Nguyen Khac Thanh account profile

Personal details

Nguyen Khac Thanh


Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine_logo

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine Specilization (Google Cloud)

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine_logo

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine Specilization (Google Cloud)

Software Design and Architecture_logo

Software Design and Architecture Specilization (University of Alberta)


Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine_logo

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine Specilization (Google Cloud)

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine_logo

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine Specilization (Google Cloud)

Software Design and Architecture_logo

Software Design and Architecture Specilization (University of Alberta)

Work preferences

Desired roles

Software Engineer


Additional info

Links & Resume



University of Engineering and Technology

Less than high school diploma in Computer Science

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine_logo

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine Specilization (Google Cloud)

Category: Kubernetes
Category: Cloud Computing
Category: Google Cloud Platform
Category: Cloud Platforms
Category: Cloud Engineering

Completed September 2021

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine_logo

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine Specilization (Google Cloud)

Category: Kubernetes
Category: Cloud Computing
Category: Google Cloud Platform
Category: Cloud Platforms
Category: Cloud Engineering

3 month program • Completed August 2020