurity course provides a well-structured and informative learning experience for individuals seeking to enter the cybersecurity field. The course effectively covers a wide range of topics, from the fundamentals of cybersecurity to the practical application of tools and programming languages. By completing this course, learners will gain a solid understanding of the field and be well-prepared for further exploration in subsequent modules of the Google Cybersecurity Certificate program.

By Amir S


Aug 16, 2023

I'm thrilled to share my experience with the Google Cybersecurity Course. The course content was impeccably structured and accessible, even for someone new to cybersecurity. The instructor's expertise in breaking down complex concepts made learning enjoyable and understandable.

What truly stands out is the instructor's commitment to student success. They created a supportive learning environment that encouraged questions and fostered a collaborative spirit among participants.

I deeply respect and admire the instructor's dedication. Their patience, passion, and expertise were evident throughout the course, making it an exceptional learning journey.

The hands-on exercises and real-world examples provided practical insights that I can confidently apply in my professional life.

In essence, this course, guided by an exceptional instructor, has transformed my understanding of cybersecurity. My heartfelt gratitude to them for their lasting impact on my learning journey.

By Sarib M


Feb 7, 2024

I recently completed the Foundation of Cybersecurity course taught by Google and I must say that it is a blessing for beginners in the field of cybersecurity. The course was easy to understand and provided a comprehensive overview of cybersecurity's key concepts and principles. The course content was well-structured, and the lectures were engaging and informative. The practical exercises helped me to apply the concepts I learned and gain hands-on experience. I must say, being a tech enthusiast and interested in Cybersecurity I was aware of most of the parts but after completing the course, I feel more confident about my knowledge of basic concepts and will advise beginners to don't be overwhelmed by the terminologies and concepts taught in the course, you'll feel confident by the time just keep practicing and learning. Overall, I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to begin their career in cybersecurity.

By Abdullah A


Dec 13, 2023

The Foundations of Cybersecurity course provided an exceptionally comprehensive and well-structured introduction to the world of cybersecurity. The curriculum adeptly covered essential concepts, ranging from security domains and controls to the intricacies of Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools and incident response playbooks. The interactive nature of the course, coupled with practical exercises, ensured a hands-on understanding of crucial cybersecurity principles. The instructors demonstrated a keen ability to distill complex topics into digestible content, making the learning experience both engaging and enlightening. This course not only enhanced my foundational knowledge of cybersecurity but also instilled a deeper appreciation for the dynamic and evolving nature of this critical field. Highly recommended for anyone looking to embark on or further their journey in the realm of cybersecurity.

By Muhammad T


May 16, 2024

Having embarked on numerous courses in diverse fields, I can confidently attest to the enriching experience and invaluable knowledge gained. From exploring topics ranging from data science to leadership, each learning opportunity has been a stepping stone towards personal and professional growth. The depth of content and engaging delivery surpassed expectations, earning each course a stellar rating. Similarly, the comprehensive understanding and practical exercises provided in various courses have contributed significantly to my skill set and knowledge base. Moreover, the flexibility and accessibility offered by online platforms have made learning a seamless and enjoyable endeavor. With each course, I have not only expanded my skill set but also cultivated a passion for lifelong learning. As I continue to explore new horizons, I look forward to embracing the challenges and discoveries that lie ahead.

By JD-Estudos O


Apr 19, 2024

Curso: Fundamentos da Segurança Cibernética Avaliação: Este curso de Fundamentos da Segurança Cibernética foi uma introdução excepcional ao mundo complexo e crucial da cibersegurança. Os módulos foram bem estruturados e abordaram uma ampla gama de tópicos, desde os princípios básicos até os aspectos mais avançados. A combinação de teoria e prática proporcionou uma compreensão sólida dos conceitos fundamentais e das melhores práticas. Destaco especialmente a ênfase na importância da gestão de riscos, conformidade e resposta a incidentes, que ampliou minha perspectiva sobre o campo da segurança cibernética. Além disso, os recursos adicionais, como estudos de caso e atividades práticas, enriqueceram a experiência de aprendizado. Recomendaria este curso a qualquer pessoa interessada em iniciar uma carreira em segurança cibernética ou aprofundar seu conhecimento sobre o assunto.

By Shaik S P


Jun 27, 2023

The Foundations of Cybersecurity is an online course that teaches the basics of cybersecurity. The course is designed for beginners who are interested in learning about cybersecurity and want to develop a foundational understanding of the field. The course covers a wide range of topics, including the history of cybersecurity, common threats and vulnerabilities, risk management, and incident response. The course also provides an overview of different security controls, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus software. By the end of the course, students will have a basic understanding of cybersecurity concepts and be able to identify common security threats and vulnerabilities. They will also be equipped with the knowledge to develop a basic security strategy to protect their organization's assets.

By Dwin G


Feb 27, 2024

Having just completed this security course, I must express my sincere appreciation for the exceptional quality of content and instruction provided. The course material was comprehensive, covering a wide range of topics in-depth and with clarity. The instructors demonstrated a profound understanding of the subject matter and engaged students effectively throughout the learning process. What truly set this course apart was its emphasis on practical application, with hands-on exercises and real-world case studies that enabled me to immediately apply what I learned. I feel significantly more confident in my ability to navigate complex security challenges after completing this course, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in the field of security.

By Idris B


Jun 12, 2023

After 3 years in the trenched of #ITHelpDesk #Supporting, I feel my next challenge is to take all the knowledge I have gained for a higher more challenging mission in cybersecurity. I am open to learning about on-premises and especially cloud architecture security. I was to be proficient in a hybrid environment because I feel organizations want access, availability via redundancy. I hope to be the leading consultant in on-premises and cloud data security in sub-Saharan Africa, helping clients in the areas of threat assessment and risk mitigation on the continent and beyond. As an avid learner, I will continue to keep abreast of the continuously expanding threat and vulnerability landscape in order to keep people, data and organizational infrastructure safe, online and off. 

By Prince A


Mar 4, 2024

Hello, I recently completed the first course in the Google Cybersecurity Certificate series, "Foundations of Cybersecurity," and my goodness, what a ride it has been! We've worked together to identify common attack types, navigate the fundamentals of cybersecurity analyst protection for networks, and become acquainted with the tools used by digital detectives to look into unusual activity. It's exciting to consider how these abilities can help us protect people and organisations from some of the most sophisticated cyberthreats available today. I'm going to celebrate this accomplishment with a moment of relaxation, a treat, or just a mental high five (why not all three?). However, neither the learning nor our cooperation should end here. Thank you for the support.

By Muhammad B


Aug 25, 2023

"Foundations of Cybersecurity" provided a comprehensive introduction to the core principles and practices of cybersecurity. Before the course, my understanding was limited, but now I have a broader perspective on how cybersecurity safeguards individuals and organizations. I've learned about security domains, the role of security analysts, tools like SIEM, and the importance of ethical decision-making. The course was insightful in dispelling misconceptions and highlighting the complex, evolving nature of cybersecurity. One surprising element was the depth of security domains and the critical role they play. Overall, this course has been an eye-opener, deepening my appreciation for the cybersecurity profession and motivating me to continue learning.

By Daniel A


Aug 7, 2023

Curso muy bien explicado, con mucho detalle, facilidad para entender incluso si tu nivel de inglés es intermedio/alto, no necesariamente nativo. Yo no tengo ningún certificado de nivel de inglés, lo que estudié en el colegio e instituto y lo que he ido aprendiendo durante los años usando internet y comunicándome con gente de todos los países, con eso me ha sobrado para comprender el curso completo. Muy recomendable si te quieres iniciar en el mundo de la ciberseguridad, espero que mas gente de habla hispana se anime a hacer el curso ya que aparte de todo te abre puertas para trabajar en empresas en el extranjero mejor pagadas, si has hecho un FP o Grado medio relacionado con ciberseguridad esto te viene de maravilla.

Un saludo espero haber ayudado.

By mustafika h


Aug 30, 2023

Interesting Discovery:

One intriguing element I discovered about the cybersecurity profession is the extensive reliance on collaboration and communication. I didn't realize how much cybersecurity analysts need to work closely with other teams within an organization, such as IT, legal, and management, to ensure a holistic and effective security strategy. I also find it fascinating that the field requires continuous learning and adaptation due to the ever-evolving nature of cyber threats. The concept of security information and event management (SIEM) systems and incident response playbooks also caught my attention. It's interesting to see how these tools and processes help in managing and mitigating security incidents systematically.

By Gampyal S


Jul 26, 2023

The course content was excellently structured, covering a wide range of topics essential to understanding cybersecurity. From the basics of encryption and network security to the intricacies of threat analysis and incident response, each module was thoughtfully designed to provide a holistic understanding of the subject matter.

One aspect that stood out was the instructor's expertise and ability to convey complex concepts in a clear and engaging manner. Their delivery style was both accessible and engaging, making it easy to grasp even the more technical aspects of cybersecurity. The inclusion of real-life examples and case studies further enhanced the learning experience, allowing me to apply the knowledge to practical scenarios.

By chetan m


Feb 14, 2024

As a student who recently completed the "Foundations of Cybersecurity" course on Coursera, I can confidently say that it was an enlightening and enriching experience. Throughout the duration of the course, I was exposed to a wide array of concepts, techniques, and practical applications within the realm of cyber-security. One of the most commendable aspects of the course was its structured approach to covering fundamental principles. The instructors began with the basics, ensuring that even those with minimal prior knowledge of cyber-security could grasp the core concepts. From there, they gradually delved deeper into more complex topics, providing clear explanations and real-world examples along the way.

By Eissa M A G


Dec 10, 2023

I found the Foundations of Cybersecurity course to be incredibly informative and valuable. The course provided me with a solid understanding of the core concepts and principles of cybersecurity. The content was well-structured and presented in a way that was easy to comprehend, even for someone with limited prior knowledge. The inclusion of real-world examples and practical exercises helped me apply the concepts and reinforced my learning. I appreciated the emphasis on security domains, controls, frameworks, and compliance, as these aspects are crucial in the field of cybersecurity. Overall, this course has laid a strong foundation for my further exploration and growth in the cybersecurity domain.

By linhtet a


Aug 17, 2023

I recently completed the Google Certificate on Foundations of Cybersecurity, and I must say it exceeded my expectations. The course content was well-structured and comprehensive, covering a wide range of topics in cybersecurity. The hands-on labs and real-world simulations provided practical experience that made the concepts tangible. The instructors were knowledgeable and engaging, making complex topics easy to understand. The integration of case studies and current industry trends kept the material relevant. Overall, this certificate is an excellent starting point for anyone looking to enter the cybersecurity field, offering valuable insights and skills for a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

By bappa r


Jun 11, 2024

"Foundations of Cybersecurity" offers a comprehensive overview of essential concepts and principles in the field. The course effectively covers a wide range of topics, from basic security measures to more advanced domains like compliance frameworks and incident response. The content is presented in a structured manner, making it accessible to learners of all levels. What sets this course apart is its emphasis on practical application, with opportunities to analyze real-world security data and develop incident response strategies. Overall, "Foundations of Cybersecurity" is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to build a solid understanding of cybersecurity fundamentals.

By R C


Jul 25, 2023

great experience, before doing this course i didnt even know that cybersecurity has too many fields. If you are a college student and takes a 1 year drop for a reasons like financial situation or noot in the mood for doing college (like me) so it is best course to purchase coz you'll get idea that what you can do in this field if you have intrest in cybersecurity, it will also help you to look different from others if you are trying or planning for campus placements ................. excited for upcoming course............ But there is one problem question should be in larger quantity and lack of quizes and exercise coz the quizes and exercise is fun to do........Thanks

By Mathew D Z


Jul 14, 2023

The Coursera Foundation of Cybersecurity course has been instrumental in laying a strong foundation for my transition into the field of cybersecurity. The course content is comprehensive and covers essential concepts and principles in a clear and engaging manner. The instructors are knowledgeable and provide practical insights that are invaluable for understanding the intricacies of cybersecurity. The interactive exercises and assessments have enhanced my understanding and application of the concepts learned. Overall, this course has equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue a career in cybersecurity with confidence.

By C. L B


Aug 21, 2023

This particular Foundations in Cybersecurity (CS) course is very informative and enlightening. I believe this is couse that IT prefessionals of any specialization need to get a 'front to end' view concerning the nature of cyberattacks, not only as a rung in occupational transitions but also to get an understanding of how and why the work we do for our customers and clients can be undermined by threat agents.

I believe CS has evolved from the emerging technology from the need-to-know skillset to to a must-have skillset for all IT workers and professionals in the field, if we are to maintain customer trust and organization stabililty.



Jul 1, 2023

This is a review on my first course with Coursera. Foundations of Cybersecurity. I like the material. It allows you to review and apply as needed. Written transcripts along with Video helps with retention along with quizzes. I advise to review multiple times for maximum retention and participate in all exercises to get into good study habits. This is only 1 of 8. So far I definitely recommend to try. The first week is at no cost to you for an opportunity to learn a new skill that is in high demand. I have thought about this profession for years and this program Is a great value. Even if you do not get a job...everyone should know this.