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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Social Media Marketing by Meta

13,289 ratings

About the Course

This course lays the foundation of social media marketing. You’ll learn what social media marketing entails, including the history and the different social media channels that exist. You’ll learn how to select a social media channel that fits your needs, set goals and success metrics, and determine who your target audience is. By the end of this course, you will be able to: • Understand the landscape of traditional, digital, and social media marketing • Understand how to become certified as a Digital Marketing Associate • Understand the major social media platforms, how they function, and what role they play in marketing • Create SMART goals and identify KPIs • Define your target audience and their customer journey • Choose the right social media platforms and learn how to create social media policies Whatever level of knowledge you start with, this course will help you build a solid foundation for social media marketing and gain applicable skills that will allow you to make your social media marketing efforts more successful and noticeable. Learners don't need marketing experience, but should have basic internet navigation skills and be eager to participate and connect in social media. Learners must have a Facebook account and an Instagram account helps....

Top reviews


Jul 9, 2023

It was helpful, The tools and resources so crucial to make the knowledge and facts constant in the mind. The content of course updated and that's grabbed my mind during the whole course.

Thank you.


Jul 20, 2022

I loved going over the first couple weeks into the course, but I truly have loved the last 3 weeks as they have really opened my perspective on how I will go about building my brand. Thank you so much

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51 - 75 of 4,125 Reviews for Introduction to Social Media Marketing

By Jerry S

Oct 9, 2020

Very informative to what most have already been exposed to. Good way to start learning about how to use social media as a marketing tool.

By Abdallah S

Jan 12, 2021

Very glad to take this course with Dr. Anke. Pure and very rich content to be learned.

By Syed M E A

Nov 7, 2021

Very detailed and develops a foundation from the ground up. Highly recommended.

By MD. Y A

Sep 18, 2020

It’s really a good platform to develop skills in different areas.

By Deleted A

Apr 13, 2021

The course is very easy to understand and full of helpful tips.

By Kenneth O

Sep 24, 2020

Wonderful innovation. I’m really grateful for the impact

By Daria T

Jan 31, 2023

First two weeks in my opinion were absolutely useless. I mean history of social media? Why it's important to know in which year Facebook bought Instagram? For what?

But information and home works on weeks 3 to 5 were full and interesting. Especially I liked the part about customers journey.

Also this course need to be updated because there was no word about reels on Instagram which is the biggest hype right now.

By Peter J

Nov 30, 2020

This is a pretty good overview of the Social Media landscape and the basics of social media marketing. However, it was created by Facebook, and it omits relevant information that would make the company look bad. For example, while they correctly point out that Facebook has more daily active users than any other social media site, they choose not to tell you that the organic reach for a companies Facebook post is only about 6% of it's page likes, and you'll have to pay to boost any post in order for Facebook marketing to have any real effect. Again, it's a well put together intro course, but take it with a grain of salt.

By Shreemathy K

Dec 27, 2021

i didnt get my certificate on completing the course

By Emily N

Feb 13, 2021

Repeated information a lot and not much information depth.

By Alina S

Apr 26, 2021

The course itself is interesting and teaches important basics and gives an interesting overview of the most important social media platforms. However, I can't complete it or get a certificate because I'm stuck on an assignment in week 1 (watching a video) that I can't finish due to technical difficulties. I have already contacted support 4 times and also posted in the discussion forum. Many other participants have the same problem. I find this outrageous for all the money I have spent on it so far. I am already paying a month more than necessary because the problem cannot be solved. Beware!

By Anna S

May 5, 2021

Coursera was taken my money for this course without my permission. I could not find way to unsubscribed. I just wanted to overview this course and this course is not what I really want to buy. I asked about refund but courser have not reply. I have not attended any lesson from this course because it was not proper one for me.

By Deleted A

Aug 24, 2021

My goal is to become a content writer and my thought was that learning social media platforms would enhance this goal. However, I found this course to be unclear. Perhaps my brain just isn't wired for this type of learning, lol.

By Tatiana N

Apr 30, 2021

Seems like the course was mostly created for people that didn't grow up with the internet, overall I learned very little... The Google certificate is much better structured and offers more for free.

By Cherie X

Mar 28, 2021

it is unuseful, and i post a technical problem that they don't ignore completely, due to the problem that i can finish this course, that's an awful experience.

By Rhea B

Jan 9, 2022

Where is my certificate

By Sandun S W

Jun 17, 2023

Having recently completed the Introduction to Social Media Marketing course on Coursera, I am pleased to share my positive experience. This course provides an excellent foundation for individuals interested in exploring the world of social media marketing.

The course content was informative and covered the essential aspects of social media marketing. It delved into the key platforms, strategies, and best practices for leveraging social media effectively. The instructors did a commendable job of presenting the material in a clear and concise manner, making it easy to understand even for beginners.

One of the highlights of the course was the emphasis on practical applications. Throughout the modules, there were hands-on exercises and real-world examples to reinforce the concepts being taught. This approach allowed me to gain a better understanding of how social media marketing works in practice and how to apply the techniques in real-life scenarios.

The course also introduced various tools and resources commonly used in social media marketing. It provided guidance on how to choose the right social media management platforms, analyze data, and create engaging content. While the coverage of these tools was brief, it served as a valuable introduction, piquing my interest in exploring them further.

The learning experience on Coursera was user-friendly and well-structured. The course materials were organized logically, and the video lectures were of decent quality. Additionally, the quizzes and assessments at the end of each module helped me assess my understanding and progress effectively.

However, I would have appreciated more interactive elements in the course. While the material was engaging, incorporating more discussions, case studies, or interactive activities could have enhanced the overall learning experience and facilitated deeper engagement with the content.

Furthermore, although the instructors were knowledgeable, their availability for answering questions or engaging in discussions seemed limited. While the discussion forums were available, I would have preferred more direct interaction with the instructors to clarify doubts or seek additional insights.

In summary, the Introduction to Social Media Marketing course on Coursera provides a solid introduction to the field. It covers the essentials of social media marketing, offers practical applications, and introduces useful tools and resources. While more interactive elements and instructor engagement could further improve the course, it remains a valuable starting point for anyone looking to gain foundational knowledge in social media marketing.

By Sandip B

Jul 21, 2023

As a marketing enthusiast looking to expand my knowledge in the ever-evolving digital landscape, I recently enrolled in Coursera's "Introduction to Social Media Marketing" course. With its promise of providing practical insights into leveraging social media for business growth, I was excited to delve into the world of social media marketing.

The course content was comprehensive and well-structured. It covered a wide range of topics, starting with the basics of social media platforms and their respective audiences. The instructors did an excellent job explaining the differences between major social media platforms and how to identify the right channels for specific marketing objectives.

The course also dived into various social media strategies, content creation, and engagement techniques. It explored the importance of understanding your target audience, crafting compelling messages, and optimizing content for different platforms. The section on analytics and tracking was particularly informative, as it emphasized the significance of measuring the success of social media campaigns.

The assignments were relevant and encouraged practical application of the concepts learned. They ranged from creating social media strategies for hypothetical businesses to analyzing existing social media campaigns. While some of the assignments were insightful, others felt a bit repetitive, and I would have app

"Introduction to Social Media Marketing" on Coursera provided a solid foundation in understanding the dynamics of social media marketing and its relevance in today's digital age. The course was suitable for beginners, but even intermediate marketers could find valuable insights to refine their strategies.

While the course content was robust and the instructors knowledgeable, some improvements could be made in terms of assignments and direct interaction with instructors. Nevertheless, I feel more confident in approaching social media marketing campaigns after completing this course...........................

I would recommend this course to anyone looking to kickstart their journey into social media marketing and gain a better understanding of how to leverage these platforms effectively for business success.

reciated more variety in the task types.

Moreover, the grading system could have been more detailed, with personalized feedback on individual assignments. This would have helped learners understand their strengths and areas for improvement better.......................Thanks.

By Zaib U H

Jan 13, 2024

Certainly! A social media marketing course typically covers a wide range of topics related to leveraging social media platforms for marketing purposes. Here are some brief comments about what you might expect from such a course: Comprehensive Understanding: Social media marketing courses provide a comprehensive understanding of various social media platforms, their unique features, and how businesses can effectively utilize them to meet their marketing objectives. Strategy Development: Students can learn how to develop a strategic approach to social media marketing, including setting goals, identifying target audiences, and creating content that resonates with users. Content Creation and Management: The course often covers content creation techniques tailored for social media, including visual content, copywriting, and other engagement strategies. Students may also learn about content scheduling and management tools. Advertising and Promotion: Many courses delve into paid advertising on social media platforms, teaching students how to create and manage effective ad campaigns to reach a broader audience. Analytics and Measurement: Understanding analytics and key performance indicators (KPIs) is a crucial aspect. Students may learn how to interpret data, measure the success of campaigns, and make data-driven decisions. Community Building: Building and nurturing a community is emphasized, exploring ways to engage with followers, respond to comments, and foster a positive online presence. Current Trends and Updates: Social media is dynamic, and courses often cover the latest trends, updates, and changes in algorithms across various platforms. Case Studies and Practical Application: Courses may include real-world case studies to provide practical insights and allow students to apply their knowledge to solve marketing challenges.

By Dexter B

Oct 9, 2023

The "Introduction to Social Media Marketing" course on Coursera is designed to provide learners with a foundational understanding of social media marketing strategies and techniques. It aims to help individuals gain the necessary knowledge and skills to develop effective social media marketing campaigns.

The course covers various topics, including the role of social media in marketing, social media platforms and their features, content creation and curation, social media advertising, analytics, and measuring campaign effectiveness. It combines theoretical concepts with practical examples and case studies to provide a comprehensive learning experience.

One of the strengths of this course is its structured and organized curriculum. The modules and lessons are well-paced and cover essential aspects of social media marketing. The course materials, including videos, readings, and quizzes, provide a good balance between theory and application, allowing learners to grasp the concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios.

Additionally, the course benefits from being offered on the Coursera platform, which provides a user-friendly interface, discussion forums, and opportunities for interaction with fellow learners and instructors. This can enhance the learning experience and enable learners to gain insights from different perspectives.

By Asad M

May 26, 2024

I recently completed the "Introduction to Social Media Marketing" course as part of the Meta Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate program, and I must say it exceeded my expectations in every way. The course outline was comprehensive and well-structured, covering all the essential aspects of social media marketing. Each chapter was meticulously organized, ensuring a smooth learning experience. The instructor explained the concepts in an extremely professional manner, making even the more complex topics easy to understand. One of the highlights of this course was the use of real-world examples to illustrate key points. This approach not only made the material more relatable but also helped solidify my understanding of how to apply these strategies in practice. Additionally, the course provided opportunities to share my views and insights with fellow learners, which enriched the learning experience by allowing me to engage with diverse perspectives. Overall, I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to gain a solid foundation in social media marketing. The quality of instruction and the depth of content make it a valuable investment for both beginners and those looking to refine their existing skills.

By Muhammad B L

Mar 2, 2023

Overall, I found this course to be very informative and helpful for anyone looking to learn more about social media marketing. The course covers a range of topics, including the basics of social media marketing, how to create effective social media campaigns, and how to measure the success of your social media efforts.

One thing I really appreciated about the course was the emphasis on practical skills and strategies that can be applied immediately. The instructors provided a lot of concrete examples and case studies that helped illustrate the concepts being taught. There were also plenty of opportunities to practice what was being learned through quizzes and assignments.

The course was well-structured and easy to follow, with clear explanations of each topic. The instructors were engaging and knowledgeable, and were always available to answer questions and provide feedback.

Overall, I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to improve their social media marketing skills. It provides a solid foundation for understanding the key principles and strategies involved in social media marketing, and offers practical tips and tools for implementing effective campaigns.

By Ahmed n

Jan 30, 2024

As a 17-year-old guy, I'm all about social media, and my go-to platform is definitely Instagram. I love it because it's all about sharing photos and videos, which makes it super visual and engaging. Whether I'm checking out my friends' latest posts, sharing my own adventures, or scrolling through cool memes and funny content, Instagram is where it's at for me. I think I align pretty well with the expected audience of Instagram. It's popular among teens and young adults, and since I'm in that age group, it's a natural fit. Plus, I'm into photography and visual storytelling, so Instagram lets me express myself creatively. One company that I think rocks Instagram is Nike. They totally nail it with their posts because they blend high-quality visuals with empowering messages that resonate with athletes like me. Their content isn't just about selling shoes or clothes; it's about inspiring people to push their limits and chase their dreams. Plus, they collaborate with top athletes and influencers, which keeps their feed fresh and exciting. Now, let's see what my classmates have to say about their favorite companies on social media.


Jul 23, 2023

I'm proud to announce that I have successfully completed the "Introduction to Social Media Marketing" course on Coursera. 🌟 Through this enriching journey, I've gained invaluable insights into the dynamic world of social media and its vast potential for businesses and individuals alike.In today's digital age, understanding the power of social media is absolutely essential. This course has equipped me with the knowledge to navigate various platforms, harness their capabilities, and make the most out of every opportunity they offer. 💪I highly recommend this course to everyone out there! Whether you're a marketing enthusiast, business professional, or simply an avid social media user, it's crucial to stay updated and leverage the power of these platforms to their fullest. 🚀So take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to expand your social media expertise! Take the "Introduction to Social Media Marketing" course on Coursera and unlock the potential of every social media platform, both the ones we already know and those we've yet to explore! Let's embrace the digital era together! 🌐💼


Mar 12, 2023

Introduction to Social Media Marketing is a comprehensive and insightful course that provides a great foundation for anyone interested in learning about social media marketing. The course covers a broad range of topics, including the basics of social media marketing, social media platforms, their unique features, creating a social media strategy, measuring success, and more.

The course is well structured, with clear and engaging lectures, practical examples, and quizzes that help reinforce key concepts. The instructor is knowledgeable and engaging, providing real-world examples and practical advice that is applicable to any business or individual looking to leverage social media for marketing purposes.

Overall, Introduction to Social Media Marketing is an excellent course for anyone looking to learn about social media marketing, whether you are a beginner or have some experience in the field. Highly recommended!