Prepare for a job as an entry-level
IT Project Manager
$120,200 median salary*
117,312 jobs available*
Top 6 skills needed for IT Project Manager
Common job titles
IT Project Manager
If you like leading a team, problem solving, and technology this role is for you.
As an IT Project Manager (PM), you’ll be responsible for overseeing various projects in the information technology industry, including the development of new products and the enhancement of technology and systems. You will work closely with project management teams to establish clear project objectives and deliverables, define project scope, and set goals. Throughout the project lifecycle, the IT PM executes project plans, estimates time requirements, monitors milestones, and ensures projects are completed within designated timeframes and budgets. You’ll also identify areas for improvement, manage risks, allocate resources, maintain project documentation, and engage with stakeholders to discuss project progress and requirements, employing Agile or Lean project management tools when appropriate.
* Median salary and job opening data are sourced from United States Lightcastâ„¢ Job Postings Report. Data for job roles relevant to featured programs (7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023)
Develop job-ready skills at your own pace
Professional Certificates are your fast-track to this career. No experience required.
Skills you'll gain: Project Management, Scrum Master, Career Development, Project Planning, Agile PM