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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Reviews & Metrics for Software Improvements by University of Alberta

1,624 ratings

About the Course

This course covers techniques for monitoring your projects in order to align client needs, project plans, and software production. It focuses on metrics and reviews to track and improve project progress and software quality....

Top reviews


Jun 2, 2020

Does let you know practices that help in making the right product that is managed right and done right, with retrospective techniques that can be implemented after the project is completed.


Jun 28, 2023

Good course to understand the various Agile process to track a project and to improve the process. The graded exams have a good bit of scenario based questions to think and apply the same

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1 - 25 of 199 Reviews for Reviews & Metrics for Software Improvements

By Petra


Jun 18, 2020

Very thorough and detailed course, with excellent examples and easy to understand why and how to introduce reviews, metrics and other improvements in your team/product.

By Andrea C


Feb 22, 2017

Too high level

By Andreia S R M


Jul 21, 2017

I've been waiting for the end of the Capstone project to review all courses of the specialization. I want to check how they interact and how would the concepts be applied. I couldn't be more satisfied! This specialization is very complete and focused on the main topic "Software Product Management". Although there are several additional resources for us to deeply analyse a concept that interest us, the overall course gives you the necessary view of all options available without becoming to generic. I really recommend this specialization and congratulate all the team involved on developing this course. Thanks!

By Jose P


Jul 2, 2018

Learned a lot about how to construct and track metrics that I have been employing but not fully understanding. I also enjoyed very much the advice on how to handle different types of meetings, soft skills and techniques to use to empower the teams, and pitfalls to avoid. I think that there are lots of PMs doing their job and often times feeling helpless. This course can greatly help shed light into those areas.

By Victor D R L


Sep 7, 2019

Very good course, but also long and with many details. The concepts are not easy to grasp so you have to do the homeworks and exams diligently to get the most of them. This particular course is very important for control and monitoring of taks and it is excellent to understand what is a metric and how it is done right with goals. Thank you for doing this module the way it is.

By Srinivasan K


Jul 26, 2019

Great course for practicing SCRUM MASTER and this course specifically focus on Agile based SDLC approaches. Faculty members are kind enough to share their knowledge and strong in the selected concepts through their simple explanation. It enhances my SCRUM knowledge to next higher plane. Would recommending for practicing SCRUM masters. Thank you

By Sunny L


Mar 23, 2017

This course is a solid bookend in preparation for the Capstone Course. The processes and exercises for closing a project are very often overlooked or under-emphasized in the professional world. This course presents great tools and exercises that can not only close a project on a high note, but indeed even improve a work environment in general.

By Suhaimi C


Dec 21, 2020

Great course. Clearly outlined with examples to help better understand the topics. Love the quizzes and assessments to reinforce what we just learned. Would be more help for visual learners if some of the videos also shows the highlights and details what the instructor talked about. Look forward to the Capstone project.

By Marlene E C


Jan 23, 2023

I liked that they included more things about the dynamics of working in the team, such as emotions; the difference between sprint review and sprint retrospective, among other activities that improve the process, not just wanting to have the product.

By Muhammad N K


Jun 18, 2020

I recommend this high quality course to every software engineer practicing Agile. Couldn't be a best course than this out there.! Marvelous work done by the team by putting together high quality content to create this precious course.

By li h


Feb 24, 2016

Reviews and metrics not only useful for a team, but it's also important he helpful for personal. When you set up a goal for yourself how to review and improve ? This course helps me to learn at 2 levels: team and person.

By Fabian F


Dec 13, 2017

It was a good and, in my opinion, comprehensive course on the important topic of Reviews & Metrics for Software Improvements. I recommend it to every stakeholer in software development and product management!

By Vibhanshu s


Jun 3, 2020

Does let you know practices that help in making the right product that is managed right and done right, with retrospective techniques that can be implemented after the project is completed.

By Sumi E J


Jun 29, 2023

Good course to understand the various Agile process to track a project and to improve the process. The graded exams have a good bit of scenario based questions to think and apply the same

By Elcio M d M F


May 17, 2018

A Very good course, with a series of techniques that we can apply in the day to day. With certainty the course helped me to have more knowledge and to evolve in my activities.

By Ibrahim S M


May 6, 2020

In this course, I lean a lot of things based on review and metrics for software, such as sprint iteration, project iteration, daily scrum, project perspective, and many more.

By Alfredo L


Jul 7, 2020

Very informative and thorough about the importance of Metrics, monitoring, Reviews, and retrospective in order to improve processes for upcoming and ongoing projects.

By Ahmed A M S A


Nov 19, 2023

it's really challenging and examine your understanding I repeat over and over till I pass my exams I learned a lot and I still want to learn more and more!

By Sourav S


May 24, 2019


By Subramanian V


Dec 22, 2020

An excellent course that provides in-depth knowledge on the 2 critical aspects Review and Metrics which impact the quality of the Software being developed

By Deleted A


Mar 1, 2016

All my projects, in terms of productivity and quality, have improved by simply applying various aspects of what I have learnt from this specialization.

By Michael O A


Jul 27, 2020

Kudos to all the tutors! Really insightful and amazing course. It taught me about the best practices for software project planning, and management.

By Marely R


Apr 23, 2021

I liked it a lot, I learned a lot about metrics in a software project and how to make sure you're on track with tangible evidence.

By Fahim G


Feb 26, 2016

Everthing is interesting about this specialisation, this is my fifth coruse and I am so glad that I have invested my time in this.

By Ahmed M M


Oct 8, 2020

Really a great course that will deffer a good software engineer from a bad one. understanding how to control is an easy task now!