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Learner Reviews & Feedback for R Programming by Johns Hopkins University

22,200 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for effective data analysis. You will learn how to install and configure software necessary for a statistical programming environment and describe generic programming language concepts as they are implemented in a high-level statistical language. The course covers practical issues in statistical computing which includes programming in R, reading data into R, accessing R packages, writing R functions, debugging, profiling R code, and organizing and commenting R code. Topics in statistical data analysis will provide working examples....

Top reviews


Aug 11, 2019

Very challenging, but good course. I've been programming in R for over a year, but there were still some things for me to pick up in this class. Assignments were a challenge, but satisfying to tackle.


Jul 11, 2016

Excellent course! I already knew a lot about R - but this class helped me solidify what I already knew, taught me lots of new tricks, and now I have a certificate that says I know `something' about R!

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4576 - 4600 of 4,728 Reviews for R Programming

By Omar A (


Jun 1, 2018

I did not enjoy this course at all. Even though I work as a software developer, this "Introduction to R" was very boring, and the lack of real examples in the lessons made me very confused as to why we do stuff.

More over, the assignment level comparing to the content in the videos is too high in my opinion.

The only thing I enjoyed through the course was the swirl package.

By Daryl A


Sep 11, 2020

If you read the 4 and 5 star reviews they are people who have R experience already. The only prereq for this course is supposed to be regression experience only. This is definitely a learn completely on your own with the videos and text provided by the actual course completely useless. If you are new to R or any programming at all this course will do very little for you.

By Yes I H a N


Apr 6, 2020

In desperate need of an ISD. Very bad descriptions, the quizzes are not sufficiently built around the lecture content, heavily relies on using an "optional" external module which is vastly superior to the actual course content....but the external module is only presented at the very end. Not impressed. Far too much external searching for unaddressed concepts and ideas.

By Tolani B


Aug 20, 2019

This is one of the worst course i have ever taken on coursera, the assignment is so different from what was taught in class, in fact they have nothing in common and the instructor gulps so much and so frequently and he teaches as if he is in a hurry, if there was a lower rating than 1 star, thats what i would have rated it, i spent months on this course. awful

By Aditi M


Aug 7, 2017

They say that this course is for beginners, but it's really not! Someone recommended I take this course to get ahead in my career, but honestly it takes hours on end to learn and the slides are unclear as well as lack basic information to learn. I had to use the internet a lot as well as a friend to teach me basic concepts otherwise I would have been lost.

By Iván M F


Sep 3, 2022

There is a huge gap between the lectures and the assingments.

Some exercises require the use of knowledge that has never been covered before.

The lessons seem to me to be very theoretical and only cover very basic aspects.

I was expecting for example videos in which the teacher explains how to solve complex exercises.

I'm really disapointed with this course.

By alazarek


Jun 1, 2016

Death by power point. If you can learn from essentially listening to a pod cast and reading unix type manual pages, then this course is for you! If you're like the rest of the population, then these lecture videos are useless. The only redeeming quality to this course has been the homework, but you can find them online or come up with them on your own.

By Rukesh G


Jul 12, 2020

There is an incredibly wide difference between the levels lectures and the exercises presented on Swirl and the coding needed to pass the assignments. This is a huge detriment to the learning objectives of the course.

It seems like the "lectures are about addition of two numbers" and the "programming assignments are like differential calculus".

By Arne K


May 27, 2021

To my opinion there's a huge disconnect between the lectures and the programming assignments. A lot of functions/programming required in assignments is not taught in the lectures and thus need to be looked for in other sources. Moreover, the lectures contain a lot of weak languange making it unnecessarily difficult to follow.

By James S


Mar 13, 2016

Completely lost. This is not meant for rank beginners. Data Camp's free R course has been much more helpful for me than this. It doesn't have the same level of detail as this, but at least I'm not watching an instructor gloss over concepts or ideas that are completely foreign to me as someone completely new to programming.



Aug 25, 2020

Had the toughest time doing this course. A huge lag between course content and the assignments. Kindly consider upgrading the course content so its better designed for beginners. Or at least consider providing additional reading material or helpful information. This course is hardly becoming of a John Hopkins' course.

By Attila C


Jan 22, 2018

1) The faculty should talk more about the slides, draw on them. It is hard to follow in the current form. 2) The assignments are not relevant to the learning, except week 4. 3) The faculty speaks too slow. I listened to him at 1.5x speed. 4) Plotting should have a bigger part in the course. 5) SWIRL is GREAT!

By Swapnil G


Sep 22, 2019

The course lacked overall structure which really impedes learning. There was barely an explanation of why we were learning a particular topic. I believe it might be really helpful to have an overarching project that we work throughout the course, and new topics are introduced in relation to that project.

By David


Feb 28, 2016

Only the most basic of instructions for R, which are bland and easily read in the documentation or other free resources. There are very few best practices or real examples to use anything found within. The quizzes and assignments do not match the lecture material and are contrived. Not worth the money!

By Eric J S


Aug 6, 2019

The lectures never motivated the subject matter. The material should have been broken up across multiple courses and be introduced as needed. The course difficulty was highly uneven, expectations from the lectures were noticeably lower than expectations for the quizzes and especially the projects.

By Tanvir A


Aug 6, 2020

Don't do this.Don't waste your time.The instructor teaches you like normal A,B,C,D and the assignments were like go to the moon and come back within half-an-hour.

Watch how Dr. Chuck designed his PYTHON FOR EVERYBODY course and the assignments and learn how to design course module .Disgusting !!!

By Thomas A


Jun 30, 2018

Course has the appearance of being quickly thrown together. Assignments are impossible to complete due to random number generation mismatches. Lecture content frequently does not really help with the assignments, and a lot of the video information is extremely useless in real world applications.

By Rodolfo N R


Dec 27, 2017

Professor is not good, his English is awful and does not explain in a easy way what he tries to teach.

Content is not organized and tasks are not aligned with the content.

I have to say that I won't recomend this course, however, I would like to help to improve this course if you need help.

By Luis G M D L C


Oct 30, 2016

Very painful training, the contents reviewed in the material will not make you capable to solve the weekly assignments, you will have to learn what you need on your own. To me the only value added of this course is that I will receive a proof that I know how to define basic functions in R.

By Arjun N


Apr 7, 2016

The course is misleading - the difficulty ramps up too quickly, with the result that those who do not have a programming background will not be able to keep up. It should be toned down and reworked, or split into two courses. Cramming everything into 4 weeks makes everything too difficult.

By Maneesh K


Feb 4, 2016

The teacher goes very fast with the concepts without really spending much time on each of them. It will be great if instead of covering all things in short amount of time, the teacher could write R code using each type of function in console so that students know exactly what to expect.

By Albert W


Jan 18, 2016

The gap between the lecture materials and programming assignment is enormous. So much of lecture seem to be on the history and theoretical of R programming that it completely fails to cover the material needed to actually completed the programming assignments. Incredibly disappointing!

By Michael C


Apr 2, 2023

I would give this a zero as it does not prepare you to complete any of the assignments in the course. This course does not teach you how to program in R. It just explains it is about, and then gives you assignments to complete without the necesary tools or skill to complete them.

By Afia M


Jul 25, 2020

Only take this course if you're already familiar with the basics of R programming, otherwise don't bother. The instructor is no help and you'll have to search the internet to complete the required assignments. Don't know about skills but this course sure gave me a lot of stress.

By Lefteris L


May 25, 2017

The lecture material was very poor in terms of content and barely scratched the surface of the topic. I don't consider that passing this course you will learn anything but the very basics of R programming. In that respect you are better off reading a book on R.