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Learner Reviews & Feedback for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers by Johns Hopkins University

16,193 ratings

About the Course

Do you realize that the only functionality of a web application that the user directly interacts with is through the web page? Implement it poorly and, to the user, the server-side becomes irrelevant! Today’s user expects a lot out of the web page: it has to load fast, expose the desired service, and be comfortable to view on all devices: from a desktop computers to tablets and mobile phones. In this course, we will learn the basic tools that every web page coder needs to know. We will start from the ground up by learning how to implement modern web pages with HTML and CSS. We will then advance to learning how to code our pages such that its components rearrange and resize themselves automatically based on the size of the user’s screen. You’ll be able to code up a web page that will be just as useful on a mobile phone as on a desktop computer. No “pinch and zoom” required! Last but certainly not least, we will get a thorough introduction to the most ubiquitous, popular, and incredibly powerful language of the web: Javascript. Using Javascript, you will be able to build a fully functional web application that utilizes Ajax to expose server-side functionality and data to the end user....

Top reviews


Aug 19, 2023

A very detailed and comprehensive course with lots of skills to acquire and knowledge to gain. I would recommend it to every person since web development is skill with lots of demand in global market.


Jun 10, 2020

Actually the best online course i hv ever learnt,especially the professor yaakov is quiet outstanding.And a field trip in a online course sounds rare and good!!Thank You Coursera and yakkov for this!!

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751 - 775 of 5,666 Reviews for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

By Tetiana M

Dec 21, 2020

Hello Yaakov and your team.

Thank you!

This course is very intensive. Especially week 5. And I understand, this course only start for me and others, and I have to go ahead.

I wish you a big happy you and your family.

All the best.


By Abhineet S

Aug 30, 2020

It,s an Amazing Course for learning the in-depth concepts of HTML5, CSS3 and especially JavaScript. The lecturer, Mr Yaakov Chaikin is best at what he does. I do recommend you take this course and upgrade your Web Developing skills to new highs.

By Hannan S

Jun 26, 2020

I wonder how good this course is with only 5 weeks of modules. I have gone through many other courses but none serve this much efficiency along with basic knowledge. I thank Coursera, Johns Hopkins and my instructor of this course Yaakov a lot.

By Aditi P

Nov 11, 2023

This course is so help for beginners because every thing is start from the basics to advance level and the quiz level is also moderate and last peer to peer module in every module was so helpful to do a practice of what we learn in this course

By Ayman S

May 24, 2021

The Course really helped me clear all my doubts about Web Programming! Yaakov has done an excellent job in making this course fun and really interactive. I definitely recommend this course to anyone who has a great passion for web development.

By Emily J

Mar 15, 2016

This was an excellent course. I thought I knew html, css and javascript but this course gave me a much stronger foundation. The instructor is very good and I think no matter where you are in your learning, you will be able to gain quite a bit.

By Jonathan M

Jun 7, 2021

Just idea but just followed the boss' videos and WOW I got the stuff to work....took me a good few hours but did it. Editing the sublime file mirrors in the synced web page. god time for a rest. Thank you teacher.....

By Kashmala M A

Nov 2, 2018

I have learnt a lot during the study period of this online course . This is a great opportunity for a person like me and enjoy it very much. Teaching's style and methodology of Sir Yaakov is very impressive and effective.Great Course!!! :)

By Akhil C

Feb 29, 2016

This is my first course in Coursera and I am extremity happy with it. The teaching is excellent and i get remainders and updates to my E-mail on a regular basis. I never expected an online course to be this good. Thank you very much for that.

By Manuel D

Mar 5, 2017

Excellent course! Instructor develops a real-world website in the videos and builds the conceptual understanding of web development through a "this is the problem and this is how we'll solve it" approach. Don't miss out on this great course!

By Zachary P

Feb 3, 2017

课程设计非常合理有趣!老师讲解的很详细,而且真的特别幽默!!虽然报名了好几个课程,但这是我在cousera上完成的第一个! Although I've registered in several courses in Coursera, this course is the first and the only(so far) course that I have finished! So much fun and I learned a lot! Thanks Yakkov!

By Joshua H

Jun 9, 2016

Fantastic first step into Web Dev! Yaakov is a talented teacher who is clearly comfortable enough with the course material to teach effectively. I have learned so much in the past 5 weeks and I will definitely be signing up for more courses!

By Deleted A

Feb 11, 2022

I enjoyed every single part of this course. Yes, it took time and effort but it was totally worth it, I had some struggles with JS but I got through them, I would recommend this to any new learner who wants to become a full-stack developer.

By Khondokar S S

Nov 29, 2020

I have learn many skills from this course.The course instructor was excellent.

Due to the instructor,I was able to learn this many things.His teaching skills are top notch.

Hoping to do other courses of him.Best instructor one could ever get.

By Jorge H

Aug 18, 2016

Great course. It is carefully structured to quickly show the fundamental essentials. This is specially useful in a platform that is hard to identify what is current and functionally complete and what is not. It is also clearly explained.

By Anupam A

Mar 29, 2016

This was such a great learning experience. I really liked the way Yaakov has structured the course and made it so much interactive. Learning while building a real web application is so much cool! Looking expectantly at AngularJS course now!

By Nishad A M

Aug 19, 2020

Very interesting and well presented. Excellent course, This is the first course I've taken from Coursera. Before the course I knew something about HTML, CSS and JavaScript but not too much. Now i understand the structure and how to use it.

By Sheetal M

Aug 18, 2020

One of the best courses. Very well explained, I enjoyed a lot with the teaching and the comprehensive assignments. It was fun to take up this course. I loved the way the instructor teaches us from scratch how to build a real-world website.

By Konstantin P

Feb 9, 2021

A really great introduction to the world of web. With the given examples, its really easy to understand the underlying content of the course. The best part of the course is the trainer, who really seems to enjoy it and makes learning fun.

By Ahmed A

Oct 29, 2023

Professor Yacoub is indeed one of the best speakers and lecturers I have ever had in my life, so I hope to meet him one day. I thank him again, and I thank the university and the Coursera website very, very much for this wonderful course

By Allan N

Jul 17, 2017

Concepts are well delivered in this course. I like the way everything is made simple and you can go back and review materials and understand why certain functions are done the way they are. I also like that you can move at your own pace.

By Rajendra R

Jun 2, 2016

I think this course and lectures are excellent i have ever learned on Online course.

I am able to learn a lot of pretty much of things which i never learn before.

Thank you Coursera and Johns Hopkins University to brings this course to us!

By Eugene T

May 29, 2016

If you're looking for practical web-development skills, clear explanations, and plentiful examples, this is the right course you should enroll in. Highly recommended for those who don't have any experience in web-development like me lol.

By Shyamal J B

Jan 19, 2024

Really liked the content of the course. This course is great for learning the basics of the web development and for building a strong foundation on HTML, CSS and Javascript. Thank you Yaakov Sir, JHU and Coursera for making this course.

By Vipul K

Feb 27, 2022

Thanks so much for your very valuable training. I really enjoyed it, and appreciated that you made it fun! I feel much better prepared to deal with uncomfortable issues. Thank you for your wisdom, experience and personable presentation.