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Learner Reviews & Feedback for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers by Johns Hopkins University

16,185 ratings

About the Course

Do you realize that the only functionality of a web application that the user directly interacts with is through the web page? Implement it poorly and, to the user, the server-side becomes irrelevant! Today’s user expects a lot out of the web page: it has to load fast, expose the desired service, and be comfortable to view on all devices: from a desktop computers to tablets and mobile phones. In this course, we will learn the basic tools that every web page coder needs to know. We will start from the ground up by learning how to implement modern web pages with HTML and CSS. We will then advance to learning how to code our pages such that its components rearrange and resize themselves automatically based on the size of the user’s screen. You’ll be able to code up a web page that will be just as useful on a mobile phone as on a desktop computer. No “pinch and zoom” required! Last but certainly not least, we will get a thorough introduction to the most ubiquitous, popular, and incredibly powerful language of the web: Javascript. Using Javascript, you will be able to build a fully functional web application that utilizes Ajax to expose server-side functionality and data to the end user....

Top reviews


Jun 10, 2020

Actually the best online course i hv ever learnt,especially the professor yaakov is quiet outstanding.And a field trip in a online course sounds rare and good!!Thank You Coursera and yakkov for this!!


Aug 19, 2023

A very detailed and comprehensive course with lots of skills to acquire and knowledge to gain. I would recommend it to every person since web development is skill with lots of demand in global market.

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851 - 875 of 5,661 Reviews for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers


Feb 28, 2021

Week 5 course is become very difficult to understand .

Because they used Jquery in that ..

Without studying Jquery it slightly difficult for me to understood soon..

it takes too much time from me ..

Overall it is worth..

By Teresa C

Jul 25, 2020

Well-paced, well-presented, engaging and informative. Despite significant pre-existing knowledge of the topic, I feel like I really learned a lot (even though the course is already 4 years old - yet hardly outdated).

By Velizar D

Dec 28, 2016

It's actually true you learn a ton of new stuff. Information is so packed and concentrated it is amazing! I'm sure that there are people working in the field that don't know a lot of the stuff covered in this course!

By Jeffrey M E

Mar 2, 2023

The HTML and CSS portions were taught a t a perfect pace. The JS portion was a little fast for me, but it was still great. These are videos, and you can always watch them more than once. Thanks for the great course.

By Nishant T

Feb 27, 2018

It helped me a lot.

Ajax topic is a little hard to understand , so feel free to get help on AJax from different sites and then come back to this. It might work wonder. The best way to learn is to get you hands dirty.

By Tribikram A

Jan 29, 2018

I go to a community college and never would have received such a learning experience if it wasn't for Coursera. The instructor has great teaching skills and covers a wide range of topics, all I can say is thank you.

By Muhammad A

Sep 14, 2023

Mr. Yakov is a very good teacher, uses simple and easy method for us to understand the basic concepts behind the logic. I strongly recommend this course if you're willing to pursue a career in software development.

By Tanmay P

Apr 16, 2020

Great course. Yaakov was teaching me from a screen in some other country but it still felt so interactive. The real world webiste part was the most unique thing I have come across. Overall, great course! Loved it.

By Saikat M

Jul 29, 2019

This is one of the best course about web development. If you know little bit about HTML , CSS & JS it will be better for you but overall it's a awesome course. This course help me a lot to enhance my knowledge .

By Nicolas C C

Sep 16, 2022

This is an exceptional course. I learned tons in just a few weeks. For those of us who don´t speak very well english, the pronunciation and the subtitles (in a lot of languages) makes everything understadeable.

By Igor S

Jul 18, 2021

I recommend this course to everyone! The teacher explains everything very clearly. Great course! Recomend for everybody! And to Mr. Yaakov Chaikin - success and new achievements! Thank you for a wonderful course!

By Hani M

Jun 14, 2021

This course is amazing, it covers a lot of web development aspects, and i really gained many skills during this course, thank you for Coursera, and for Johns Hopkins university and the instructor Yaakov Chaikin.

By Bhanu P M

Jul 6, 2020

It's a very nice course to start your web development learning. This course will take you through all the basics of web development and introduce you to different framework and libraries used for web development

By Private A

Nov 17, 2018

Excellent Course. Learnt alot in this and especially i really like the professional real life approach for the project being made in this course. Really looking forward to join more courses from this instructor.

By Sean R

Sep 1, 2017

Difficult task to cover such a broad subject in one course and you have achieved outstandingly in choosing just the right level of detail. This course is an excellent introduction to get you going and want more.

By Svetoslav D

Feb 6, 2017

Great course that covers all the crucial stuff for frondend development. I really liked how information is presented, tasks that make your brain work and use all the knowledge that you gained in previous videos.

By Moi B

Jun 8, 2023

The teacher was very good in this course. You can learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in a short amount of time. You can gain a better understanding of JavaScript programming and design with CSS in an HTML website.

By Ryan R

Jun 8, 2020

Great course. The progression through to JS was well thought out and having a real world, functional web site to analyze at the end of the course is a very helpful resource for digging deeper into the concepts.

By Alexander M

Jun 20, 2017

Great cource in this category, but i think it needs more assinments in java script and ajax category, and may-be few additional exmples of used for ajax and objects in sending and recieving objects, throw json.

By A B

Dec 8, 2016

Really good course for those, who want to start applying theoretical knowledge in practical tasks. It helped me a lot to start creating real web apps. Looking forward for Angular course from Yaakov. Rock on \m/

By Suman C

Sep 22, 2016

I loved the way Prof. Chaikin taught us in this course. Absolutely a fan of Prof. Chaikin and his teaching methodology. This is the best course so far in my experience to learn Web-Development from the scratch.

By Catherine H

Aug 11, 2016

Excellent front end course for the required level (intermediate). Does not go over concepts already known by anyone who has done some programming, and instead concentrates on the laguage most specialised areas

By Miracle S

Jul 4, 2021

had an amazing experience learning with Yaakov sir. Live project creating was the best thing that I found and the way of teaching and conveying things was top notch. Would highly recommend the course its best!

By Nikhil M

Jan 24, 2021

I have gained knowledge on web development from this course! It is a good course The weekly assignments are so good I liked it. I recommend people to take this course who wants to learn about Web development!

By Angelica P C

Dec 23, 2020

The instructor teaches his craft from the heart. The course is very informative. The lessons we're chopped into chunks of videos for better student's retention and comprehension. Thank you so much to the team.