Prepare for a job as an entry-level
Digital Marketer
$61,300 median salary*
81,463 jobs available*
Top 6 skills needed for Digital Marketer
Common job titles
Marketing Coordinator
Digital Marketing Specialist
Marketing Associate
If you like working with numbers, problem solving, and understanding people this role is for you.
As a Digital Marketer, you'll develop digital marketing plans and strategies for businesses through channels including social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and email. Digital Marketers partner with other teams on integrated campaigns to ensure a coordinated voice across all channels. You'll develop, execute, and optimize effective multi-channel digital marketing strategies to drive new visits and increase market share. You'll create and evaluate digital marketing KPIs, and develop optimization plans to continually improve results.
* Median salary and job opening data are sourced from United States Lightcastâ„¢ Job Postings Report. Data for job roles relevant to featured programs (7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023)
Develop job-ready skills at your own pace
Professional Certificates are your fast-track to this career. No experience required.
Earn a certificate
Complete all courses and earn a certificate to add to your resume/publish on LinkedIn
Learn at your own pace
Learn from anywhere, anytime, and set your own schedule
Trusted globally
Career relevant training created and trusted by industry leading companies
Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce
Professional Certificate
Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce
(29,416 ratings)
Average: 7 months (3 hours/week)
7 courses
Average: 7 months (3 hours/week)
7 courses
Skills you'll gain
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), E-Commerce, Email Marketing, display advertising, Marketing, Customer loyalty +29 more
Practice tools used by Digital Marketer in under 2 hours
Guided Projects give you real-world hands-on experience and help you demonstrate job-relevant skills.
Gain real-world experience
Apply practical skills to solving real-world problems Front-End Developers experience
Prepare for in-demand jobs
Learn the skills and tools you need with step-by-step video instructions
Trusted globally
Companies use these highly-rated Guided Projects to develop and train their employees
- Status: New
Coursera Project Network
- Status: New
Coursera Project Network
- Status: New
Coursera Project Network