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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Python Data Structures by University of Michigan

94,874 ratings

About the Course

This course will introduce the core data structures of the Python programming language. We will move past the basics of procedural programming and explore how we can use the Python built-in data structures such as lists, dictionaries, and tuples to perform increasingly complex data analysis. This course will cover Chapters 6-10 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. This course covers Python 3....
Excellent instructor

(503 Reviews)

Helpful assignments

(254 Reviews)

Top reviews


Jul 5, 2023

Excellent course. I feel that I learned a lot of very useful material. It was challenging but not to intimidating. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to expand their knowledge of Python.


Jul 9, 2021

I feel incredible that I knew almost nothing about programming just a month ago. Now I have done two of the courses of the specialization and I can actually understand other basic codes. Great course!

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226 - 250 of 10,000 Reviews for Python Data Structures

By Sheila M M V

Dec 26, 2022

Very good - made me really think and take time to comprehend. I am struggling a bit with the syntax . . . while the concepts in the lectures are quite clear, learning the syntax to apply the concepts on my own vs just copying the examples from the lecture is challenging. Perhaps I'm not paying sufficient attention to the lectures . . . ? The good news is that there are quite a few excellent sources available on the Internet to help! :)

Thank you


By Tara H

Mar 23, 2021

Great For Review!

I took this course to review basic concepts I've learned before and let me tell you: I finished and it was great! Haha I'm pretty lazy so for this course to motivate to finish completely is insane and speaks to how engaging it is. I'm not sure how good it is for a complete beginner who wants to learn basics for the first time as it doesn't have a lot of practice assignments and the tests are pretty easy but it's an easy and effective start.

By Mario A C

Jun 3, 2020

Video material is great: professor goes to the point while giving appropriate examples and also keeping the class interesting and friendly. Exercises are not just a "copy" paste of the materia, they challenge the student to really solve a problem with the tools given. Also the extra material (free pdf book) is complete and adequate to the course. Moreover, the quizees on each chapter guarantee that the student pays attention to the theory. 100% recommended!

By Ruairí N

May 7, 2017

This is the second course of the Python for Everybody track. The lectures are clear, with good examples, and easy to follow. The quizzes and assignments cement new knowledge admirably, and are not insurmountably difficult for the beginner. For those with a background in shell scripting, it's possible to complete the course in a much shorter time, as much of it will be relatively familiar, conceptually. All in all, a great introduction to Python data types.

By Bharath k

Jan 18, 2020

I generally love programming. Nothing makes me happier than coding. Dr. Chuck class has been brilliant. I really want to meet him and talk to him if I get a chance. His classes are very informative at the same time very entertaining. At the end of this course, he presented us with POV graduation ceremony. This is a huge confidence booster. Dr. Chuck also motivated me to dwell deep into my passion for programming. Thank you Dr. Chuck. Thank you so much.

By sankar j

Jul 31, 2020

I am so grateful for this course. I've completed first course of this specialization course. I have been searching for a course like this from a long time ago. When I first started programming I didn't know where to go and what to learn in my first C++ programming. But here in this course our instructor has made it so simple to learn. Thank you for such course. I am looking forward to completing all the courses and get the specialization certificate.

By Dinesh T

Mar 5, 2020

It's really a good course for someone who wants to learn basic of Data Structure wth Python. The assignments were not too difficult but provides good revision and application of what we learned in the course. Also the interview of famous Computer Scientist that the course has was very informative and I sincerely appreciate the effort taken by the Prof. Charles Severance to provides these interview session in this course. Thank you Professor Charles.

By Cornelia C

May 29, 2020

This was my favourite course in the specialization, because it required a lot of learning through the assignments. I loved it! The instructor, the learning material and the assignments were all top class, and just at the right level for a beginner. Maybe as a suggestion - and in hindsight I think this course could do with a few voluntary assignments where one has to use all or most of the skill one had learnt, just to reinforce all the principles.

By Francisco L A B

May 12, 2020

Following this course has been a very engaging experience. The materials provided to learn (videos, lectures and assignments), as well as the bonus videos, keep one motivated to pursue until the end. I have many times before learning to program online but I failed because the courses were not following a clear structure. With Dr Chuck, now I see the world of programming from a different perspective and I am eager to continue developing my skills.

By Lecker D

Nov 22, 2019

I took programming course on other platforms before, and I don't know whether it was because those were on Java or because they were really not as good, but with those courses I always felt like I wasn't getting the whole picture, and felt really helpless whenever my code threw an error. So in this course it was super helpful to actually see Chuck write the code, debug it and fix it because that really helped me to get into the process of coding.

By Harshil P

Mar 4, 2021

As a graduate in non-CS field and having work experience in a different field, I always thought it was going to be a difficult time learning Python. But thanks to Dr. Chuck, the journey remained smooth throughout. I liked how prof raises the level gradually and teaches keeping audience in his mind. Assignments were equally helpful as they really made me critically think and grasp the concept of String, Lists, and Dictionaries without any issues.

By Samuel

Apr 10, 2018

I really enjoyed this class. I have taken a variety of programming courses, and this one just rings true for me. Professor Severance is an outstanding teacher with an ability to convey meaning to the subject matter being taught. If I was afforded time and money, I would seek out his classes at the university he teaches at. I am learning a lot in a way that has real world application. I can't say enough praise, so accept a humble thank you.


Aug 17, 2020

I would describe this course simply saying that the experience in solving the assignments and taking this course by one of the amazing instructors, Dr.Chuck and delving deep into Python feels incredible ! And I strongly feel and believe that Dr.Chuck has this amazing distinctive capacity of making any person madly fall in love with programming and of course Python ! I strongly recommend this course to everyone irrespective of their background.

By Tamara A S M

Sep 20, 2020

I liked this course. It taught me a lot of new things; of course, you have to invest time to be able to complete the assignments, and also takes effort to comprehend the topics, but it pays off all your hard work if you want to achieve some knowledge about Python.Also, professor Chuck is a great teacher and easily explains the topics. I appreciated all the effort to share your knowledge with us, and my thanks to everyone who made it possible.

By Damjan B

Apr 20, 2020

Great! The instructor is unbelievebly comptent, funny and likeable. The structure of the course continues to be excellent, while getting considerabely harder. But the rewarding feeling after having mastered the excercises after every chapter is extremely addicting. And most importantly, I made great progress and feel like I now have the necessary toolkit and knowledge to tackle real tasks. Can't wait to see what the next course has in store.

By Michael K

Mar 24, 2017

As I recall the original Introduction to Python Dr. Chuck course which debuted 3 to 4 years back or so, was split into two. So this is is like the 2nd part of the original course (split into 2 as it was deemed slightly overwhelming for beginners). With the properly adjusted pace of this class, even with knowledge of Arithmetic only and NO programming what so ever, you should do well in this class provided you make at least a moderate effort!

By Claudio M B

Jul 3, 2020

Dr. Chuck's courses are amazing. I took other intro to python courses before but got lost pretty soon; but with this one I really understood every bit of it. It is very good that Dr. Chuck shows you how the parts interact with each other using lines (sounds basic, but for someone new into the programming world it is very useful). I really recommend taking this course and the previous one. As for me, Im planning on taking the next courses.

By Akshata S

Sep 13, 2018

I never thought I'd ever have this much fun programming. This course is slightly more challenging than the first one, and you will have to(or at least I had to) do some practice to familiarise yourself with the little details. The concepts are made easy to understand thanks to the wonderful Dr.Chuck, but they are similar to each other, so a lot of practice is required to properly remember what commands must be used for what data structure.

By Marco M

Mar 14, 2020

I really enjoyed this course. I already knew some python and this course taught me that I haven't forgot what I've learned in the past. Now I know that I need to practice more to grow my skills. The examples and assignments were just right to reach the desired level of knowledge for an almost beginner, as I am. In the next class I hope to learn how to deal with more real life problems. See you soon and thank you very much Dr. Chuck!

By Carlos R T G R

Sep 10, 2017

This is a excellent course, I have been around programs from quite a while, back then if you knew ANSI C you were highly qualified, but now days you need to be fluent in so many languages and frameworks that is easy to get lost in the little details. Dr. Chuck is very dedicated to create a nice experience for those that need to go all over again from other(s) language(s) to Python but also for the fresh minds starting in the SW Dev. world

By Praneeth C

Apr 7, 2020

I am a UG student from a Mechanical Engineering background and I tried to learn programming languages before and I couldn't but now I think I can now do small programs in python and complex one with more practice and the thing I noticed is that compared to other MOOC courses on python few points were missing in this course other than that nothing else and Dr.Charles Severance is an awesome teacher and thank you for teaching this course.

By Sai M K N R

Jul 8, 2020

As good as the first course. I am happy that I have got an overview of what python is and how it can be used in day to day situations, thanks to the lecture materials and Dr. Chuck. I wish you a wonderful health and prosperity sir. Lots of gratitude. Secondly, I would like to mention that the book has to be read along with the courses to get even more insights and ideas about the respective topic. Together they make awesome fireworks !

By Boris M

Oct 2, 2019

Systematical step-by-step program which can be followed by anyone willing to learn. The lecturer is not only knowledgeable, but also knows how to explain notions and concepts to newbies in a way that you will never be overwhelmed by so many new information. I have attended quite a few courses so far, but with this one I constantly feel a sense of accomplishment and progress making. Chuck and wonderful mentors, thank you for everything!

By Ans S

Mar 30, 2024

This course is about the basic python programming with useful and practical problems to be solved at the end of each chapter. It is taught or presented in such a magnificent way by Dr. Charles that everything got stick in my mind. Moreover, the bonus lectures is a super amazing addition to the course. These are the real motivation. So, it is the great course by the great instructor. I really appreciate the efforts which the team put.

By Alexey

Oct 29, 2019

This is my second course with Dr. Chuck and I love it! The course is very well organized and the instructor explains the material in a perfect way: every lecture is very well structured and the lectures are very consistent. I also thank Dr. Chuck for his general advises about how to learn programming languages and how to use it in life. Either if you are a professional programmer or just use Python for your own purposes.Great course!