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Learner Reviews & Feedback for 计算机辅助翻译原理与实践 Principles and Practice of Computer-Aided Translation by Peking University

77 ratings

About the Course

现代语言服务行业要求从业人员必须具有利用计算机及网络来使用各类技术辅助工具帮助其工作的能力,而不是仅仅学会几款狭义的计算机辅助翻译软件。 本课程主要讲授计算机辅助翻译技术的基础概念,学习多种计算机辅助翻译工具的使用方法,锻炼学生在技术环境下从事翻译工作等各类语言服务工作的能力,帮助学生理解信息化时代的语言服务工作。 课程完整涵盖现代语言服务的基本情况介绍、翻译技术基本概念、语言服务项目执行过程的信息环境与信息技术、如何利用电子辞典、网络资源及语料库工具辅助翻译工作、狭义和广义的计算机辅助翻译工具原理及实战演练、翻译内容质量评定、多人协同翻译项目、翻译管理等多方面的内容。作为翻译类专业学生的必修课程,本课程适合语言类专业学生学习。通过课程的学习,有助于学习者了解现代语言服务行业,增强各类计算机辅助翻译工具的使用技能,提高包括翻译工作在内的各类语言服务工作的效率。 该课程是“北大-德稻网络公开课程”中的一门,由北京大学与德稻教育联合提供。 本课程同时受到“语言能力协同创新计划”资助和支持。 Those who work in modern language service industry are required to be capable of using computers and Internet to aid their translation job by adapting a variety of efficient tools, rather than just using word processor tools and several basic computer-aided translation software. This course teaches the basic concepts of computer-aided translation technology, helps students learn to use a variety of computer-aided translation tools, enhances their ability to engage in various kinds of language service in such a technical environment, and helps them understand what the modern language service industry looks like. This course covers introduction to modern language services industry, basic principles and concepts of translation technology, information technology used in the process of language translation, how to use electronic dictionaries, Internet resources and corpus tools, practice of different computer-aided translation tools, translation quality assessment, basic concepts of machine translation, globalization, localization and so on. As a compulsory course for students majoring in Translation and Interpreting, this course is also suitable for students with or without language major background. By learning this course, students can better understand modern language service industry and their work efficiency will be improved for them to better deliver translation service. The course is one of the PKU-DeTao MOOCs, which is a joint effort by Peking University and DeTao Masters Academy....

Top reviews


Jan 7, 2021

对CAT有了整体梳理与把握,理论与实践内容丰富。稍显不足的是,目前有些题目未能及时更新,trados 2007的内容,没有太大的实际意义。


Nov 6, 2016


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1 - 22 of 22 Reviews for 计算机辅助翻译原理与实践 Principles and Practice of Computer-Aided Translation


Jan 3, 2019

The course is very good. The only problem is that it is only in Chinese. I had to use google translation for understanding. Otherwise the topics are wonderful.

By wnx

Jan 7, 2021

对CAT有了整体梳理与把握,理论与实践内容丰富。稍显不足的是,目前有些题目未能及时更新,trados 2007的内容,没有太大的实际意义。

By Koni C

Jul 10, 2020

This course provides a very fundamental introduction of the industry of translation. Students will learn a lot of the basic concepts of translation, localization, globalization and internationalization. It is a very helpful course for students who are going or planning to pursue education in the field of translation and localization, it helps you develop a big picture about the fields and a better understanding about what you are going to learn and what you going to do past graduation. Overall, its very insightful and inspiring course. But please disregard the outdated softwares that are introduced/used in the lectures, it will cause confusion when you try to use the latest version as practice.

By boxinyue

Nov 6, 2016


By Yixin L

Nov 2, 2017


By Laura Z

Jan 8, 2017

Great course! Excellent materials and presentations. Although in some videos I turned the volume all the way up but I could barely hear anything... please check. I learned a lot from this course, more than I expected! And I can take what I learned and start applying it directly to my current project. Thank you!

By Нина С

Mar 12, 2022

There was no English subtitles but the information I learnt is such a diamond. Thank you.

By Shudong F

Mar 31, 2023

Very old and outdated

By Suhui P

Sep 8, 2017


By Jane L

Feb 23, 2019

谢谢导师们为我们制作了这麽丰富有用的教学视频, 我从这里得益不少, 大开眼界。谢谢您们!

By Teresa W

May 12, 2019

Good course, very helpful.

By Amanda K

Nov 14, 2017


By 黄一

Jun 12, 2017


By 孙巧宁

Feb 7, 2017


By Yuting Y

Dec 29, 2016


By jai A

May 12, 2020

nice course

By 國軒 趙

Apr 22, 2020


By 王倩倩

Jun 14, 2017


By Alix Z

Mar 19, 2024


By Lu J

Aug 3, 2020

Couldn't find answers for many questions in the exam from the course videos. 80% pass was difficult. Waited for two months for the reopening and paid almost 60 dollars but it turns to be a free course.

By Ong S M

Jul 13, 2021


By Deena B

Mar 22, 2021

I want to un-enroll please. I have been trying to un-enroll but not finding any options. Please help me.