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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Go Beyond the Numbers: Translate Data into Insights by Google

523 ratings

About the Course

This is the third of seven courses in the Google Advanced Data Analytics Certificate. In this course, you’ll learn how to find the story within data and tell that story in a compelling way. You'll discover how data professionals use storytelling to better understand their data and communicate key insights to teammates and stakeholders. You'll also practice exploratory data analysis and learn how to create effective data visualizations. Google employees who currently work in the field will guide you through this course by providing hands-on activities that simulate relevant tasks, sharing examples from their day-to-day work, and helping you build your data analytics skills to prepare for your career. Learners who complete the seven courses in this program will have the skills needed to apply for data science and advanced data analytics jobs. This certificate assumes prior knowledge of foundational analytical principles, skills, and tools covered in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. By the end of this course, you will: -Use Python tools to examine raw data structure and format -Select relevant Python libraries to clean raw data -Demonstrate how to transform categorical data into numerical data with Python -Utilize input validation skills to validate a dataset with Python -Identify techniques for creating accessible data visualizations with Tableau -Determine decisions about missing data and outliers -Structure and organize data by manipulating date strings...

Top reviews


Aug 22, 2023

Very Helpful Course! The storytell methods described are really helpful to me. I have always had an issue with getting my point across but now I know where my problem was and have corrected it.


Sep 15, 2023

I really enjoyed this and look forward to going deeper into this. This course touched the basics...but they touched the right basics and have made me WANT to do more on my own.

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76 - 83 of 83 Reviews for Go Beyond the Numbers: Translate Data into Insights

By Asfand Y T


Jan 23, 2024

Its a great course with alot of details in it. You need alot of practice to cover this material.

By Fernando E M M


Apr 30, 2023

Good work in the course, you always learn new things.

By mohamedsafwt a


Apr 20, 2023

Great content but difficult to master.

By Krich N


Sep 15, 2023

Have fun using python

By Craig S M


Oct 7, 2023


By Steve A


Aug 8, 2023

While this will walk you through the syntax of doing some basic analysis using Python, it will not explain why you are doing it. Same with Tableau. The labs tell you to do things to generate visualizations, but doesn't explain why Tableau needs things done a certain way. Basically, you may be better off Googling thing information ironically.

By fatma s


May 19, 2024

I am a complete beginner at python, I struggled a lot. I think it is better to at least have some experience in python. But in overall the course is too informative and full of worthy to take

By sisi L


May 31, 2023

2 stars to raise some attention, hopefully(highly unlikely though).

Discussion forums are full of zombies. Learners either put empty strings or meaningless signs on discussion topics. Learners' questions never got answered, if you post a question regarding learning material, it is guaranteed your post either gets ignored or get some bot messages. Very google like--we don't give a damn about forums, we already did what we did.