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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Viral Marketing and How to Craft Contagious Content by University of Pennsylvania

5,145 ratings

About the Course

Ever wondered why some things become popular, and other don't? Why some products become hits while others flop? Why some ideas take off while others languish? What are the key ideas behind viral marketing? This course explains how things catch on and helps you apply these ideas to be more effective at marketing your ideas, brands, or products. You'll learn how to make ideas stick, how to increase your influence, how to generate more word of mouth, and how to use the power of social networks to spread information and influence. Drawing on principles from his best-selling book, "Contagious: Why Things Catch On," Professor Jonah Berger illustrates successful strategies for you to use buzz to create virality so that your campaigns become more shareable on social media and elsewhere. By the end of this course, you'll have a better understanding of how to craft contagious content, build stickier messages, and get any product, idea, or behavior to catch on....

Top reviews


Jul 25, 2020

Educational and eye opening, the instructor offered amazing content with examples and links to further look into the topics mentioned. A great tool to have for anyone in business, sales, or marketing.


Dec 20, 2018

Pleasant tone, many tangible illustrations that bring the theory to life. Well-balanced pace. Could be complemented by a practical exercise - but perfect for working professionals who have less time.

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1601 - 1625 of 1,654 Reviews for Viral Marketing and How to Craft Contagious Content

By gautham r


Jul 1, 2019


By Srishti M


Jul 7, 2017


By Anupama S


Jul 6, 2017


By Natalia T


Oct 26, 2017

Hi! I am very disappointed that there is no possibilities to download the slides that are presented during videos. Why so, if I paid for the Course? Really, there is nothing difficult to pause a video and make a screenshot of a slide or cut it and insert into Word but why make it so difficult? I always keep slides from other Courses in order to refresh the materials later. And I believe that this possibility can also make the Course of Mr. Berger viral . If I can share his slides with my colleagues and refer to his Course, it can bring more students to him. Do I want now to share about this Course with anyone? Most likely not. If I would know about such inconvinience (no slides available for downloading) beforehand I would not go to the Course at all. It gives very negative feeling both on the Professor's Attitude towards students and also on Coursera team towards its clients. Learning is a possibility to come back to notes of a Course later, refresh it in memory and use it in everyday life or at work. I would appreciate if the team of Coursera will consider this and provide with slides' download possibility in every Course or Inform after the titles of the Courses that the slides are not available for download. We will see then how many people would like to join such courses.

Best regards, Natalia Turkulainen

By Kaela W


Dec 3, 2015

Pretty basic info, and I breezed through the entire course in one evening. It was a great review and way to connect ideas and I enjoyed it, but there wasn't anything exceptionally profound or concrete that I learned from it. The quiz questions and answers could use an editor. They were practically unintelligible at times, with lots of typos, grammatical errors, missing words, and more. Definitely wouldn't be worth $95, but great and enjoyable as something that you just listen to for an evening.

By María S


Jan 3, 2020

This course would be of great support for an undergrad student looking into other areas of marketing and research. The content is not new, actually feels a bit date given the examples used. I did enjoy the course because I like to learn and test my learning, BUT it lacks depth. There is no reading material which would have helped with the lack of depth.

Bottom line for me is, I get a certificate in LinkedIn from Wharton, but truth be told anyone can audit this.

By Santiago C


May 21, 2020

It was a nice general course that did not go into detail about its content. It provided a general idea and started a conversation but I did not feel like I learned as much as I could have about the proposed topics. Technically speaking the sound was really low and the quizzes sometimes had unrelated answers with errors. Overall I do not regret taking the course, however I am left with feeling that I did not gain as much as I wanted to from it.

By Alex B S


Jun 22, 2020

Jonah Berger delivers an interesting course on some of the key aspects of marketing and content generation. However, there is a difference between learning how to do something and learning how something happens. The course, in my opinion, fails to clearly show HOW to craft contagious content and shows only a little bit of the science that would help understand HOW contagious content is produced and spreads.

By Syndell


Sep 5, 2021

If you have absolutely no idea how to even begin marketing online this could be a good place to start. It has very basic information, and helps you understand why the internet and social circles react the way they do. HOWEVER I had this knowledge already i was looking for something with a little more meat on it as the title suggested it would provide.

By Ana d A V


May 23, 2016

This course is brief and very concrete. It introduces key concepts to help you to create content that matters. I strongly recommend you to complete it if you are playing a community manager role, or if you are working in a marketing team, or even if you are a learning content developer, as you will find here a lot of tips to engage your learners.

By Ana I C


Jul 31, 2017

All in all it is a great course to find resources and get a general overview of how things catch on. I liked it as an introduction to the subject, but I do think that more excercises were in order to fully grasp the theory that was very well illustrated by examples in the videos, and actually learn how to craft the contagious content.

By Ivaylo Y


Dec 12, 2016

Nice course. What I like the most is that Berger combines his ideas about contagiousness and Heath brothers' ideas about ideas' stickiness (which he also doesin his book Contagiousness) with Social Network Analysis which is the logical next step - which ideas stick + which ideas get shared + what is the sharing infrastructure.

By Justin A


Aug 30, 2020

Overall the course was just alright. Being an advertising professional, a lot of the information was a bit dated, the course materials (ie. presentation materials) were't clear nor concise and many of the topics were things I already knew (which is a bit of a bummer given the price of the course). On to the next course.

By Michaela K


Oct 4, 2016

The course was good but provided only a brief overview on the topic and if you want a certificate you have to pay Euro 85,00. The course includes only 2.5 hours of video lectures and there are no additional readings available. I did the whole course within one day. Don't know why this course should be that expensive!

By Chinmay N V


May 25, 2020

The inclusion of weekly assignments wherein the candidate is required to apply the weekly concepts learned in a case study/situation would have provided more value to the course; and also it would have given a chance to the learner to actually try and craft contagious content.

By Lyssa M


Nov 19, 2016

Very interesting material, presented by a consummate educator/performer. Not at all clear how to apply this interesting information, though. I think this course is missing at least 2 weeks of work that integrates the information and suggests practical pathways for use.

By saloni r


Apr 20, 2020

While the course was interesting, I personally felt that the examples that were provided were not recent (actually quite dated). I really hope they update the course with more updated content to make it relevant and engaging for people enrolling.



Mar 3, 2017

Most things were what I already knew about since I have done my MSc Marketing but there were still some ideas/concepts that I hadn't learnt or not really focused on which were an eye opener. Thank you providing with this great opportunity.

By Lloyd M


Apr 24, 2020

It was a good course but I found it very redundant with his book, would have preferred if he built on and expanded on the ideas in Contagious. I also found it short, almost like a mini-course, about 5 hours to complete.

By Megan E


Feb 4, 2019

Great course, a great refresher for those needing a little assistance or motivation. Really happy I did the course, do wish there was less examples (videos/ads) and more content. Overall, good course.

By Zdravka K


Apr 18, 2021

The course was good but for me it was a bit too general, I knew already most of the stories and content. Still I would recommend it for someone that needs the basics of how to create good content.

By Sarah R T


Feb 16, 2021

I enjoyed what I learned and found it very useful, but I'm not sure why it cost $95 dollars for the certificate versus $50. I've taking Coursera classes that required more of my time and energy.

By Kit A


Jan 26, 2016

The course content is interesting but it is way too short and so little content inside, a bit disappointing..... Nevertheless, thank you very much for creating this course. I enjoyed it.

By Ilicia A


May 8, 2021

Beginner level. A good introductory lesson for someone who is starting out in marketing or wants to learn behavioural science and the power of influence through social network.

By Frederik O


Dec 30, 2017

Interesting content with lively delivery. However, the course is extremely brief and certainly not worth 95 USD. I'd see more value in buying the professor's book.