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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Python Data Structures by University of Michigan

94,874 ratings

About the Course

This course will introduce the core data structures of the Python programming language. We will move past the basics of procedural programming and explore how we can use the Python built-in data structures such as lists, dictionaries, and tuples to perform increasingly complex data analysis. This course will cover Chapters 6-10 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. This course covers Python 3....
Excellent instructor

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Helpful assignments

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Top reviews


Mar 23, 2021

This course was perfect for me. It was very interactive and included the essential topics I wanted to learn. The coding site they offer was the main thing to improve my skills, I really appreciate it.


Dec 7, 2020

Excellent explanation. Professor Charles kept the course from being monotonous. Learnt in depth about reading from file, sorting dictionaries and appending lists. Looking forward to learn more courses

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201 - 225 of 10,000 Reviews for Python Data Structures

By Jess X

Mar 31, 2017

Dr. Chuck is the most outstanding professor I have ever seen. He is very kind and patient. The course contains the basic algorithm and data structures in Python. Although it will sounds very difficult to get involved in, I feel very comfortable to watch the lecture and finish the quiz and assignments. This course is very helpful for me to develop the big picture of programming. I look forward to finish the series of Python course instructed by Dr. Chuck. I really appreciate his guidance.

By Sartaj J C

Apr 5, 2020

Python is my second Programming Language, after Java. And after doing the two courses, I am pretty confident about the fact that this is now my Favorite programming language. The course was amazing, fun, informative and very helpful. It took me two days (6-7 hours in total) to complete this course. I could manage to stick to it because it was fun and easy. It covered the essentials quite adequately. I look forward to complete more such courses and start working on projects using Python.

By Keith M

Dec 14, 2015

Dr. Chuck's Python sequence here on Coursera is a MUST TAKE for anyone interested in programming. In the second course, I found the content much more applicable to the kinds of data problem solving that I encounter in my work and understanding how to read files of data and turn those into usable data structures to manipulate the information found within is invaluable regardless of your profession.

Keep up the great work and I am looking forward to taking more courses in this sequence!

By henloy A

Apr 28, 2018

Dr. Chuck is my new favorite teacher. This course is very engaging. I had no prior knowledge of programming but I always wanted to understand how it all works. I really appreciate all the hard work that goes into making these courses. Dr. Chuck makes it easy to understand by breaking it down to the lowest possible levels so even a novice like me could eventually understand and create codes of my own. I definitely would recommend this course to my friends and to all who want to learn.

By Jerome S

Dec 13, 2022

This was a great course with tons of learning on using the basic python data structures such as lists, dictionaries and tuples. In addition to learning the material there is bonus content such as conversations with creators of various software like programming languages and online platforms; this really teaches us the mindset that was required to succeed in the industry. So overall I would recommend this course to anybody who only has a foundational knowledge of python programming.

By Jeff N

Feb 7, 2016

Outstanding Course for a newby. All about programming. Lectures and problems are clear and relate directly to the subject not related topics like statistics and other disciplines which add nothing to the Python and Python programming focus. Dr. Severance has built a great specialization here. Problems can be challenging but doable within the time frame represented by the course description (give or take a couple hours on some of the more challenging ones. I've learned alot! Thanks


Jan 19, 2023

There are many crash course for Python programming, the series or here the specialization takes the time to build up the structure and experience for a learner to learn programming effectively, in programming case, some cases, the exercise may even made student get lost and demotivated, this course and specialization really is for anyone indeed. Well crated and designed, the level of difficult are levelled well for learners, and slowly enable people to use the language do things.

By Jonathan L

Aug 20, 2019

It is great to go over so many details of Python data structures, learning about how they are regularly used, and some of the caveats of using them, such as learning what kinds of methods each structure has, and how they produce sometimes different datatypes as output. The work was not exhausting, but yet was still challenging. I think the lessons are well designed so that they don't take a large amount of time but still include several concepts at once that need to be balanced.


Apr 28, 2020

This course has been one of the best courses i have ever taken on Coursera. The professor was so motivating and cheerful that i was able to complete the course in a span of 5 days, it gave me such a level of confidence regarding my programming abilities that my college wasn't able to give in 3 years. The course content and the problems are top notch for a novice programmer. I'm really looking forward to doing more courses from University of Michigan under Prof.Chuck. Thank You.

By Md. S R

Jul 1, 2020

Dr. Chuck has been my favorite teacher. I have taken plan to finish all the courses. I didn't see yet any teacher like him in my whole life. He teaches students with fun. Needless to say that no teachers beat him. He is a fantastic man. This course seemed to me awesome, I enjoyed it a lot. I recommend everyone to take this course at least if you are in run out of time. But, the first course of Python Everybody (Specialization) should be taken to understand this course clearly!

By Graham J

Jul 6, 2021

Learned a lot and liked that they taught info related to the assignments. I've been in other programming courses where lectures/textbook are easy but assignment significantly more difficult and require more info than included in the course. The assignments here require tweaking a bit of code that they teach. As a result, they require some thought but are not overly difficult. Also like Dr. Chuck's video in the graduation class and some of the life recommendations he makes.

By Ashutosh K

Dec 12, 2018

Thanks everybody from "Coursera and Michigan" for this course.Special thanks to Dr.Chuck.

I did programming in C/C++ in my college days back in 2003.Latter i joined job in telecommunication service industry,where programming skill was not required.

In quest to change my carrier I thought of learning PYTHON.Initially I was little worried,will I be able to complete the course, as I was not good at programming.But later realized this is even suited for not so student like me.

By Asanka G

Aug 20, 2023

Excellent Python Data Structures Course!

I recently completed the "Python Data Structures" course on Coursera by Dr. Chuck and it was fantastic. Dr. Chuck's teaching style is engaging and the course content is well-structured. I gained a solid understanding of Python's data structures like lists, dictionaries, and more. The practical exercises were invaluable for hands-on learning. I highly recommend this course to anyone serious about learning Python. Thanks, Dr. Chuck!

By Andrey K

Nov 13, 2020

I am a PhD student and I started using python for data analysis in the last six months. I wanted to improve my skills so I choose this course. I had some knowledge about for loops, and all the data structure, but I barely used it in my workflow for my data. This course did a good job to teach me how to apply those commands to data structures. I am going to take the 3rd course of this series soon.

PS. I was able to finish this course in 2 weeks during regular worktime

By Suhas R V

Dec 30, 2019

Excellent course,

Excellent is the word I would use to describe the course. Though I am not a newbee to programming, I am not programming for work since several years. So it really helped me to start with the very basics. The course material is designed with exercises which I could relate to real world application. This made learning even more interesting.

All in all worth the time I invested and I was able to finish the course much before prescribed time.

Thank you.

By Max M

Nov 5, 2017

Amazing course! Such useful videos by Dr. Severance. Text book is a great extra tool to refer to when studying for the exams and doing the assignments. The teaching staff and mentors are always really helpful on the discussion Forum and it only takes a couple of hours max before receiving a response. This specialisation courses encourages me to learn more about these topics and to prepare me for a masters degree in data science. Thank you team, keep up the good work.

By Sourav B

Sep 15, 2016


I was learning the first part of this course. First few days I was not able to understand many things but things changed & now I am more confidently exploring the area of my interest & wandering here & there on this site as it is my second home. I am really fortunate that coursera & UM provided me this opportunity to get this course. Thank You Coursera & UM for your kind support for students like us who are financially challenged. Thank You, thank you so much.

By Lionel C

Aug 17, 2019

This part was a little more difficult then the first one. I would have liked a place to write smaller programs which would help to solidify new concepts since they are a bit more advanced. However have said that I think the assignments were excellent in that they make one think more and make you have to understand what you have been taught to complete them. Great course that I would recommend highly to anyone wanting to learn Python. Excellent teaching Dr. Chuck

By Elinor W

Feb 26, 2018

This course is an excellent continuation of 'Getting Started with Python' - all of the lecture material and the content in the provided textbook complement each other well, and the instructors who are there to help in the forums for each class are extremely responsive and supportive. I'm thankful to everyone involved for the introductory information about programming this course provides, and for the sense of playfulness and inclusivity they bring to the material.

By Yae J P

Oct 11, 2017

The assignments really helped in solidifying what I learned through the video lectures. I was also encouraged to work through them on my own with similar examples provided (walkthroughs), which is the most helpful part. This is one of the best online classes for programming I took. One small improvement they can make is on the software that is used for submitting the assignment. It constantly changes my indents into multiple spaces and gave me errors quite often.

By Onurcan U

May 18, 2021

This course become a complementary course that fills the blanks "Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)" course instructed by Dr. Chuck Severance. It includes the definitive lessons about several classes ranging from strings to tuples and supports these lessons with many assignments.

It would be a great start for a person who is eager to learn data structures and how to manipulate and get the data from files in secondary memory of a computer.

By Alejandro R O

Aug 17, 2020

Similar to the first part, this course is amazing. I cannot stop saying that Dr. Chuck is such an engaging professor, such that he really transmits to his students the passion he has for programming. As he says by the end of the course again, this course is extremely helpful for all those who have zero background of programming, as the main purpose is to learn basic foundations and the logic behind, that can be useful when learning other programming languages.

By Rory P

Sep 23, 2016

Professor Severance is great. Very clear in his explanations and I really like how each video is an in-depth look at a specific example. The videos also build on one another in a very coherent manner and the assignments are applicable to what you learned. I think the assignments could be a little more challenging and that more references to the book should be included in the lectures as the book is also very helpful and a great primer for each week's material.

By Diego A C R

Nov 2, 2020

I have to say, the way how Dr Chuck explains the course is really easy, interesting (enough to keep me going and going) and furthermore I feel like I want more (so I have signed up also for all the other courses that Dr Chuck has including the one for Django).

Is worth to mention that I have prior experience in programming (mostly PLC, C# and a little C) but for someone that is a total beginner Dr Chuck explains all the concepts in the most easy way possible.

By Nicolás S V

Apr 5, 2020

Python file operations, most of them dedicated to read the file, parse line by line and implement some sort of manipulation in order to see the application of lists, tuples and dictionaries. Also you will find yourself implementing some string slicing in order to meet the grade expectations. I already knew the data structures that were being applied here so it didn't take more than one hour to complete. It was a nice refresh for some methods I had forgotten.