May 2, 2018
This course was a very good sum up of Daniel Kahneman's thinking fast and slow. Definitely recommend to everyone who would like to know more about our flaws or would like to refresh your knowledge.
Aug 15, 2017
Great course! It allows to understand the twisted logic that run in our heads. Helps to establish the balance between probabilistic truth and illusions that infect our decision-making. Thanks a lot!
By Akshay S
•Jun 23, 2018
In week 2 and 3, there is no explanation for which quiz answer is wrong and which right. It reduces the value of the course drastically, because the actual application of the learnings is not validated. This is even worse because for many questions, I wasn't 100% sure about the answer and was doubting between multiple answers (for both those where I answered right and wrong).The material as such is very interesting but it could have been so much better.
By Hon K Y
•May 12, 2022
Most of the learnings is carried out by self-reading powerpoint material & lots of googling. Few videos and they are snippets of sections in the powerpoint. Quizzes frequently test application-based questions + concepts not discussed in powerpoint slides. For Quiz 2 & 3, no feedback/explanation was given on why the particular option is incorrect. Interesting content and material but could have been presented in a better way to aid understanding.
By Duppala S H
•Jun 7, 2020
The course is good to an extent in view of the video lectures and Pdf provided. But the flow of the course is not uniform at all and we get easily confused with the flow. Also, the videos and pdf are a lot different from the quizzes present and it is really difficult to do the quizzes without prior knowledge. The course appears like a pdf reading course with very little explanation. So it is really difficult to get ahead in the course.
By Emerson Y
•Apr 17, 2020
A good intro to the subject with generally helpful examples. But the learner is on their own when it comes to figuring out the math and sorting out the various concepts (zero teacher support/presence). Course content suggestions: 1. explore the criticisms of behavioural finance or why the traditionalists are still holding out; 2. greater focus on applications and how to counteract biases (rather than just classification of biases)
By Aastha M
•Dec 17, 2017
Although the course was an eye opener and insightful, there are a couple of things that I strongly believe could have been done better to improve the learning experience.First , solution and explanation sheet for all the quizzes is a must. Second, there were certain convoluted topics which could have been better addressed through video lecture. Overall as a subject the course definitely sparked my interest to continue further.
By Arya B
•Apr 29, 2020
The questions in the quizzes require a lot of critical thinking that is not covered thoroughly in the video lectures. If you take this course for a certificate, then you might have to repeat the quizzes several times to pass the course. The lecture pdfs are very informative and are encouraging me to dive deeper into the subject. If problem-solving is given adequate attention, then it will be a fine course indeed.
By A. G S
•May 1, 2020
Course content is great but course is mostly based on long reading slides. Too less video material, makes harder to understand. Estimated course duration is wrong, readings are all prescribed as 10 minutes as default but takes too much time; misleading. I liked the content, the quizes (quizes were hard and made me understand better); however I guess course should be improved with more videos and less readings.
By Ved B
•Apr 10, 2020
They study material of the course could have been a bit more detailed. It was difficult to remember different kinds of behavioral biases all at one go. Also, after a point of time, it becomes difficult to differentiate between some biases. Instructors are humbly requested to elaborate much more on each of the biases during the videos. I personally found the explanation in the videos very abrupt and short.
By adyasha p
•Jun 26, 2020
The course was interesting but lacked interactive material. It would be better if they would have added more of video content and examples explained by the instructors. There were no answers given to the assignments for the week 2 and week 3, which made it more difficult to get anything out of the questions. Duke and Coursera should really consider to improve the teaching material of this course!
•May 26, 2020
The course was highly stimulating and informative. However, for a course that preaches behavioural sciences, it sure seems quite obtuse while applying some of those principles in the MOOC itself. Since most of the course is in write-ups or readings, it is not particularly accessible or easy to comprehend for everyone. They could definitely make the course more engaging with more videos.
By Drew M
•Dec 22, 2022
The material was fascinating but it felt incomplete with some material. Particularly with the early graphing in the Utility of Money, I would have wanted more information on how to calculate this in real world scenarios. Many others noted that there was no explanation given for the quizzes in weeks 2 & 3 making it difficult to understand what you may have gotten wrong, and why.
By Nick N
•Apr 27, 2019
Although the material is fascinating, the course seems like it was put together in a couple days with no regard to proper structure. The videos are very, very short and many of the quiz questions seem irrelevant--namely week 3's. I really like the material and I plan on taking another class on Behavioral Finance, though I can not recommend this course as a the best option.
By Michelle S H S
•Feb 9, 2022
This is a very interesting course, however I was quite disappointed as there is very little explanation in the handouts are vague - mostly are examples with very few explanation on terminology. The quiz provided are very difficult compared to the handouts given, basically you got to read from other websites for more details to get the correct answer for the quiz.
By baskar v
•May 15, 2023
I wish the cases in the material were also discussed with the biases displayed in them. the quiz may have other case studies... That was the part which I felt the material was not really comprehensive. Also the pdf material and the videos were verbatim copies, I wonder why and wish they were not... Thanks anyway, I enjoyed going through the stuff.
By Hiral C
•May 3, 2020
The course has been made well, but the lack of explanation lies in some parts of the course. Also like week 1, explanation of answers should be given especially in week 2 where the syllabus was so much.Similarly in week 3, the stages of bubbles should have been first explained in the slides than directly asking in exam. Overall knowledgeable course.
By Katrin S
•Nov 27, 2022
I learned interesting concepts but they didn't invest a lot of work into the course. The time estimates given for each reading are so inaccurate it's not even funny... As many other people mentioned, the quizzes are an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE--you'll feel like you're back in high school where a pedantic teacher made you pick the "most correct" answer.
•May 13, 2020
I had a good experience of learning the wide stretches of cognitive biases that influence human behavior on spending and selling decisions.
Prof. Emma Raisel's class was quite interesting as she emphasized the various biases under the guise of various expressions and it encouraged the learning process even more.
By Nicolai K
•Jul 20, 2021
It is a great course, but there should be more in depth material within each topic, more examples to really get a sense. Several of the bias are really easy to confuse. And when the questions are open for interpretation or it seems like the could be several right answers, it constitutes a higher failiure rate.
By Janine M
•Apr 17, 2020
The weeks aren't evenly divided with reading and video materials. One week will have a lot of information with little time to read and watch the videos and then the test is usually on 1/4 of what you just read. While other weeks have little reading and videos. However, it had a lot of information.
By Korbinian S
•Jul 14, 2017
The topic is extremely intersting, and the course is completely free, if you don't need the certificate. In the course you have a lot of reading to do and the videos are not always on point. If you read Daniel Kahnemann's Thinking fast and slow, you will get more out of this particular subject.
By S D
•Jan 27, 2021
The course content need to be improved, the presentation are very plain, we have to read much outside to complete the tests. The subject matter is very interesting, little more elaborate course content would have made reading little more interesting. The professors are very good. Thank you.
By Erika K
•May 24, 2022
The videos are very good but the written component is a bit lazy. It's filled with mistakes, typos, missing data. There's also no explanation after the quizzes for you to understand which one is correct and why. That said the information is interesting and relatively easy to follow.
By Ronald M
•Aug 9, 2017
Needs more reading/resources. Most of the test questions were conceptual (a good thing), but I did not find that the material adequately prepared me to answer them. Either I missed where the material was located (possible), or it is lacking. The info that was presented was well done.
By Charu A
•Jul 1, 2017
The Course material is really good, but the examples could have been more diverse and the videos could have been targeted at topics beyond the PDF material. The questions were tricky and a little unexpected. One could have built a little line of thought before entering the questions.
By Shaktiman S
•Aug 14, 2017
Video Lectures covered partial course content. PDFs provided also left out some details which formed a pat of Week 3 Quiz. Could have been made much more interactive and interesting by including real world interviews and the design of course content could also be made moe engaging.