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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Psychology by University of Toronto

5,021 ratings

About the Course

This course will highlight the most interesting experiments within the field of psychology, discussing the implications of those studies for our understanding of the human mind and human behavior. We will explore the brain and some of the cognitive abilities it supports like memory, learning, attention, perception and consciousness. We will examine human development - both in terms of growing up and growing old - and will discuss the manner in which the behavior of others affect our own thoughts and behavior. Finally we will discuss various forms of mental illness and the treatments that are used to help those who suffer from them. The fact of the matter is that humans routinely do amazing things without appreciating how interesting they are. However, we are also routinely influenced by people and events without always being aware of those influences. By the end of this course you will have gained a much better understanding and appreciation of who you are and how you work. And I can guarantee you that you'll learn things that you'll be telling your friends and family about, things that will fundamentally change the way you think of yourself and others. How can you resist that?!...

Top reviews


Jan 25, 2021

I found this course very interesting and interactive. I especially enjoyed the week of extra videos where we went into detailed psychological concepts like dreaming. Thank you for an amazing 12 weeks!


Nov 27, 2021

Perfect start. This motivates me to learn more. Prof. Steve is my favorite teacher now. Couldn't have asked for a better person to teach me. Scratched the surface pretty well, now time to dive deeper.

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51 - 75 of 1,695 Reviews for Introduction to Psychology

By Nel

Dec 29, 2016

It was a really good course. Into a relatively short span of time the course instructor managed to put a lot of interesting subjects. I would even take psychology II if I could. And for me it's very important that this course was interesting, so even if the lectures went over 10-15 minutes, they never seemed to be slow. I definitely would like to see more courses like this on the subject of psychology. And thank you for anyone and everyone involved with it.

By Harrinei K

May 21, 2020

This is one great course. I would recommend it 100%. You needn't necessarily take this course for a professional benefit, the syllabus is coherent and thorough, easy, and interesting. You never feel the burden of learning at any point. Professor Steve is amazing and so cool. He is extremely knowledgeable and at the same time, funny. Follow up properly on the topics and do every extra reading the professor suggests, would not regret taking this one.

By Yuliia A

Mar 12, 2018

Really great course to start the journey into the world of psychology. Professor provides clear information in an interesting and engaging form. Plus, in contrast to some other courses with 4 or 5 weeks of few lectures, here you get 8 weeks with 7-9 lectures in each. I really enjoyed it! And will definitely wait for the next one, in order to go along with the course and purchase a certificate (I found out about this course too late to finish it in time).

By Hermes J D R P

May 23, 2020

An amazing and enjoyable course by Prof. Joordens. In my opinion, his ability to tell incredible stories while teaching new concepts was the best feature of the course. I also liked his authentic personality and his unbiased way of talking about any psychological and social concept. In summary, the course covers a wide range of psychological ideas and they're well complemented by the extra material given at the end of each lecture. Utterly recommended!

By Dr. H L

Feb 15, 2020

Very interesting, good to follow - even for non-native speakers. I especially liked the many different examples and experiments that made it easy to understand the effects on our every day life. Of course, I am not an expert, but I feel that I got a good overview of psychology. So for me as an engineer, it was a very enlightening excursus into a new topic. Thank you, Prof. Steve Joordens!

By Farhad H

Sep 22, 2020

Thank you for the great experience. The course provides an excellent survey of the psychology discipline. I thoroughly enjoyed the lectures, quizzes, and written assignment. The written assignment made the course "real". I had to understand the concept and apply it to the world around me. It provided a good taste of university course.

By putri p

Apr 22, 2021

I really enjoy on this course, eventhough my english is not well , but i do my best, and i was really great to be here, i can say that this class so amazing.. and next time i'll join on this course :)

i love this class , the subject and the lecture and the learning materials i can understand..

thank you :)

By Gisela B

Nov 15, 2020

Steve Joordens is one of the best teachers I have ever had the pleasure to learn of. If you want to explore psychology in general, this is your course, this man is amazing! I have bought another course of him in another platform to continue.

Thank you very much :)

By Nikhilesh D

Nov 28, 2021

Perfect start. This motivates me to learn more. Prof. Steve is my favorite teacher now. Couldn't have asked for a better person to teach me. Scratched the surface pretty well, now time to dive deeper.

By Lutfun N

Nov 19, 2020

This is the best MOOC I've done till now.

By Siddharth S

May 11, 2017

The course material is interesting and easily understandable. Also, the professor is really engaging, and I loved the lectures. (P.S. He has a really dry sense of humour!). The tests are comprehensive and cover both memory and application of the concepts explained in the lectures. Also, the extra reading and video material is really cool!

The peer-review assignment could have been handled a little better, I'm not sure everyone (including me) clearly understood the grading criteria while submitting and during the peer-review phase.

All in all, definitely a course I recommend for a basic look into Psychology! :)

By Colin M

Jun 28, 2023

Very disappointed in this course. Most of the videos referenced are bad links and not available. It appears that the lab experiments are not available for the on line version of this course.

I will not be continuing with this course. I suspect the rave revues are also very dated and no longer relevant.


Dec 13, 2020

I am having a hard time accomplishing the task, to the extent I was flagged that I plagiarized my work.

By Gift K

Sep 27, 2023

Studying Introduction to Psychology can help you develop various valuable skills, including: 1. Critical Thinking: You'll learn to analyze and evaluate information, theories, and research findings critically. 2. Research Skills: Understanding research methods in psychology will enable you to design and conduct experiments and surveys. 3. Problem-Solving: Psychology teaches you to approach complex human behavior and mental processes with problem-solving techniques. 4. Communication: You'll improve your ability to express ideas clearly and effectively, both in writing and verbally. 5. Empathy: Studying psychology can enhance your empathy and understanding of diverse perspectives. 6. Observation Skills: You'll become more observant and skilled at noticing nuances in human behavior. 7. Data Analysis: Learning to interpret data and statistics is crucial in psychology. 8. Stress Management: Understanding stress and coping mechanisms can help you manage stress in your own life. 9. Ethics: You'll gain knowledge of ethical principles, which is essential for conducting research and interacting with others. 10. Self-Awareness: Psychology can help you understand your own behavior, thoughts, and emotions better, leading to improved self-awareness. 11. Interpersonal Skills: You'll learn about interpersonal relationships, communication, and conflict resolution. 12. Decision-Making: Psychology provides insights into decision-making processes and biases, improving your decision-making skills. 13. Problem-Solving: You'll develop strategies to address personal and interpersonal challenges. 14. Time Management: Balancing coursework and assignments can enhance your time management skills. 15. Research Literacy: You'll become adept at evaluating the validity and reliability of research studies. These skills are not only valuable for those pursuing a career in psychology but are also applicable in various other fields and everyday life situations.

By Veerle D S

Apr 14, 2021

I saw some of the side dish videos before deciding to take this course. Steven Joordens is very enthousiastic about psychology, and is a good communicator and teacher. This shows in this course and the videos. He seems to teach without any preparation, everything from the top of his head. Very inspiring! For that reason alone I would recommend going through some or all of this course. That said, this may be a challenging course, if you have no previous knowledge of psychology or anatomy for that matter, as the first lectures are about brain anatomy and neurophysiology. For me these were an interesting refresher from courses I took a long time ago. The next weeks' courses build on these basics though, so I can imagine a lot of people do not complete the tests or the final assignment for lack of enough basic background (consolidation of knowledge) retained from previous weeks.

By Brittney N

Jan 7, 2021

I really enjoyed this course. The professor, Steve Joordens, videos are so well done that I often forgot that he couldn't see me and that I was only watching a video. He speaks to the audience, not the camera, and it makes all the difference with keeping viewers engaged. He is a very personable fella and delightfully human. Topics were very well thought out and the delivery was clear and easy to understand. Most importantly, the topics were relatable (Steve would give examples of famous people with the discussed topic and their stories or fun little "did you knows?" kinda things) and therefore easier to remember. I also really appreciated all of the extended reading and video links provided at the end of each lecture. A really fascinating course and a perfect introduction to psychology!

By Anne S

Sep 29, 2023

An extremely rich overview of Psychology. You'll gain a good understanding of its history, its research fields and specific topics of interest such as neuropsychology, mental illnesses and memory. Steve Joordans is a fun professor to listen to, not only because of his obvious passion for the topic but also because he manages to put each subject into the bigger context. Tip: many of the follow-up links are outdated by now but a simple Google or YouTube search will get you similar and more up-to-date content – following up has definitely deepened my understanding of all the topics touched in this course and made it easier to remember them. I also loved doing the assignment, it was a helpful exercise of applying what I've learned to the real world. Thank you for this great learning experience!

By Jeanne P

May 24, 2022

I love this course! As a grade 12 student who's still unsure of what to take for college, this course made me feel more confident in choosing Psychology as my course. The lessons are also really eye-opening, and it covered my favorite topics like mental illness and social psychology, which kept me interested throughout the course. The professor is very comprehensive in sharing his lessons, and he also doesn't fail to entertain his students during lectures. The writing assignment was most challenging part of the course, but I like how the course lets us choose the topic ourselves so it's easier. However, I saw students that didn't do the assignment properly so I think that should be monitored. Nevertheless, it was a great experience.

By Valeria G

Jul 15, 2021

This was the first course I take in Coursera and I totally loved it!

To start, Professor Joordens made the course engaging and easy to follow as he provided several types of examples like researches and experiments. Moreover, it has a mini questionary at the end of every lecture to practice what you have learned. In addition, it has lots of extra material, including videos or readings to look at.

Overall, I am very grateful for this course, I had a fascinating experience, I had fun learning the basics and, now, I am more than sure that I want to study Psychology as a career. I definitely recommend this course to everyone interested in psychology. Thanks Professor Joordens! Best regards, Valeria, from Peru

By Kateryna K

Mar 27, 2023

🎓Vivat Academia! Vivant professores!

Thanks, Steve Joordens and Coursera for the Introduction to Psychology course by the University of Toronto for this awesome opportunity, first of all, to understand yourself, to understand others, and finally to improve critical thinking skills.

There are other important benefits I got from those lessons. For instance, I got a lot of enjoyment and a positive mood. It should be emphasized that understanding ourselves better can help us improve our relationships with others, our communication skills, our motivation, and how we relate to the world around us. Furthermore, remember that an investment in yourself is the greatest one you can make.

By Kayra J

Sep 1, 2020

La forma didáctica y la manera evolutiva que fue dado el curso hizo sencillo el comprender el origen de la psicología. Como el factor emocional, las relaciones afectivas, el entorno pueden influir en el bienestar mental de una persona a tal punto de hacer que sea psicológicamente inestable. Las enfermedades mentales y desordenes del comportamiento son enfermedades silenciosas que si no son detectadas a tiempo pueden llegar a ser un peligro, no sólo para el individuo sino para todos aquel que están a su alrededor. Gracias a la psicología se puede ayudar a que estas personas pueden llevar una vida más estable.

By Jacqueline J

Jan 13, 2021

Es un curso introductorio que da una amplia mirada a tópicos que debiéramos aprender para mejorar nuestro entendimiento humano en todo orden, a nivel personal, espiritual y social. Lo que más agradezco del curso es la capacidad del profesor en entusiasmar y mostrar alternativas, con una empatía hacia nosotros los alumnos que lo hace ser muy cercano. Seguir el curso es fácil, recomiendo estudiar y revisar bien los links, algunos no tienen los enlaces, pero hoy la información está al alcance de la mano y es cuestión de profundizar por nuestra cuenta. Gracias !!

By Arnab K K

Sep 6, 2020

Prof. Steve is one of the best instructors I have ever come across. He takes an enormous amount of effort to help us understand the topics. He really wants us to learn as best as we can. It was a sheer privilege to have been under his tutelage during this online course. Thank you very much, professor. The course content is also adequate. I learned a lot of things I'd never have got to know on my own. One topic of my personal interest which was not covered was 'psychology and the workplace'. Anyway, I'm very happy I enrolled and completed this course!

By Sandra S

Nov 28, 2020

I absolutely loved this course .It was so very interesting even understanding different parts of the brain and what they do.Human behaviour ,mental illness ,history of psychology and so much more .Steve Jordon is an amazing teacher .He made this course so very interesting that you really looked forward to doing it.This course is extremely good and I highly recommend it.Im 62 with no former education at all .I am trying to keep my brain active in my senior years and am so happy I chose this course thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt so much .

By Sara G

May 2, 2024

Professor Steve really did a brilliant job at introducing different disciplines and areas of Psychology in the course. I enjoyed the challenge of linking one of the Psychological concepts we learned to a real-world current event. Not a single 'boring' lecture, fun facts all around, and I still haven't gone through most of the extra reading materials and videos, but hopefully I'll be able to in the coming weeks. Thoroughly enjoyed this, and for my first-time introduction into the actual science of Psychology, I couldn't have asked for more!